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The six-day creation
story as found in Genesis (along with the seventh day of rest) provides
a perfect picture of the seven dispensations as generally taught by
dispensationalists. Match each day of creation with the corresponding
dispensation and you see some very interesting parallels. I list
them in the following chart.
of Creation |
Dispensation |
First |
light from darkness |
Innocence |
Second |
in the heavens |
Conscience |
Third |
land appears; vegetation |
Government |
Fourth |
moon and stars |
Patriarchs |
Fifth |
fowl |
Law |
Sixth |
animals; man |
Grace |
Seventh |
of rest |
Kingdom |
q Innocence – In
the first dispensation, Adam and Eve are created and placed into the
Garden of Eden. They live in a state of childlike innocence as
to the effects and corruption of evil. They were given one, and
only one, negative commandment. They were not to eat of the tree
of the knowledge of good and evil. To eat of this tree would
bring certain death upon them. Yet, they ate of that tree.
o First
Day of Creation – On the
first day of creation, God divided the light from the darkness and
saw that is was good. In the Bible, light pictures truth
and goodness while darkness pictures falsehood and evil. This
is what God did with the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in
the first dispensation. He made a clear line of distinction
between good and evil.
This point is made in Romans 5:14:
“Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses,
even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression,
who is the figure of him that was to come.”
sin is defined as a transgression.
In eating of the forbidden fruit, he transgressed (i.e., stepped over
a clearly defined line by directly disobeying a clearly defined commandment).
He could not have transgressed (disobeyed a direct command) unless a
direct command had been given. The clear division between good
and evil in the Age of Innocence parallels with the clear division between
light and darkness on the first day of creation.
q Conscience – In
the second dispensation, Adam and Eve fall from their state of innocence
by their sin. As a result, they are separated from their daily
walk with God and cast out of His garden. Man’s separation from
God profoundly changes everything about His life and being.
In his fall from God’s presence, man loses more than could ever be regained—except
by the future coming of the Saviour as the “seed” of the woman (Gen.3:15).
o Second
Day of Creation – On the
second day of creation, God puts a firmament (i.e., an expansion
of space) between the waters that are above and below the firmament. What
this firmament effectively does is put a great division between God’s
heavenly abode and earth. Although the firmament is called
Heaven, this title refers to the abode of the birds and the stars,
not to God’s dwelling place.
second day of creation is the only one without a divine declaration
of blessing. Not once on the second day does God say that anything
was good. The effect of the second day was to divide earth from
man. How could that be good?
this to the results of the second dispensation. The fall divided
man (who dwells on earth) from God (who dwells in heaven). No
other dispensation begins on a level this low. God’s mercy and
His promise of a Deliverer (Gen.3:15) are the only rays of light in
an awful affair. Certainly, God could not look on Adam’s fall
and say that it was good.
final note: On the second day of creation, the earth is completely
covered with water. The second dispensation, the Age of Conscience,
ends with the earth being completely covered with water at the time
of Noah’s flood.
q Human
Government – In the Age of Human Government, God gives to Noah a set of basic precepts
for government. The most basic of all was that of capital punishment. Those
who kill others should themselves be put to death (Gen.9:5-6). By
this, government was given the power to bring order to the world
and lead mankind toward God.
o Third
Day of Creation – On this
day, God does two major things. First, He gathers the waters
on the earth unto one place and causes the dry land to appear. Second,
He brings life to the earth in the form of vegetation: grasses, herbs
and trees. On both counts God looks at what He has done and
sees that it is good.
as God causes dry land to appear on the third day of creation, so dry
land appears after the flood so that Noah and his family can leave
the earth. They know that the waters are receding when the dove
returns with an olive leaf plucked off (Gen.8:11). This compares
with the appearance of vegetation on the third day of creation.
not only brings order to the new post-flood world by basic laws of
government. He also brings order to the natural world. Not
only does He promise no more worldwide flood, He establishes the seasons
as long as the earth shall last (see Genesis 8:22):
the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer
and winter, and day and night shall not cease.”
q Patriarchs or Promise – This
dispensation deals with the time when God chooses a man (Abraham) out
of whom He will establish a chosen people (Israel). God calls
Abram (his earlier name) out of Ur to a new land and promises to make
of him a great nation (Gen.12:1-3). The patriarchs, or fathers,
will rule over the people during this period.
o Fourth
Day of Creation – On the
fourth day of creation, God creates the sun, moon and stars. He
places them in the heaven as signs to indicate the days, seasons
and years.
He then looks on all that He has done and sees that it is good.
does this day of creation relate to the fourth dispensation of promise? First,
notice the special promise given to Abraham about his seed (the generations
of people to proceed from him).
