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Genesis 1:1 Beginning of Creation
“Beginning” – sometime
in eternity past (unknown)
“God” – Author of all creation
“Created” – Out of nothing
made He something
“The Heaven” – Not a Heaven,
but the Heaven (cf. the Earth).
This is the 3rd Heaven,
or an abode. The word “heaven” in Hebrew can be either singular
or plural. In the Old KJV the word is preserved singular. In
all other corrupt versions the word is plural.
Heavens in Scripture
1st Heaven –
atmosphere around earth
2nd Heaven –
space that contains planets and stars
3rd Heaven –
Abode of God (created by God)
“The Earth” – this planet
specifically. There are no other earths. We do not know anything
about the topographical setting, but apparently there was much water. The
earth was not haphazardly thrown together, but supernaturally weighed,
measured and balanced – not without form, cf. Isaiah 40:12. (Thus
God creates a place for Himself, the Creator, and a place for His creations.)
Did God create the earth
in some incomplete or nebulous form or fashion and then had to rework
or modify it for it to be a “formed” earth? In everything God created,
He did not use any kind of process whether short or long. God created
the trees, plants, fish, fowl, animals, and man in what we may term “apparent
age.” In other words, everything was created not only full-size
and shape but perfect in design.
The words “without form”
and “void” do not follow the creative continuity of size, shape and perfection,
if we assume God followed a consistent pattern of creation (which I believe
He did). However, to believe in a pre-Adamic earth whereby a watery
Judgment was pronounced would be a more reasonable approach, as continuity
in creation would then be consistent. By this, we would assume
in Genesis 1:1 that the earth in the beginning was created in perfect form
and size.
Job 38:4-7 indicates
angelic beings before the foundation of the Earth or before men
(no speculation of any animal life can be made concerning this Pre-Adamic
– the closest is Jeremiah 4:25). Hence, fossils are not from this era
but rather are from the animals created during the six 24-hour days.
of Original Earth (Ezekiel 28:14-17) (Isaiah 14:12-17)
Lucifer sins – loses
position in Heaven and is cast out
Causes chaos on Earth
(desires to run the show – good and bad angel battle?)
1:2 Judgment for Sin (Jer. 4:23, 26-28)
Prison for Angels
It appears that for some
reason God chose water to imprison and judge angels. Consider the
following verses:
(1) Genesis 1:2 – Darkness upon the face of
the deep (chaotic, watery grave of the Pre-Adamic earth)
(2) Matthew
8:26-27 –
Jesus rebukes the sea (as He did the devils)
(3) Matthew 8:32 – Swine with fallen angels perish
in sea – why did they head in that direction? The Lord tricked
them and imprisoned the devils or fallen angels.
(4) 2Peter 2:4 –
chains of darkness
(5) Jude
6 – chains under darkness
(6) Revelation
9:14 – Angels bound in Euphrates (watery prison)
(7) Revelation 20:13 – Sea gave up its dead (this is
different from the resurrected dead)
(8) Revelation 21:1 – No more sea (Lucifer and his crowd
are now in the Lake of Fire – no more need for a watery prison)
Note: The
“without form and void” cannot be taken as a process of creation without
destroying the continuity of the following 24-hour days. When God
created, He spoke the Word and it was done. To inject any form
of progressive creation fuels the fire for theistic evolutionists. Besides,
when did Isaiah 14:17 occur? When did the Devil make the world a
wilderness and destroy its cities? If not Pre-Adamic earth, then
God makes a partial end
to earth (which blocks angelic warfare). Heaven black – Earth void
(a watery blob). Cities destroyed – (no pointless word studies
of “was” will be presented).
1:3 – Re-creation Begins (or Creation continues)
A restructuring for a
new life (everything to be designed for planet earth)
Light made to dominate
darkness (the potential) – through light energy
Darkness of Judgment
still present
1:4 – Natural Law established
Light separated from
darkness (the action)
No diffusion (made functional
for future man)
(No sun, moon, stars
1:5 – First Day (of six 24-hour creative days)
Earth set on axis
Rotation established
Time begins (no sun yet
to rule the day…)
(The earth still at this
point is a watery grave)
Evening and morning denote
a rotational time period even without the sun
1:6 – Beginning of surface normalization
“Let” – God directs this
“Firmament” – a space
(or spanse) to remove some of the waters of Judgment from Earth
Half of the water is
divided from itself
1:7 – “Made” – God now makes this space which separates the
into two vast bodies
“Under,” “Above” –
Direction of the division given is one body of water above the other. The
one body of water on the earth still covering the land – the other body
hurled or dissipated above the earth (cf. Psalm 148:4).
