Bible Knowledge - Bible Students
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Oh how we need preachers and saints with a solid doctrinal
foundation today!
Please browse this section for some articles on the precious teachings
of God's holy word.
- Acts 12:4 - Many Bible
teachers have given their reasons for the presence of Easter
in Acts 12:4. What is the easiest answer? Read
to find out.
- Apostles: Do We Still Have Them
Today? What are the qualifications of apostles? Are missionaries
apostles? Were the apostles continued?
Baptisms -
Introduction: Christians disagree about baptism. Even Baptists hold
knives to each other’s throats on this topic, especially when someone
suggests that there might be more than one baptism. Because of the
subject’s importance, many hours have been spent studying it. Though
much has been learned from others, this article takes a unique approach
which will hopefully be helpful to the reader. However, no man’s
teaching is without error. As in all doctrinal studies, scripture is the
final authority for all truth.
- Filling of the Spirit: The last one is not a baptism though some would
refer to it as such. It is the filling of the Spirit. However, if you
are a child of God, you are commanded to be filled with the Spirit. You
must say, “Lord I am not in charge of my heart and life; you are. I open
my heart entirely to you. I will trust by faith that you will take me
and use me as you will.”
Baptisms -
Spirit Baptism: What is Spirit baptism? Is this some sort of external
experience that we ought to seek today or is this a total
misrepresentation of the scriptures?
Baptisms - Baptism with the Holy Ghost:
To understand the baptism with the Holy Ghost, you must understand that
it was an event. Acts 1:6 teaches that the baptism with the Holy Ghost
would occur “not many days hence.” We know that this baptism occurred in
Acts chapter two on the Day of Pentecost. It was a special day. It was a
unique day. It is not to be sought again and again. On that day, the
believing Jews were brought into the baptism with the Holy Ghost.
Baptisms -
Water Baptism: Generally speaking, the way John baptized Jesus is how we
baptize believers in water today. It is not John baptizing Jesus, but it
is one man, usually a preacher, who as the Administrator takes the
person who has come to be baptized, the Subject, and puts them into the
water, the Medium. You have the Administrator, the Subject and the
Medium. That is still our basic form of baptism as to external physical
Bible Reading Plan 222:
Here is a plan for reading the Bible through in 222 days. It
mixes Old and New Testament readings and it is easy to do.
Bible Knowledge Quiz:
your knowledge with a general Bible knowledge quiz. This
quiz grades itself and automatically gives you a score.
Bible Quiz on Genesis
1:1-23 - This Bible quiz is not for the faint of heart
but it is a great way to learn. Are you willing to
try it?
Quiz on the Life of the Apostle Paul: Test you
knowledge of the Apostle's life. New Quiz format
that will give you a grade. Make
sure you check this out.
Biblical Overview of the Death Penalty: Many who oppose the death
penalty will quote the sixth commandment, as the basis for their argument. However, the same God who commanded us not to kill (outside of
defending oneself) esteemed the value of human life in such high regard that He established the
very law they oppose as a deterrent to murder.
Biblical Value of Pi:
Did Solomon know the value of pi when he gave the instructions
for the molten sea? Article by Eric Nafziger.
Calvinism - Theology for the Hard
Hearted Part 1: This article deals with an introduction to the
doctrine of Calvinism as well as an explanation of the Calvinist/Arminianist
debate. You don't have to be either of the two.
Calvinism - Theology for the Hard
Hearted Part 2: This section deals with several of the arguments set
forth by Calvinists and a refutation to their assumptions. It also
contains links to other helpful resources dealing with this teaching.
The Childhood
of Samuel - 1Samuel 2:1-36: Samuel, the gift of
God to a praying mother, ministered in his early years. God
worked in his life and used him mightily.
Contrition: the Key to Revival
- Psalm 34:18 - What is contrition? The introduction
to this sermon will tell you.
Could Christ Have
Sinned? Bible students have argued for years over whether
or not Christ could have sinned when the devil tempted Him
(Matthew 4; Luke 4). But is it possible that we are asking
the wrong question?
Death of Judas: How did Judas
Did he hang himself or fall headlong and his bowels gush out? This
article answers the question.
