- The Answer is in God's Word:
In times of confusion and apostasy, the answer is still to be found in a
return to the plain teaching and preaching of God’s word. What are you
doing to learn God’s precious Bible?
The Beauty of Timing
- We are so
limited in our understanding by having the world in our
hearts. Yet God is working all things together to the good
of His own people and purposes.
The Beggar is a Small Man:
I met a man during a trip to China. He doesn't know me but
he taught me some things. He reminded me of what God expects
from me.
Allow him to do the same for you.
Blessed are They That Put Their
Trust in God - Who are you trusting in? A careful examination of
this could show you that your trust is in you. How
many blessings do we miss because our trust is in the wrong
Concerning the Dearth
- We must all remember that the mercies of the Lord will not
continue forever. If we continue to reject Him, there will
be a day when He will not hear. Today is the day of
salvation. Come to the Lord while there is still time.
Damage That Cannot be Undone
- Have you considered that your actions today may brings
blemishes to you or your testimony that cannot be undone? A
good testimony is one of the most valuable assets you have.
Therefore take heed to yourself.
A Declaration of Vanity
- What are the things that are most important to you? Judge them
by the vanity factor. Do they satisfy? Will they last? How does
God view them?
Don't Leave the Same Way You Came
In: Church services should press
us into service for our heavenly sovereign. Are you listening?
Do you “behave thyself wisely in the house of God” (1Tim.3:15)
so that you can go out by a way other than the one by which you
- The Fear of Loss:
Check out today’s news. In what ways are people acting on this fear of
loss today? People desire gain and fear its loss. How do these motives keep
people from accepting Jesus as their Saviour? How do they keep Christians
from serving Christ?
Festival of Lights
- To
most Americans of today, Hanukkah is nothing more than the Jewish answer
to Christmas. What can we learn from this feast that Jesus Himself
honored by his attendance?
Finding God's Will in the Hedges
What are some of the limitations
or hedges that God has put in your life? Are you using
them as a guide or are you rebelling against the Lord by going
against His revealed will for you?
- Five Qualities of a Humble Man:
What is humility? James says, “Humble yourselves in the sight of the
Lord, and he shall lift you up” (v.10). So, what is humility? How does it
work in our lives?
God is the Promise Keeper:
If God would break His promises to
Israel, He might break other promises. But He never does. What
other promises can we rest assured that He will keep?
The Habit of
Giving: Are we commanded to tithe in the age of grace? What
should we be giving if anything to our local churches?
This article deals with giving of finances but also with
giving of ourselves. What kind of habit should we have
when it comes to giving?
His Word Will Come to Pass:
No other holy book for any major
religion stakes its claim to authority on its ability to
foretell the future. Only God’s word, the Holy Bible, takes this
Homecoming! Are you ready for
a good old-fashioned homecoming?
- Judge Me O Lord - When others speak
wrongfully of you, what do you do? Do you take that time to ask God if
what is being said is true? Do you turn to God and ask Him to search
your heart for any wrong doing? You may be surprised what God would do
in your heart during the times when you have been done wrong.
Keep Your Eye on the Ball -
Are you able to concentrate on the task at hand? Jesus expected
His disciples to have this trait.
Knowing God - Is knowing God nothing
more than an intellectual exercise to the Bible-believer? Are
we allowed to have an experiential knowledge of Him?
Life Giving Water:
God's river brings eternal life
to the believer in Christ so that “out of his belly shall flow
rivers of living water”. We are told how the blessed man “shall
be like a tree planted by the rivers of water”. Have you drunk
from the living fountain?
Little is Much. Are you discouraged
in the ministry? Here are a few encouraging quotes from Charles
Spurgeon for those in the ministry who feel left behind.
The Marring of the Girdle
- Do your sins leave you good for nothing in the sight of God?
Would you be willing to seek His face so that you might be a
vessel of honour in His hands?
Mercy Killing
- Is mercy killing or euthanasia acceptable to God? Should
we put to death those who are suffering with a terrible disease?
A Miracle of Fire
- What is the condition of your personal altar? Is it in
good repair or do you need to work on it?
may not send fire from heaven, but God is ready to do great
things in your life if you give yourself to Him.
Only a Link in the
Chain: Alone, Moses climbed the rugged path to the top of Mount Pisgah
in the land of Moab. Though preserved in body and mind, his 120 years (40 of
them in the wilderness) made him worn in years and in battles. His last
battle was his attempt to enter the Promised Land. He lost. He was to die
after seeing the land from the mountain top.
Overcoming Defeat with Victory
- Sometimes, we find ourselves scattered and astonished.
Refuse to trust in the help of
man but look only to the God of heaven and earth. He is
the only one who will surely give victory.
Praise and Worship God
Do you praise the Lord in your
time of prayer? Do you praise Him in your daily walk of
Presumptuous Sins & Ignorance
- Do you sin because of ignorance to God's law or do you find
yourself knowingly transgressing the law of God?
Purpose of Our Warfare
In what ways does God work in our lives to make us what we ought
to be? What are some examples in your life where God used
gentleness with you when He could have been much harsher?
