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Genesis 2:1 – “heavens” – cf. Genesis 1:1 – all heavens (pl) now finished
“host” – could
include angelic beings, but doesn’t – simply refers to celestial bodies
(cf. Psalm 148:2). Also, Isaiah 34:4 says all the host of heaven,
but does not include angels.
“finished” – All
creation complete – no creation going on today
Genesis 2:2 – “rested”
that God was tired and worn out, but to give us a divine principle
of life –
work six days and rest one. Cf. Heb. 4:1-10 – prophetically pointing
to the seventh millennium of rest or the 1000-year reign of Christ.
Genesis 2:3 – “sanctified”
sets apart the day of rest for His pleasure.
day per week ought to be the Lord’s – to delight oneself in the Lord
is to appropriate this principle (cf. Isaiah 58:13-14) (Psalm 37:4)
“created” – in
Hebrew – “bara” means to make or create with or without substance
“made” – in
Hebrew “Asah” means to appoint or bring forth, usually (not always)
with existing matter
Genesis 2:4 – “generations”
long periods of time – generation simply means the act of generating
or making; the period of time that something is made – in this case,
six days of 24-hour duration. To generate something involves
a start time and a finish time, and the interval between is the generation.
“day” – here
it is very obvious that day is a generic term referring to the specific
period of creation.
Note: Certain words must be kept within their context. The word “run” has
many meanings, as a boy runs, a run in a stocking, or a production run.
Genesis 2:5 – “before”
herbs and plants were created, man was not present to sow seed, cultivate,
etc. Here we see the vegetable kingdom was created in “apparent
age” or full-size without fruit in bloom.
plants full-size at creation – the earth is fully landscaped.
Genesis 2:6 – “mist from the earth”
supernatural watering system producing a greenhouse effect (no rain
face” – enough moisture to keep ground wet – a unique in-house hydrological
Genesis 2:7 – “formed man of the dust”
man’s body is fabricated from the 14 basic elements found in dust.
that man did not emerge from protozoa in the sea – no life yet, just
a form, but a complete form and not void.
into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.”
entire portion of this verse is of vital importance and must be understood
in the context of creation and pro-creation. Some modernists
have leaped upon this verse to prove that devilish abortions are Biblically
permissive because until a fetus (their term) breathes, it is not a
living soul; thus attempting to equate life with breath. First,
Lev. 17:11 states that the life of the flesh is in the blood, not the
breath. In Genesis 2:7 the Bible speaks of the creation of Adam
in “apparent age.” God formed man completely with all his vital
organs and systems including the circulatory system, which supplies
the blood flow. This creative act was performed outside a womb
and with no umbilical cord attached. When God supernaturally
gave this full-grown man breath, all of his systems began to function
and blood began to circulate – hence, life.
pro-creation, the baby (not fetus) in the womb is being fed; and the
circulatory system is in operation. The life of the flesh is
in the blood –
in the womb there is life…without breath! The baby in the womb
is always referred to as a “child” in Scripture. Hence, it is a
living soul IN THE WOMB! To willfully destroy a baby in the womb
is murder!
Genesis 2:8 – “planted a garden”
special place for Adam – evidently planted in a full-grown state
put the man” – it is God’s choice, not man’s, for his location (good
advice for man today concerning a place to serve)
Genesis 2:9 – “every tree”
of creation by God – not evolutionary process
of life” – obviously a tree of supernatural design and purpose
“midst” – the
heart of the garden – in obvious view
of Knowledge of Good and Evil” – another tree of super-natural design
and purpose
Genesis 2:10 – “Eden”
location unknown, as the Tigris and Euphrates riverbeds have changed
over the millennia. The cradle of civilization is known by science
to be in the region from Israel to ancient Babylon.
Genesis 2:11 – “Pison”
river (or canal) thought to be in the ancient Babylonia region
“Havilah” – Rich
in minerals, though no specific location is determined
Genesis 2:12 – “gold”
as good – in quality and quantity
“bdellium” – unknown
substance thought to be pearl or type of gem
“onyx” – a
quartz with parallel lines of alternating colors (obviously this land
was beautiful and majestic).
Genesis 2:13 – “Gihon”
undetermined though in the same region as Pison
balk as how the Gihon can compass Ethiopia, as the two are on different
continents; but we must bear in mind that the land area is a single
mass at this point; and gulfs, seas, and rivers as we know them today
have been drastically altered due to the flood (Genesis 6-8) and the dividing
of land (Genesis 10).
Genesis 2:14 – “Hiddekel”
name of the present-day Tigris River
river in Asia, though its river bed and course have been definitely
altered over the millennia.
Genesis 2:15 – “took the man”
Creator doing with His creation as it pleaseth Him (cf. Rev. 4:11)
of Eden”
just a large vegetable garden, but also a vast paradise-type land mass
to house a multitude of plant and animal life.
“dress,” “keep”
the beginning, man is never to just drift aimlessly through life without
a purpose. God gives Adam the responsibility and charge over
the garden. One must be present to keep something – even a keeper at home.
Genesis 2:16 – “commanded”
can be no order apart from rules and regulations. Here God begins
to establish order with Adam. Every celestial body must rotate
on its axis and orbit at a speed as commanded by God. To obey
brings order; to disobey brings chaos.
