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The Book of Jonah is a battle of wills. If there ever was a book
of the Bible that dealt with a man matching his will and wits against
the Lord, it’s the Book of Jonah. You don’t have to read very far
to realize the fruitlessness of that endeavor! Have you ever battled
the Lord over anything?
Read vs 1-3
1. We
should notice that Jonah received a personal message from the LORD. The
1st verse calls it “the word of the LORD,” and it
is connected to the presence of the LORD (vs. 3).
2. Jonah
is called to the city of Nineveh. Nineveh was a very important
city in that it was the capital city of the nation of Assyria—2Kings
19:36 “So Sennacherib king of Assyria departed, and went and
returned, and dwelt at Nineveh.”
This is important.
a. Jonah
lived in the Northern Kingdom during the reign of the second Jeroboam—2Kings
14:25 “He [Jeroboam
II] restored the coast of Israel from the entering of Hamath unto
the sea of the plain, according to the word of the LORD God of Israel,
which he spake by the hand of his servant Jonah, the son of Amittai,
the prophet, which was of Gathhepher.”
b. The
Northern Kingdom at this time is on the decline. They will go
into captivity in less than 100 years and it might have been less than
50 years depending on at what point Jonah prophesied during the reign
of Jeroboam II.
c. Shortly
after the death of Jeroboam II, Assyria begins to attack Israel, the
Northern Kingdom (2Kings 15:19-20).
d. Eventually,
Assyria will be the nation that completely conquers Israel and hauls
them away captive.
e. Now
Jonah, being a prophet of the LORD, is aware of the spiritual condition
of the Northern Kingdom and the impending judgment of God upon them. He
also is aware of the ascendancy of the Assyria as a mighty power and
a threat to his homeland and family.
3. Now
there is an ominous note in verse 2 for any city or nation that thinks
that they can participate and/or promote wickedness. That business
comes up before the throne of God and He acts upon it. The Egyptians
found out about that (Exodus 7-14). The Amorites learned the
hard way (Genesis 15:16).
And, of course, Sodom (Genesis 19) became “an
ensample unto those that after should live ungodly”
(2Peter 2:6).
4. Well,
Jonah prays, “Not THY will, but MINE be done.” Instead of heading
northeast to Nineveh, he heads west to Tarshish. Tarshish is
in Spain. Jonah wants to get as far away from the will of God
as he can possibly get. Although he is wanting to go west, he
has to go “DOWN to Joppa” (vs. 3) to find a ship, and once he
finds it, he goes “DOWN into it” (vs. 3). Whenever your
will is on the throne, you will be going DOWN!
5. Now
there is a price to pay for running from the LORD, so verse 3 says, “so
he paid the fare thereof.” I know that it costs something
to serve the Lord, but it also costs to disobey the Lord. How
many illustration have been given of folks who have lost their children,
or their possessions, or their health, etc. because they refused to
surrender to the will of God? It will cost you.
6. According
to the text, Jonah is fleeing from the presence of the LORD (vs. 3). Now
that is quite an undertaking. David said, “Whither
shall I go from thy spirit? or WHITHER SHALL I FLEE FROM THY PRESENCE?
If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make
my bed in hell, behold, thou art there.
If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in
the uttermost parts of the sea;
Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold
If I say, Surely the darkness shall cover me; even the night
shall be light about me.
Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee; but the night shineth
as the day: the darkness and the light are both alike to
(Psalm 139:7-12).
Read vss 4-12
1. The
chapter began with the LORD giving a command (vs. 2). We saw
Jonah’s response to that command in verse 3. Now in verse 4,
the LORD responds to Jonah’s rebelliousness. He ups the ante
as they say.
2. Speaking
of upping the ante, we should not fail to notice that Jonah’s sin affected
others. He put some innocent people in danger of losing their
lives. Sin is a deceitful business that is detrimental to the
sinner as well as those he comes in contact with.
3. In
verse 5, we see that Jonah has gone even lower. He “was gone
DOWN into the sides of the ship.” He’s going to get a lot
lower than this before it is all over—“… the
way of transgressors is hard”
(Proverbs 13:15)!
4. Now
look at this rebellious prophet of God who is in perfect peace in a
raging storm—He’s sleeping! Now how could that be? Remember
the Lord Jesus Christ asleep during a storm on the Sea of Galilee? He
had good reason to be a peace, but what about Jonah? You know
what I think? I think that there is an early, temporary, short-term
sense of relief or peace in a state of rebelliousness. Jesus
Christ said, “Peace
I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: NOT AS THE WORLD GIVETH,
give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be
(John 14:27).