1:8 – “Heaven” – which one? In Gen. 1:1 the 3rd Heaven was
(As God always was,
He made an abode for His throne and Heavenly tabernacle so as to relate
to man – (future) – the infinite with the finite. Here is definitely
the 2nd Heaven where the planets and stars will be placed
(cf. Genesis 1:14-17). This Heaven is not the atmosphere – though
could include it. Thus the waters above do not produce
any canopy effect on the earth, as the waters are beyond the second Heaven.
“Second Day” –
evening and morning are terms of Time denoting a 24-hour day. We
have Time without the sun or moon or planets.
1:9 – “waters…gathered”
God spoke and, without
the moon or tides, caused the waters over the earth to gather together
unto one place (One sea – one land).
“Dry land” – One land
mass now emerges from the watery grave (one huge island).
1:10 – Identification and Distinction
“Dry land” – called earth
(one land mass)
“waters” – called seas
(one body water – many seas)
1:11 – “Grass, Herbs,” “fruit tree”
Adam was created in
“apparent age” (or full grown). Here we have a supernatural act
of God that produced in one 24-hour day full-grown grass, herbs, and
1:12 – Results of 1:11
The herbs are already
producing seeds.
The trees are already
producing fruit (with seeds).
The vegetable kingdom
is in full process – no sun yet, but full-grown vegetation can easily
survive for 24 hours without sunlight; besides, God is in control.
1:13 – “Third Day”
Evening and morning denote
specific time period.
Note: Evening always
mentioned before morning, as Hebrew day starts at 6:00 P.M. (Man
comes out of darkness into light).
1:14 – “lights”
Includes all the celestial
hosts of space “in the firmament” – the dividing space of the waters
(v. 7)
“of the heaven” – not
a redundant term, but a firmament (or heaven – 2nd) of the
heaven (3rd) cf. Psalm 19:1
“signs,” “seasons,”
“days,” “years” – magnetic and gravitational forces enacted, tides, etc. Accurate orbiting established. Specific entities to index perpetual
Note: Five
elements necessary for creation are… (1) Time (2) Space (3) Matter (4)
Force (5) Motion
1:15 – “be for... the earth”
All heavenly bodies made
for the earth – the earth is the center of all activities of space.
1:16 – “God made”
Some think that this
is not a creative act, but that the sun and moon pre-existed at some
other time and were simply allowed to reappear. First, this would
break the continuity of these creative days; and v. 25 and v. 26 vividly
indicate that when God made something, He created it.
“greater light” – sun
created (ruler of the day) – the Master light
“Lesser light” – moon
created (ruler of the night) – reflects light from the Master light
No Power of light of
its own
When Sun is not present
(night), the moon rules.
(When Jesus [the true
light] left for Heaven, we, the lesser lights, are supposed to reflect
the greater light [Jesus].)
“stars” – all heavenly
bodies now made (for the earth)
1:17 – “set” – All heavenly bodies set in precision
Not accidental, not a
process, they are deliberately set!
If sun and moon were
in Pre-Adamic Earth, they would not have to be “set” – they would already
be in position.
All are below the third
heaven and above the first heaven.
“earth” – the earth is
special, the center of attention of all other planets and stars. All
planetary bodies are built around and for the earth.
1:18 – “rule,” “divide”
All celestial bodies
not only focus to the earth for the purpose of time, but also now manifest
the division of darkness to light with respect to the earth. Also,
these bodies perfectly complement the earth’s orbit and revolving of
its axis – a perfect planetary timepiece!
1:19 – “Fourth Day”
Another 24-hour period –
God’s creative acts are being performed in relation to the earth and
its time frame (the sun appeared on the 4th day and
the Son appeared on the 4th millennial day).
1:20 – “Let”
Great care must be taken
in the use of the word “let.” The evolutionist or theistic evolutionist
claims that this is an allowed process and that life originally came
from the sea. The words “God said,” “abundantly,” indicate within
the context of a 24-hour period that by God’s spoken Word, an abundance
of certain creatures and birds were brought into existence (the word “let” simply
denotes the creative Word of God spoken).