Why We Need It - Article of introduction to the doctrinal
system of dispensationalism. Why is it such an important
and Creation Week: Most dispensationalists teach
that there are seven dispensations. Also, there are
seven days in a week. Is there a connection? Read
to find out.
- Introduction: Ecclesiastes is one of the most
misunderstood books in the Bible. Here are some keys
to help you.
Eternal Security: After
you are saved, what keeps you from losing your salvation? This
discipleship lesson shows why we are eternally secure.
Euthanasia - Four Arguments Against
It: Euthanasia, or mercy-killing, is now common. But,
is it right? This outline argues against it.
Ezekiel 24:7? -
Do the different readings of Ezekiel 24:7 in different editions
of the King James Bible prove it to be wrong?
Unto Death or Death Unto Fruit Is fruit always
good? Everybody in the world is partaking of and bringing
forth fruit, but some fruit leads to death.
Gap or Not? Is there
a gap between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2? Read this article
and see what you think.
- Introduction:
The book of Genesis is introduced by a study of its full
title: The First Book of Moses Called Genesis.
Lesson Two - In the Beginning: Notes on Genesis 1:1.
the three heavens and distinguishes between the biblical
words create, make and form.
Genesis One by Wayne Barkett:
Verse by verse notes on this very important chapter in the
Genesis Two by Wayne Barkett:
Verse by verse notes.
Genesis 4:20 - Wayward
Civilization: Where did civilization come from? How
did it get to the place it is now? This passage gives
important clues.
God's Word as a Tree of Life:
practical lessons can be learned by comparing the Bible to
the tree of life found in Genesis and again in Revelation.
Groves - The use of groves in pagan
worship is found in the King James Bible and in the New Age
Movement of today.
Why is it left out of the new versions of the Bible?
Hanukkah: Festival of
Lights - To most Americans of today, Hanukkah is nothing
more than the Jewish answer to Christmas. What can
we learn from this feast that Jesus Himself honored by his
10:23-29 - Do I have eternal security? Is
it possible to commit the sin mentioned in this passage
after you have trusted in Christ?
6:4-6 - Proof of losing your salvation? What does
this passage teach about salvation and the possibility
of losing it?
How To Study the Bible: Revelation,
Inspiration, Preservation, Illumination - Lesson One: This
lesson exalts the importance of the Bible and tells why it
is such a special book.
Humility in the
Servant's Heart: The state of your heart is of utmost
importance in Christian service.
The true servant of Christ is called to have a humble heart.
Israel, Land of Blessing:
Deuteronomy 8:8 - This verse names seven products that
come as blessings in Israel. This article brings out the
typology of the wheat, barley, vines, figs, pomegranates,
olive oil, and honey. Excellent article
Jesus and Wine: I'm
sure you have heard the old excuse "well Jesus drank wine,
so why can't I?", but have you ever taken the time to
see if that is true or not according to the scriptures?
John 1:18 -
Jesus has gone from the "only begotten Son" to the "only
begotten God" to the "One and Only." How
did this happen and what does it mean?
Jonah 1: God calls
Jonah to go to Nineveh but he runs from God until he finds
himself in the belly of a fish. A lesson on the endeavors
of the backslider. This lesson also includes information
on the accuracy of the text concerning Jonah and the fish.
Judgment Seat
of Christ by Doug Stauffer: This teaching may challenge
your present beliefs about what will happen at the believers'
of God versus Kingdom of Heaven: Bible believers
have often discussed this issue. Are they the same
or are they different? You may be surprised what
you read.
Law and the Number
Five - God's design can be seen in His use of numbers. The
number five is uniquely woven into the Old Testament law.
Leprosy: Leviticus 13:1-46;
14:1-32: A type of sin. This lesson discusses
the character of leprosy and the condition and cleansing
of the leper.
Leviticus 7:11-15 - Thanksgiving:
the Perfect Sacrifice - What does Thanksgiving
mean to you.
See how the Levitical thanksgiving offering reveals the power
of a thankful heart.
Lost Without
a Tract to Stand On: What kind of limitations are placed
on tracts? Are tracts large
enough that one could be saved by reading it alone and
nothing else? Can a man be saved without a human witness
present? In this article,
Pastor Reagan responds to an article claiming that a tract
cannot save anyone unless a human is present.
