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Welcome to Learn the Bible Website. LearntheBible.org is a ministry of Antioch Baptist Church in Knoxville, Tennessee. It has been created for the purpose of helping you learn the Bible. This site is large but it is organized for easy exploration. The navigation buttons will take you to areas of interest or you may utilize the search box below to find what you are looking for. The items listed below are the newest ones on the site. If you are not sure of your eternal home, please check out this in-depth article on salvation. If you would like to keep up with what's new on LearntheBible.org, please sign up for our newsletter(s). We hope you enjoy exploring the site, but most of all, we hope that it makes a difference in your life.

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  • Revival - Bro. McDonald - A Corn of Wheat (Monday Evening) Bro. McDonald challenges the Christian to (as the corn of wheat), allow themselves to die that they may bring forth fruit.

  • Defining Bible Words: What is your method for finding definitions of biblical words? For example, the difference between "accursed" and "cursed" and the difference between "lucre" and "money". I have a Strong's concordance and also Webster's 1828. I don't think that going back to the original Hebrew and Greek is necessary. I know that the English of the KJV is correct; but, sometimes, isn't getting to the "root" of the word necessary?

  • What Does the Bible Say About Dreams: This answer focuses on the Biblical foundation for the definition of a dream, the cause of a dream, the reality of dreams, some common purposes for dreams and the connection or lack of connection between dreams in the Bible and dreams today.

  • Studying the Bible: Some of the great characteristics of the Bible are its complexity, depth, and sheer volume. God did not send just a little information, but He sent us everything He wanted us to have in this life to learn about Him, His love for us, His provision of salvation, and how to live life victoriously through Him. The Bible isn’t a book that you can read through once and set aside saying, “That’s done.” This question and answer is written to encourage you with a few thoughts on why Bible study is profitable, how to begin, and what you can do when questions arise.

  • Is Birth Control a Sin: Is it a sin to use birth control, or to have marital relations with your wife without the intentions of having a baby?

  • Christians and Santa Claus - Colossians 2:8: Many believers could be greatly offended that we would even deal with the issue of Santa Claus. “It is innocent,” you can hear them say. Yet a careful look into the scriptures would deny that this lie is anywhere near innocent. Audio Sermon with Outline

  • Mammon of Unrighteousness: In Luke 16 1-12 I don't understand why the master praised the unjust steward for being a thief. Can you please explain.

  • John 6:1-15: In this miracle, Jesus shows that he cares for the physical needs of the people and reacts in compassion to those needs. However, He also uses this miracle as an important lesson for His disciples. They see their own lack of resources; He sees the need - resources are never a problem for the Son of God. We must be willing to learn from this lesson ourselves. Audio Sunday School  

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  • Mark 6:1-29:One of the facts of human experience is the changes we go through during the course of our time on earth. At one point, Job complained: "changes and war are against me" (Job 10:17). We lose a job or a loved one. Our health deteriorates. We move. All of these and many more changes are some of the great challenges we face in life. Often these changes seem to work against us (as mentioned by Job), but they also give us heavenly perspective and cause us to fear God. Notice the three great changes experienced by Christ in this lesson and compare them to the changes in our lives. Truly, Jesus is able to help those who are going through great changes. Audio Sunday School 

  • Luke 8:26-56: We know that Christ can heal and that in healing He changes lives. However, He can change lives in a multitude of ways. He can restore a life that has gone to ruin, bring a family back together, or give renewed hope and purpose to one who has given up hope. This lesson, more than anything else, is about the power of Jesus Christ to touch a life and leave it different than it ever was before. Audio Sunday School

  • Wearing Shorts To Work:  I am a saved male and wanted to know if it was ok to wear shorts on extremely hot days. The shorts would pass the knees and only be worn at work. My pastor said we should cover our legs past our thighs and be modest in our dress but on hot and humid days it is almost unbearable.

  • Jewish Burial: I understand Jewish custom dictates that the body is to be buried with earth to speed the return of the soul to nature or to God. If this is true, why was Christ, a Jew, placed in a rock tomb and not buried in the earth? Please explain the purpose of the Jewish custom too.