“Open firmament” – this
is the first mention of atmosphere or the first heaven. It is “open” for
birds to fly in as opposed to the second heaven being closed for flying. The
“open” is not arbitrary, but distinctive.
“of heaven” – Again,
“heaven” is not redundant with firmament, but refers to the second heaven,
which oftimes include the first heaven (see v. 8). In other words,
the birds can fly in the open air space (1st heaven) of the
second heaven.
1:21 – “created”
All water life created
(from guppy to 300,000 lb. whale)
All winged fowl created
“After their kind” –
winged fowl didn’t evolve from sea life. Birds begat birds, fish
begat fish.
Note: Birds
are created only after land appears.
Note: Three
Laws of the Universe (Unchangeable)
Law 1 – First Law of
can change forms but cannot be created or destroyed; hence, the sun total
is constant.
Law 2 – Second Law of
Thermodynamics (entropy)
is transformed from one form to another; and some is turned into heat
energy, which cannot be changed back into useful forms. Thus any
particular system runs down or is in a state of deterioration.
Law 3 – Law of Biogenesis
produces similar life – cats produce cats and horses produce horses,
etc. (cf. 1Corinthians 15:39).
These three laws scientifically
refute evolution.
1:22 – “Be fruitful”
Procreation initiated
(reproduce its kind)
No further creative acts
of fish or fowl
1:23 – “Fifth Day”
Another 24-hour day of
Fish have seas as their
Fowl have land to build
1:24 – “Let the earth”
This phrase is not a
process set in motion over a period of time, but a creative act (cf.
v. 25).
“living creature,” “beast”
All earth animals from
lizards to rats to the monstrous dinosaurs – each allowed to reproduce
within the boundaries of its kind.
Where did the dinosaurs
come from? They were created by God. What happened that caused
their extinction? Here’s a possibility: Certain animal life
will continue to grow under special conditions and assuming their lifespan
is extended. Before the flood, the lifespan of man and probably animals was much greater
than that after the flood. These great creatures over hundreds
of years grew to enormous size and were free to roam the earth. The
flood destroyed many, and after the flood their lifespan and size were “shrunk.” Being
smaller in size, it is probable that they were more easily susceptible
to their enemies – both animals and man. Of course, if man is allowed
to “do his thing,” many more species of animal life would be extinct.
Then again, depending
on how one would establish the time frame of Isaiah 27:1, God, Himself
(for the sake of man), chose to destroy Leviathan (and perhaps its species). Anyway,
it is interesting to speculate on certain non-doctrinal issues.
1:25 – “made”
Definite creative act
Keep in mind that all
the land animals, including the dinosaurs, ate vegetation. There
were no flesh-eaters before the fall. This state will return during
the millennial period (cf. Isa. 11:6) when Christ returns at the end
of the Tribulation period.
1:26 – “God said”
Each creative day begins
with “God said” – God spoke the Word, and it was so!
“us” – Manifestation
of the Trinity – there is only one God; hence this pronoun reveals the
other personages of the Godhead. In Genesis 1:2 the Holy Spirit is
involved with creation. In Colossians 1:16 the Son is involved with creation.
“make man” – Man is a
specific creation, not a product of secular or theistic evolution.
on Evolution: Consider man’s futile attempts to
produce evidence for support of the evolutionary theory – each fossil
discovery hoped to be the “missing link”…
Neanderthal Man –
Neander Valley – near Dusseldorf, Germany. Johann C. Fuhlrott – 1856. One
skull – several bones – thought to be semi-erect and sub-human. Later
found to be remains of people suffering from rickets, which causes malformation.
Cro-Magnon Man –
Cro-Magnon, France -- Louis Lartet – 1868 – Fragments of four skeletons
(all finds prove to be human or animal, never ½ and ½)
Java Man – (erect
Ape man) – Trinil, Java -- Eugene Dubois – 1891. One single
skull cap –
one year later one thighbone and two molar teeth found 50 feet from cap. Claim was that all belonged to same Ape-man 500,000 years before. Prior
to Dubois’ death – admitted Java man was remains of large gibbon.