Read Genesis 15:5-6 where God is speaking to Abraham:
he brought him forth abroad, and said, Look now toward heaven, and
tell the stars, if thou be able to number them: and he said unto him,
So shall thy seed be. And he believed in the LORD; and he counted
it to him for righteousness.”
seed of Abraham would number as the stars in the heaven. But
Joseph, one of the twelve sons of Jacob, has a dream that further connects
the fourth dispensation and the fourth day. He dreams (Gen.37:9-10)
that his father is the sun, his mother is the moon and his brothers
are eleven stars. And, as you may know, these twelve sons become
the heads of the twelve tribes of Israel.
also that the heavenly bodies are created to be signs for those on
earth. In the Age of Promise, the Jewish people were chosen to
be a sign to all on earth of God’s working in this world. God
chose to make them a great nation as a testimony to all the nations
of the earth (see Deut.4:6-8). It is also through God’s dealings
with the Jews that we can know the change in the seasons (i.e., the
dispensational changes). The next dispensation (kingdom ) will
be identified by God returning favor to the Jew.
q Law – The
fifth dispensation is established when God delivers Israel from Egypt
and gives to Moses His special law for the children of Israel. Under
the law, God codifies the laws of sacrifice, ceremony and civil cases
of disobedience. The Jews are under the law until the coming
of the Messiah in the man of the Lord Jesus Christ.
o Fifth
Day of Creation – On the
fifth day of creation, God creates two classes of animals: those
that swim in the water and those that fly in the air. They
are called the fish and the fowl. He looks upon His work and
sees that it is good. He blesses these creatures and tells
them to be fruitful and multiply.
The Age of Law began with special connections
to bodies of water (the abode of fish). The Israelites cross the
Red Sea in leaving Egypt and they cross the Jordan River in order to
reach the Promised Land. Yet, their deliverance was also connected
with birds of the air. God delivered them as an eagle would in
stirring up its nest (Deut.32:9-12).
my earlier article, Law
and the Number Five,
I point out a connection with the number five and the elements of the
law. The law describes five major sacrifices (Lev.1-5). There are
exactly five animals that are specifically mentioned as clean animals
suitable for sacrifice (see Gen.15:9). The first two of these
animals (the pigeon and the turtledove) were created on the fifth day.
q Grace – The
dispensation of grace begins with the coming of Jesus Christ as the
God-man who would die on the cross for our sins. It ends when
the people of God are taken out of this world and the tribulation begins. Although
God’s grace has always been evident, the Age of Grace surpasses all
other ages in this regard. This is because our salvation is clearly
through the only begotten Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ.
o Sixth
Day of Creation – On the
sixth day of creation, God creates the land animals first. Then
He creates man in the image of God. He blesses man telling
him to be fruitful, multiply, replenish the earth and subdue it. He
looks at everything He had made and declares it to be “very good.”
order to provide a perfect way of salvation, God becomes a man in the
person of Jesus Christ. This occurs at the beginning of the sixth
dispensation—the sixth day being the day of man’s creation. As
God sees His creation to be “very good,” so He testifies,
“This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” (Mt.3:17).
Jesus is something else. He is the image of God. Adam was
created in the image of God (Gen.1:26-27). But
Jesus Christ is the image of God. Read 2 Corinthians
whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe
not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image
of God, should shine unto them.”
Jesus Christ, the last Adam (1Cor.15:45), we can regain the image of
God that we lost in the fall of the first Adam. Six is the number
of man. The sixth dispensation saw the coming of the perfect
Man to this world so that we might be saved.
q Kingdom – In
the Kingdom Age, the Lord fulfills all of the kingdom promises made
to Israel. It occurs during a thousand year time on earth when
Jesus Christ Himself will sit on the throne of David and rule and reign
from Jerusalem.
It will be a time of peace and righteousness on the earth as described
in many Old Testament passages. In Isaiah 32:17-18, we read:
the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness
quietness and assurance for ever. And my people shall dwell in a peaceable
habitation, and in sure dwellings, and in quiet resting places;”
- Was
the Kingdom Offered to Israel? One of the basic teachings
of classic dispensationalism states that Jesus Christ came to offer
the kingdom to Israel. Is this true? Let's review the
o Seventh
Day of Creation – On the
seventh day, God rested from all His labors and established the Sabbath
Day of rest. This day would later be given as a special sign
to the nation of Israel (Ex.31:16-17). God rested in that He
ceased from His work on the seventh day and declared it a time of
as the seventh day of creation week was a day of rest, so the seventh
dispensation is a time of rest. As Hebrews 4:9 says:
remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God.”
too, look forward to that time when the King of righteousness comes
to bring peace to the earth. There will be no peace until we
have the King of peace. And there will be no true peace until
we have complete righteousness. We look forward to that day when
Jesus will come for those of us who know Him as Saviour for we will
be with Him when He comes.
you know Jesus as your personal Saviour?
Is there a time in your life when you have turned from your own sin and
way and have trusted entirely in what He did for you on the cross? Are
you trusting in His resurrection for your hope of eternal life? If
you are not sure, please read the conclusion of the article How
to Lose Your Salvation.