5. When
heathen folks get into some serious trouble, they don’t waste anyone’s
time debating the value or benefits of prayer. They pray and
they encourage others to pray too—“…arise, call upon thy God, if
so be that God will think upon us, that we perish not” (vs. 6).
6. After
the Prayer Meeting is dismissed, they turn to casting lots (vs. 7). They
are looking for the source of their troubles, and they’re going to
find him—Proverbs 16:33 “The
lot is cast into the lap; BUT THE WHOLE DISPOSING THEREOF IS OF
7. Once
they find out that Jonah is responsible for their troubles, the interrogation
begins (vs. 8). They ask 4 questions without letting Jonah answer
a one of them. Don’t you know that they are talking fast because
they don’t have time to mess around too long? They are trying
to avoid a tour of Davy Jones’s locker!
8. Verse
9 is the way the LORD deals with Gentiles. He deals with them
on the basis of creation. Notice that Jonah says, “…I fear
dealing with the Jews, he is “the Lord God of our fathers” (Acts
9. Now
in spite of the current thought that no religion is any better than
any other and that you should not judge anyone’s religious beliefs,
these heathen sailors realize that Jonah’s God isn’t like their gods
(vs. 10). They were unconcerned about the fact that Jonah was
fleeing from the presence of the LORD when Jonah bought his ticket
on the cargo ship. You see, they wanted to know why a man would
want to ride on a cargo ship instead of in a passenger ship when he
bought his ticket, but they were not concerned about that then. Now
they want to know, “Why hast thou done this?” We should
notice that they ask a question with 5 words in it while they are fearful
that they will die! 5 is the number of death!
10. The
7th and last question that these mariners ask Jonah is found
in verse 11—“What shall we do unto thee, that the sea may be calm
unto us?” If Jonah is the source of the troubles, and he
is, what needs to be done? That’s the question. Pilate
faced a real crisis. Some folks brought Jesus Christ to him and
demanded that he have him executed. In the midst of that tempestuous,
political storm he asked, “What
shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ?”
(Matthew 27:22).
Someone suggested that Jonah is still in rebellion and that he would
rather die than obey the will of God (vs. 12). To make matters
worse, he wants the sailors to assist him in his suicide. You
know Solomon said that there was nothing new under the sun. It’s
all happened before!
Read vss 13-16
1. The
dilemma facing these sailors is: If we toss Jonah overboard, we will
be guilty of murder. What would God do to us if we killed this
Isn’t it amazing how much Bible the heathens know without ever going
to church or spending any time in that Book! They knew Exodus 20:13
was a violation of the law of God and they expected consequences for
that! The Democratic National Convention, the National Education
Association, Planned Parenthood, and the Hemlock Society aren’t as enlightened
as those heathens were.
2. Verses
13 and 14 make a beautiful picture of unsaved folks trying to save
their own necks by means of their own works without trusting in the
blood of Jesus Christ. Do you see them rowing hard (vs. 13)? Do
you see their reluctance to accept the “innocent blood” (vs
14)? Do you know what Judas Iscariot said in the Confessional
Booth in Matthew 27:4? He said, “I have betrayed THE INNOCENT
BLOOD.” Hebrews 9:22 says, “…without
shedding of blood is no remission.”
3. Now
Jonah is quite a preacher. Before he leaves, he has a whole boatload
of converts without even trying. They are praying to Jonah’s
God in verse 14, sacrificing to Him (vs. 15), and making vows (vs.
15). What a missionary! What an evangelist!
4. Did
you notice that the motivation for turning away from their gods to
the God of Jonah was FEAR? It’s fear from start to finish! This
modern Christianity that seeks to avoid anything that might cause a
lost sinner to fear his condition and his eternal destiny in a devil’s
hell is Satanic.
And that goes for these perverted bibles that are removing the word hell from
their texts too!
Read vs. 17
1. Now
when we take verse 17 along with Matthew 12:40, we get a firestorm
of controversy from every form of skeptic out there, atheist to fundamentalist
and everything in between—“For
as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly; so shall
the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.”
a. The Skeptics
Annotated Bible thinks that it is absurd to call a whale a fish. You
talk about absurdity! Jesus Christ was the Creator of all things
according to John 1:3. He called the “great fish” of
Jonah 1:17 a “whale.” In 1735 (124 years AFTER the
King James Bible was published), Carolus Linnaeus published a book
on how to classify animals. He put whales in a class of animals
called mammals and fish in a different category. This skeptic
is betting that Linnaeus is right and Jesus Christ is wrong. Not
b. Here’s
the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia: “Whales are found in
the Mediterranean and are sometimes cast up on the shore of Palestine,
but it is not likely that the ancient Greeks or Hebrews were very familiar
either in the original Jonah story or in the New Testament reference
to it. If any particular animal is meant, IT IS MORE LIKELY A SHARK.” (
c. According
to Russ Pickett, “…this verse is incorrectly translated from the Greek.