Matthew 16:28:
What does Matthew 16:28 mean? What did Jesus mean when
He said
"Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which
shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming
in his kingdom."?
Meat Offering -
Leviticus 2:1-16: What is the meat offering? Why
is that the best name for it? How is the word meat
in scripture? This Sunday School Lesson may help
you understand this wonderful offering.
Music Articles:
A series of short articles on good music and how
to tell the difference.
in the New Testament Church: Are instruments
allowed in the worship service? What should be the purpose
of the music in a worship service? All of this and
more is covered in this article.
Nazarite Vow: Numbers 6:1-27 -
Describes the three restrictions on the one who took the Nazarite
Compares to Christian discipleship.
Offend - How is the
word used in scripture?: Do hurt feelings prove
that you do not love the law of God? What does the
word offend mean?
Prophecy and Its
Importance - Why did God put so much prophecy in the
Bible? Why should we study prophecy? This study
outline tells why.
Prophecy and
its Interpretation: Notes for serious students
on the identity of prophecy, the laws of Bible interpretation
and the interpretation of Bible prophecy.
Remembering Christ's Passion: Has
the movie The Passion of the Christ taken the place
of the Lord's Supper? Karl Lohman has made an important observation.
Romans 13:8 - Owe No Man: What
does this passage mean when it says to owe no man any thing?
Sabbath Day Keeping:
Should the Sabbath be observed by Christians? Is Sunday
worship the mark of the beast? Was it an invention of
the Catholics?
Seven Characteristics of False
Teachers - Written 350 years, this article tells how
to spot false teachers.
It is still true today.
Seven Natural
Divisions of the Bible: How many verses are really
in the Bible? What are the middle verses? When
did our Bible get divided into verses?
This and much more in this article.
So You Want to
Lose Your Salvation - What would actually have to happen
for you to lose your salvation? This article explains.
The Ten Lost
Tribes: A number
of years ago, Herbert Armstrong and his Worldwide Church
of God were known for their teaching that England and America
were the lost tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh which would
leave ten tribes still missing. This theory is refuted
by the word of God.
The Three James': James
is the given name for three prominent men in the New Testament.
They include two of the twelve apostles and one of the brothers
of Jesus. This has caused much confusion as to the identity
of the Book of James. We will look at the three men named James
and then consider the author of the book.
Thousand Year Reign of Christ:
Premillennialism is the
doctrinal system teaching that this age will end with the physical return of
Jesus Christ to the earth when He sets up a kingdom that will continue for
one thousand years. The belief in the thousand year reign comes from a
literal acceptance of Revelation 20:1-10.
To Gap or Not To Gap: Genesis 1:1-2 -
Extensive scriptural discussion. WARNING:
People have already changed their minds by reading this article.
Unfinished Work of a Crucified Saviour- What
did Jesus mean when He said, "It is Finished"? Was
everything completed on the cross?
Unpardonable Sin: Are You Guilty? The unpardonable
sin and blasphemy against the Holy Ghost as recorded in Matthew
12:31-32 is a problem passage for many people. What
is this sin? Who can commit it?
War of the Seeds: Cain & Abel;
David &
Goliath; Jesus and Judas - What do they have in common? What
are the two seeds? Article by Drew Ray.
the Kingdom Offered to Israel? One of the basic
teachings of classic dispensationalism states that Jesus
Christ came to offer the kingdom to Israel. Is this
true? Let's review the evidence.
What the
New Testament Says About the Jews - Many Jews and professing
Christians believe that the New Testament teaches a hatred
of the Jewish people. This is just not so. See
what the Bible says.
Who Are the Baptists?
What is it that makes Baptists Baptists?
What is a Conviction? Are
convictions biblical? Do you have to be willing to die
for them?
Are they nothing more than a preference? Read to find
Why I Reject Salvation
By Works For Any Dispensation - Are we saved by works? Has
man ever been saved by works? Outline study by David
of the Bible: Put your Bible knowledge to the
test. How much do you know about the women of the
Bible? This quiz will resort the questions and even
use some different questions so go ahead and take it more
than once if you want to.