Lord allows Adam to exercise complete liberty to partake of all the
fruit in the garden. As the keeper of the garden, he (Adam) is
allowed to freely eat of its fruit (cf. I Tim. 5:18). Please
note that in God’s perfect plan, man is never to leave the garden – everything
he needs is where God put him.
Genesis 2:17 – “But”
comes a restriction, which will cause Adam to make a choice. Man
must now exercise his free will – sorry, 5-point Calvinists!
of Knowledge of Good and Evil”
of all the trees in the garden, God now focuses upon one. (There
are two trees in the midst of the garden.)
shalt not eat”
line of authority is drawn between God and Adam, as a specific restriction
is imposed on Adam (Keep in mind that God did not tell him not to eat
of the tree of life – this will be discussed in the next chapter).
the day”
time frame is established for an upcoming punishment for disobedience.
shalt surely die”
gives man a responsibility.
allows man to enjoy great freedom and liberty.
imposes a restriction on Adam.
is faced with a choice.
God states the fact of a penalty, if the wrong choice is made. “Surely”
denotes the seriousness of the matter, and the Lord obviously believes
this to be a deterrent for Adam. (So it ought to be today in government.)
is not present when this command is given.
is often asked, “Did Adam die the same day that he sinned?” One
doesn’t have to spiritualize the verse to suggest that Adam died spiritually
when he disobeyed God, but rather take it literally that Adam died physically before
the “day” was finished. A day with the Lord is a thousand years. Adam did not live out the day as God promised, and no man since Adam
ever lived longer than a “day” (because of Adam’s sin – sin came upon
all men).
Genesis 2:18 – “It is not good”
all of God’s creative acts, the Lord stated that they were very good. Now
He sees, not a mistake, but a complement necessary to His creation. Bear
in mind that Genesis 1 gives the general creation account and finishes
with male and female being created. Here in Genesis 2 are the details
of what took place. Hence, God is putting the finishing touches
on His creation. The best for last. The dessert…woman.
“Alone” – Adam
was not alone in the sense that he had no company, for there was a
multitude of animals. He was alone after his own kind.
Genesis 2:19 – “Adam called”
a masterpiece of intellectual ability – to name all the animals (land
and air), which numbered in the thousands. Adam was a perfect
specimen of body and mind. Also notice the fellowship with God
as He brought the creatures to Adam to be named.
Genesis 2:20 – “Adam gave names”
of naming the animals occurred on the sixth day. Adam was just
created; and because he was created in “apparent age” (full-size),
he could readily perform adulthood functions. Obviously, he was
created with the supernatural – immediate capacity to think, reason,
and speak.
found” – After quickly naming all the animals and examining their characteristics – something
was missing. Adam found no animal suitable to complement him. (I
wonder what evolutionists do with this verse – there apparently wasn’t
even a “missing link.”)
meet” – In the Hebrew – ezer knegdo or “counterpart”
as a helper (an aide) suitable for him
Genesis 2:21 – “deep sleep”
was created not sinless, but innocent – a state similar to a young
child. Evidently pain was a consideration, as God put Adam to sleep to perform
what appears to be Divine surgery with supernatural healing. All
this must occur on the sixth 24-hour day (Genesis 1:26-31).
of his ribs” – God could have made the woman from the dust of the ground
as He did Adam; but God chose to use part of Adam to create the woman
so she, in fact, would be his counterpart, or “help meet.”
up the flesh” – a type of surgical procedure of a Divine nature
Genesis 2:22 – “rib”
cannot be sure why God chose the rib instead of another part of Adam,
but the fact that God took out of Adam to make woman is a typical foreshadow
of Christ and His bride; for Christ took out of Himself to make His
Bride. We are one in Christ. Hence, a woman is not just
some form of chattel, but an integral part of man – his counterpart.
her” – God brought His new creation – the final gem – to Adam and presented
her to him.
Note: Adam and his bride are a likeness of Israel and the Bride of Christ. Adam
had access to the tree of life (as long as he didn’t partake of the tree
of knowledge of good and evil). Salvation is of the Jew first. Adam
rejected God’s plan through unbelief (disobedience). God caused
a deep sleep to come over Adam. Israel is temporarily blinded (asleep). God
took a rib from Adam and made his bride. Gentiles were grafted
in and became partakers by faith of salvation – the bride of Christ (cf.
Rom. 11:17-21).
Genesis 2:23 – “woman”
Hebrew – isha
or “out of man”
God took something (rib) from Adam, it made man incomplete,
and only until God returned Woman to man was Adam complete. Truly
a man today is incomplete without a woman.
Genesis 2:24 – “father and his mother”
now reveals the institution of the home or marriage, as He looks ahead
to the future race of man. The instruction for man when he marries
is to leave father and mother and begin a new family. This
certainly doesn’t imply to “divorce” your parents, but is simply divine
wisdom that multiple families under the same roof will breed trouble. Also,
there is a change of authority involved.
“cleave,” “one
flesh” – The word wife is used and clarifies a marriage relationship. The
terms “cleave” and “one flesh” certainly reveal a permanent relationship. In
fact, the Hebrew indicates that his type of union cannot be divided
(Divine super-glue!). “What God hath joined together, let
not man put asunder.”
Genesis 2:25 – “naked”
man and woman were in a state of innocence and had not come to the
point of knowledge of good and evil. This point will be discussed
in the next chapter. Remember the “forbidden tree.”
Material by Wayne Barkett,
P. O. Box 155, Pinetta, FL 32350