  • Luke 7:1-17: The miracles of Christ demonstrate His power and reveal His identity as the Son of God. However, they always had additional teaching value for the disciples and we can continue to learn these lessons today. As you study the two miracles in this lesson, look beyond the miracles themselves and see the lessons that are there that will help us in our Christian walk and in our service for the King. Audio Sunday School

  • John 5:1-47: Jesus used the healing of a lame man at the pool of Bethesda as an occasion to teach of His oneness with the Father. The One who could heal on the Sabbath was also the One who came from the Father. Audio Sunday School 

  • John 5:1-47: Jesus used the healing of a lame man at the pool of Bethesda as an occasion to teach of His oneness with the Father. The One who could heal on the Sabbath was also the One who came from the Father. Audio Sunday School 

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  • Unstable Souls - Genesis 49:2-3: This is a message preached by David F. Reagan a year before his departure from this world. His hope was that this would be a message of help, encouragement and warning.  Audio Sermon

  • New Wine in New Bottles - Luke 5:33-39: Why do the disciples of Jesus not fast like the disciples of John and the disciples of the Pharisees? 1) Their circumstances are different (their bridegroom is with them). 2) The message Christ brings does not just amend the old way; it is radically different and brings complete change. Audio Sermon with Outline

  • Mark 2:1-12: The record of this miracle is found in three gospels. You should compare the record in Mark with Matthew 9:1-8 and Luke 5:17-26. Though Christ must have healed multitudes of sick people and numerous miracles are described in the gospels, this one is unique because of the part friends played in bringing their lame friend to the Lord Jesus. May the Lord give us such friends in our times of need. May we be a friend to those who need someone to bring them to the Saviour. Audio Sunday School

  • Luke 5:1-16: As to the gospel records, this is the second call given to the disciples. However, it points to three calls from the Lord Jesus to all of us. The first call is the call to salvation. The second call is the call to discipleship, or sanctification. For the disciples, this is found in John 1:35-42. There, Jesus invited them, "Come and see" (John 1:39).The third call is the call to service; the call to be fishers of men. This call for the disciples is recorded in this chapter and in Matthew 4:18-22. As Jesus told them in Matthew 4:19: "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men."  Audio Sunday School

  • Luke 4:14-44: Jesus now enters into His public ministry in earnest. The second year of His ministry is often called the Year of Popularity (after the Year of Obscurity and before the Year of Conflict). This chapter illustrates that popularity. The people rejoice at what He has to say and they are amazed at His power to heal and to cast out devils. However, even in His time of popularity, His own home town of Nazareth rejects Him. Audio Sunday School

  • John 4:1-42: Once again, we see Jesus in action witnessing one on one. We can learn much from His witness to the Samaritan woman. Audio Sunday School

  • Death Before Salvation: If someone is murdered before they had a chance to be saved  (especially a young person), will they still obtain salvation? The person who committed the crime of the unsaved, if they are saved & confess/repent, will they still receive salvation even if the person they murdered doesn't?


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Thoughts and Meditations

Free Will Not Against Predestination

“Let’s again illustrate the harmony of predetermination and free choice. Suppose you cannot watch your favorite sports event live on TV. So you videotape it. When you watch it later, the entire game and every play in it are absolutely determined and can never be changed. No matter how many times you rerun it, the final score, as well as every aspect of every play, will always be the same. Yet when the game happened, every event was freely chosen. No one was forced to play. Therefore, the same event was both determined and free at the same time. 

“Someone may object that this is so only because the event has already occurred, and that before the game occurred it was not predetermined. In response we need only point out that if God is all-knowing (omniscient), then from the standpoint of His foreknowledge the game was predetermined. For He knew eternally exactly how it was going to turn out, even though we did not. Therefore, if God has infallible foreknowledge of the future, including our free acts, then everything that will happen in the future is predetermined, even our free acts. This does not mean these actions are not free; it simply means that God knew how we were going to use our freedom—and that He knew it for sure.” –from Chosen But Free by Norman Geisler (p.45).

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