Jonah was not three days and three nights in the ‘whale's belly’, but
three days and three nights in KETOS, KAY'-TOS; probably from the base
of Greek CHASMA, ‘a huge fish’. This was not a ‘whale’ but a ‘huge
fish’. There are several such minor mistranslations throughout every
version of every Scripture, not just the KJV. Yet, bear in mind, that
these defects are more superficial than they are profound to the believer
in fellowship with God. Again, the Holy Spirit is your guide.”
d. Jamieson,
Fausset, and Brown also have a problem with the passage.
“The fish, through a mistranslation of Matthew
12:40, was formerly supposed to be a whale; there, as here,
the original means ‘a great fish.’ THE WHALE'S NECK IS TOO NARROW TO
e. Jimmy
Williams agrees: “THE BIBLE DOESN'T
OF 1611 DOES THAT. Jonah 1:17 says ‘God prepared a great fish (dag
gadol)’, not a great whale. And THE MATTHEW PASSAGE (12.40) IN
f. Here’s
a sermon from a fundamentalist preacher who quotes a creation scientist
who defends the Genesis account of creation: ‘In the book of
Jonah in the Hebrew language, the word translated "fish" is
the Hebrew word "dag." This word appears in the Old Testament
nineteen times, and is translated on each occasion "fish"…IN
THAT MAKES THE FISH APPEAR AS A WHALE…The translators, in dealing with
this passage [Matthew 12:40] used the word "whale" because
it was the only sea creature they knew that was big enough to suit
them. The word [in Greek], however, is "ketos" - and simply
means a monster from the deep. The Hebrew word for whale is "tannin." The
Old Testament Scriptures say that Jonah was swallowed by a great "dag" [fish].
The New Testament says he was [swallowed] by a "ketos," and
nowhere does the original writing say that this was a whale.’ (Dr.
Harry Rimmer, The Harmony of Science and Scripture, Eerdmans,
1949, pp. 177-178 as quoted by R.L. Hymers, Jr. at the following address:
g. Some
of these characters are born again people, but like all people they
have a sinful nature. In their zeal to uphold “science falsely
so called”
(1Timothy 6:20) and impress us with their knowledge of Greek and Hebrew,
they lied. The Greek word ketos does mean whale! Brother
Daryl Coats, our missionary to Finnland, points out that our word Cetus is
the constellation of the whale. The word cetology is the
study of whales and other mammals of the sea. And the word cetacean is
the scientific name for whales. Do you know how those words entered
the English language? They all come into our language from the
word ketos!
Somebody is lying, and they would rather call Jesus Christ a liar than
to be ridiculed by folks who are educated.
2. Now
we shouldn’t lose sight of the context of Mathew 12:40. It
is the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Now we understand why
folks want to discredit the historical record of Jonah and his experience
in the whale. You see the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ
is an absolute essential. Paul put it this way in 1Corinthians
15:17— “And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain;
ye are yet in your sins.”
3. Muslims
don’t believe that Jesus Christ was crucified or resurrected. I
was reading an article from a Muslim website that took issue with
the 3 days and 3 nights of Matthew 12:40. They took a different
approach to discredit the words of Jesus Christ in an effort to do
away with the resurrection of Christ: “…in line with the miracle
of Jonah and according to the Bible, Jesus only spent one day and
two nights in the sepulchre, and not three days and three nights
as he prophesied.” (
Apparently, a Muslim cannot read a Bible any better than a Roman Catholic.
The “one day and two nights in the sepulchre” is one of the many Roman
Catholic superstitions that has no basis in the word of God. Jesus
Christ did NOT die on Friday. I know about the Sabbath day that
is mentioned in the context of the crucifixion and burial of Christ. But
that Sabbath was NOT the weekly Friday night to Saturday night Sabbath
day. We are told in John 19:31 that “that
sabbath day was an high day.” There
are a number of occasions when more than one Sabbath day can occur
within the same week. That was the case when the Lord Jesus Christ
was crucified!
CONCLUSION: Running from the
Lord and His will for our lives is a fruitless business.
If you are engaged in fleeing from Him and His will for your
life, why don’t you just save yourself a whole lot of