Secret Giving Yields Open Reward:
What are some other Christian works
that ought to be done in secret but often are not? What in us
desires to be seen of man?
I Sought Him Whom My Soul Loveth
How is your love relationship with the Saviour? Does your heart
ache when that fellowship is hindered? Do you seek and seek
until you find him again?
Still the God of Judgment:
Are you undergoing judgment right now? Are you heading for
certain judgment because of stubborn disobedience to God? Then
repent of your sins and seek God’s mercy. He will hear if you
will turn to Him.
They Did Not Drive Them Out
- What dangers do we face when we do not fully obey the word of
God? Could it be that disobeyed commands today will bring
trials and troubles tomorrow?
Trials, Suffering and Bitter
Herbs - Are your trials like the bitter herbs eaten by the children
of Israel? How can scripture help you with these bitter herbs?
Under the Sun Theology
The best the world has to offer
can only be perfected in the precepts of God’s word. Are you
able to judge between the good, the better and the best?
Let God teach you His discernment and you will be blessed.
The Vanity of Life
- What would our
life be like if nothing existed beyond the world we see? What if
all we had was under the sun? How would this change our life,
our hopes, our dreams?
The Vanity
of Luxury - Solomon had more than we could ever imagine and still did not
find peace or joy. Why do possessions not bring happiness?
What should our attitude be toward the things of this world?
The Vision of Faith:
Faith is that unfaltering
confidence in the promises of God that makes a man give more, go
further, work harder and hold on longer than he would have for
any other reason. What is your faith doing in your own
The Vow of the Nazarite
- A man or woman who took the vow of the Nazarite, did so of
their own free will. It was a person from the depths of
their heart wanting to separate from the world and unto God.
Do you love God enough to separate yourself unto Him?
What are You Working For:
What kind of meat are you working
for? The multitude followed Jesus across the Sea of Galilee when
they saw that He could feed them. They wanted to know what they
needed to do in order to keep getting bread. What is your
bread? Or meat? Is it to know God and to do His will?
What Children Learn From Their Parents
- Whether you are aware of it or not your children will learn
from you. Is what they are learning going to be good for
them or will it lead them into troubles?
What Kind of Ground are
Have you allowed the seed to take
root in your heart? Have you trusted in Jesus Christ (who died
for your sins on the cross and arose from the dead to give you
eternal life) as your personal Saviour? If so, are you bearing
fruit for Him?
Zeal Without Knowledge
You know how preachers are always telling you to be enthusiastic?
Well, it's also important to be heading in the right direction.
Debt Free the Bible Way:
you are continually strapped financially and are sick and tired of
it, God has help for you. Here are some practical Bible precepts
of financial management.
Difference Between Good and Bad Music:
A series of short articles by Alan Ives on good music and how to tell
the difference.
Get Through Prayer - Discipleship
lesson on how to get answers from God through prayer.
Giving the Tithe and Offering - The
problems, proportion and promise of giving. Another discipleship
lesson from Donnie Melton.
Grace in Judgment: Have
things been going wrong in your life? Are you struggling whether
or not you are being judged by God? Then read these helps for
those who are being chastened by God.
Importance of Good Music: We
know that music is a controversial issue for Christians. Why
is it also an extremely important issue.
Jesus and the Death Penalty:
Most theologians agree that, if Jesus were here today, He would oppose
the death penalty. Most theologians are wrong.
March Music Versus Dance Music: We
are to march in the army of the Lord. But the devil wants us
to dance.
There is a difference. Alan Ives shows how you can tell the difference.
Owe No Man - Romans 13:8 tells us
to owe no man anything but love. But, does this mean that we
cannot incur any kind of debt?
Personal Soul Winning - What
is soul winning? Whose responsibility is it to win souls? What
should you be doing?
Personal Testimony: How should
your life shine forth as a living testimony? What is the Christian's
call to separation and service? Discipleship lesson.
Praying for Patience - Have
you been frightened from praying for patience by some carnal Christian?
Will the real man or woman of God stand up?
Praying in the Name of Jesus -
Do you close your prayers in Jesus' name? Why is it important
to pray in His name? Why is simply saying the words not enough?
Recreation as Re-Creation:
is the list time you got rested up? Does God allow Christians
to take a break from work and service?
Responsibility to God's
Outlines our need to read, memorize, study and meditate on God's word.
Includes forty (40) Bible study questions to be used in basic Bible
Seven Myths of Education:
We always hear of the benefits of education. The Bible tells
us what it cannot do.
Thanksgiving - the Perfect Sacrifice:
Leviticus 7:11-15 - What does Thanksgiving mean to you.
See how the Levitical thanksgiving offering reveals the power of a
thankful heart.
To China With Love - The Call:
A young lady tells of her call to China as a missionary. This
is the first in a series.
When Life Becomes a Bore:
Scriptural suggestions on how to deal with work stress and overload.
Why I Still Wear a Tie to Church: Unlike
the wooly mammoth, my tie refuses to totally disappear.
Work: Blessing or Curse
- What
does the Bible say about work. An excellent study by Jonathan