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should we study prophecy. Isn’t it too difficult, too controversial,
too unknowable? What makes it so important?
I. Prophecy
Makes Up Over One-Fourth of the Bible
A. In
the Old Testament
1. Isaiah
through Malachi (minus Lamentations)--16 books
2. Much
of Psalms and many other passages (Ps.2;Gen.49)
B. In
the New Testament
1. I & II
Thessalonians, Jude, Revelation--4 books
2. Many
other passages (see Matt.24&25)
C. Some
1. First
prophecy--Genesis 2:16-17
2. First
Messianic prophecy--Genesis 3:15
3. Last
prophecy--Revelation 22:20
II. Prophecy
is Exalted by God Himself
A. Prophetic
Declarations Exalt God
Isaiah 41:26; 46:9-11
B. We
Are Commanded to Take Heed to Prophecy
II Peter 1:19
C. We
Are Blessed in the Reading, Hearing and Obeying of Prophecy
Revelation 1:3
III. Prophecy
Proves the Authority of Scripture
-fulfilled prophecy is one of the greatest proofs of the absolute authority
of scripture--II Peter 1:16-21
A. The
Destruction of Cities and Nations
1. Tyre--great
detail given in Ezekiel 26
2. Samaria
3. Gaza
and Ashkelon
4. Jericho
5. Ninevah
6. Edom
7. Babylon
list a few
B. The
History of Israel
1. The
making of the nation--Genesis 12:1-3
2. The
years of captivity--Genesis 15:13-16
3. The
promise of a land--Genesis 15:18-21(cp.Gen.49)
4. The
establishment of a monarchy--Deuteronomy 17:14-15
5. Captivity
and worldwide scattering--Deuteronomy 28:63-65; 29:28
6. Return
from captivity--Jeremiah 25:11-14; 29:10
7. Israel’s
blindness to the true Messiah--Psalm 22:21-23
C. The
History of the Nations
-Daniel 2, 4, 11
D. The
Prophecies Concerning Christ
-There are over 300 OT references identifying over 60 details
about the first coming of Christ. They were all fulfilled!
IV. Prophecy
Explains the Meaning of History
prophecy, history becomes endless and useless; through prophecy, history
A. God
Honoring--Resulting in the Ultimate Triumph of God
1. The
defeat of the wicked--Revelation 19:11-21
2. The
subduing of all things--I Corinthians 15:24-28
B. Dispensational--Proving
the Grace of God
1. From
law to faith--Galatians 3:21-26
2. From
Gentile to Jew and back again--Romans 11:25-29
C. Providential--Providing
Good For the Saints
1. Promise--Romans
2. Provision--Titus
3. Fulfillment--Romans
8:18; Revelation 21:3-7
V. Prophecy
Arms the Believer Against Cultism
A. Against
Those Who Date Christ’s Coming
Matthew 24:36
B. Against
Those Who Claim to Be Christ
Matthew 24:5
C. Against
Those Who Pervert the Events of Prophecy
i.e., Jehovah Witnesses
1. Their
claim to be the 144,000--Revelation 7:5-8
2. Their
teaching concerning Armageddon--Revelation 16:16
VI. Prophecy
Motivates the Church to Evangelism
is true historically
A. The
Imminency of Christ’s Return
1. Redemption
draweth nigh--Luke 21:28
2. Comes
as a thief in the night--I Thessalonians 5:1-3
B. The
Urgency to Reach the Lost
1. Now
is the day of salvation--II Corinthians 6:2
2. It
is high time to awake--Romans 13:11-14
VII. Prophecy
Challenges the Believer to Holy Service
A. To
Watchfulness--Matthew 25:13
B. To
Faithfulness--Luke 12:42-44
C. To
Comfort--John 14:3
D. As
an Encouragement in the Lord’s Supper--I Corinthians 11:26
E. To
Confidence--Philippians 1:6
F. To
Sincerity--Philippians 1:9-10
G. To
Faithfulness to the Word--Philippians 2:16
H. To
Heavenly Conversation--Philippians 3:20-21
I. To
Moderation--Philippians 4:5
J. To
Mortification of Fleshly Lusts--Colossians 3:3-5
K. To
Waiting--I Thessalonians 1:9-10
L. To
Brotherly Love--I Thessalonians 3:12-13
M. As
a Source of Consolation--I Thessalonians 4:14-18
N. To
Sanctification--I Thessalonians 5:23
O. To
Obedience--I Timothy 6:13-14
P. To
Pastoral Diligence--II Timothy 4:1-2; I Peter 5:2-4
Q. To
Love the Second Coming--II Timothy 4:7-8
R. To
Separation--Titus 2:11-13
S. To
Look For Him--Hebrews 9:27-28
T. To
Patience--James 5:7-8
U. To
Endure Temptations--I Peter 1:7
V. To
Soberness--I Peter 4:7
W. To
Bear Persecution--I Peter 4:13
X. To
Godliness--II Peter 3:11-13
Y. To
Abide in Christ--I John 2:28
Z. To
Purity--I John 3:2-3
AA. To Repentance--Revelation