Bible Issues
Is the Bible the true word of God? Is it reliable and faithful? Do
we have the word of God in the English language? What about all
the different versions? These and many other questions trouble
believers and nonbelievers alike. The content in this section
will deal with these and similar issues. Browse this page for
the newest items or go to the subcategories
for the archived material.
- Straining at Brass:
Bible critics are a desperate group of
people who go to great lengths to elevate their learning in
an attempt to remove themselves from under the authority of
God’s written revelation. The word “brass” is no different
for it is one of the chief “evidences” offered by critics to
“prove” the Bible contains errors.
Unicorns in the Bible:
Is the King James Bible in error because it speaks of unicorns?
Should the Bible say "wild ox" instead of the word "unicorn"?
If the King James Bible is correct what kind of an animal is the
- The King James Bible: A
list of content on LearntheBible about the King James Bible.
- Charity or Love: The
Greek word "agape" is translated both into both "charity" and "love" in
the New Testament so what is the difference?
- Inconsistent
Translation in the King James Bible- Why did the King
James translators use different English words for the same Greek
or Hebrew word? Is this just another one of those errors
on their part?
- The Love of Money - 1Timothy 6:10:
Should this verse read that the love of money is the root of "all
kinds of evil" or "all evil"?
- Facts About the New King James:
It's claim is that it is a New King James but that is a lie. Find
out the truth.
- Final Authority - Chapter
An excerpt from the book Final Authority by Dr. William P. Grady.
This chapter was written to warn the child of God of the war that has
been waged against our Bible.
- Psalm 12: There is much confusion
among people as to the object of God's preservation as mentioned in
Psalm 12. What do we learn from looking at the passage verse
by verse?
"Strain at" or "Strain Out" a Gnat": Many say
that this is a misprint and should have been "strain
out a Gnat". Is this true?