Heidelberg Man -- Heidelberg,
Germany -- Otto Schoetensack – 1907 One lower jaw
Piltdown Man (Dawn
man) -- Piltdown, England -- Charles Dawson – 1912 -- A skull part – a
few teeth – claimed to be over 500,000 years old – praised by American
Museum of Natural History as genuine link in evolution – 1950, bones
examined by fluoride tests – skull of recent ape stained with iron salts
and teeth filed to give old appearance – a hoax!
Peking Man -- Peking,
China -- Davidson Black – 1921, 1937 -- Parts of 30 skulls – 147 teeth
-- Find disappeared in 1941
Nebraska Man -- Western
Nebraska, U.S.A. -- Harold Cook – 1922 --One tooth (claimed by authorities
to be missing link) -- In 1927 tooth discovered to be that of a pig
Rama Pithecus -- N.W.
Indiana -- G.E. Lewis – 1932 -- Parts of jaws – few teeth -- Later concluded
was an extinct ape
East Africa Man -- Olduvia,
Tanzania -- Louis S.B. Leakey – 1959 -- One skullcap – few bones (dated
2 – 4 million years old – oldest link between Ape and Man) -- Son Richard
Leakey indicated find was variety of Ape
of Evolution (by the late B.R. Lakin)
Not reasonable at all
that a way back yonder sometime, somewhere, somehow, nobody knows when,
how, where, or why…nothing got in nothing, the nothing formed in something,
got in the water, the water developed into a tadpole; the tadpole swam
too near the bank one day and got stuck in the mud there, wriggling around
in the mud, he formed warts on his belly and later they became legs,
and after he developed legs, he became a land animal and climbing through
the trees one day his foot slipped and as he fell he wrapped his tail
around the limb, the jolt broke off his tail, and as he hit the ground,
he stood up on his hind feet, walked across the street, bought him a
suit of clothes, went to teach in the university and said, “Thank God,
I’m a man at last!”
Bible Evolution
Salvation from Christ Transformation
from Man
Perfection to Corruption Corruption
to Perfection
Nature – running down Nature – going
Man born sinner Man
born blank tablet
Man deserves damnation Man
deserves God-status
Man made instant living
soul Man
progressed from brute state
Man from dust Man
from protozoa in H2o
Faith in Word Faith
in man’s mind/ability
Look forward to Heaven Look
forward to grave
Look up for inspiration Look
in for inspiration
Faith in salvation eternal Temporal
survival thru fitness
Genesis 1:26
“have dominion”
Man is a unique creation
of God – next to God man is in charge of earthly domination – we need
to remember this is God-given
1:27 – “image of God”
Not a God, but an image –
something that represents God – a reflection of the creator.
Since God is a Trinity,
then so is man – body, soul, and spirit (1Thessalonians 5:23)
“male and female” – a
phrase of summation – a general statement
The Bible gives creative
details of both genders in the next chapter – no mention of male and
females in any animal creations – it is assumed because of the command
to reproduce after their kind.
1:28 – “God said”
Man is a creation with
whom God can communicate
No other earthly creature
did He directly talk to
“multiply” – command
to reproduce (after his kind)
“replenish” – a word
to denote “to do again” – inferring there was a Pre-Adamic earth. Some
attempt to refute this by suggesting the word is simply saying to fill
the earth for the first time. However, during the fifth day, God’s
instruction was to fill the earth – why wouldn’t the Lord use
the same term if that were what He meant? There are no idle words
in Scripture. Besides, most adherents to dissecting the word “replenish” are
also users of various corrupt Bible versions, attempting to minimize
the validity of our preserved English Bible – the old KJV.
God gives man technical
and intellectual abilities.
No animal can control
his environment with cities, inventions, medicine, etc. as man.
1:29 – “I have given”
Jehovah-Jireh, the Lord
provides – all of man’s needs provided by God
“herb,” “fruit” – “for
Before the fall man ate
no meat from animals.
1:30 – “beast,” “fowl,” “every herb”
All animals ate vegetation
and fed together – even the natural enemies, as we know them today. During
the millennium, animals will return to this – Isaiah 65:25 (imagine a wolf
and lamb dining together).
1:31 – “very good”
All of creation in perfect
order and harmony. Not thrown together by accident – not simply
a chance happening, but an orderly creation whereby upon God’s inspection
He deemed it – very good.
Last 24-hour day of creation
No creation going on today
Material by Wayne Barkett,
P. O. Box 155, Pinetta, FL 32350