The Bible - Science or Fiction:
There are many today who would hold the view that the Bible
is a good Book, possibly a Holy Book, but certainly not a scientific Book. Is
this a fair view of the Bible, or could it be that it is a far more scientific
Book than we give it credit for?
and Living Molecular Machine Systems: At
the fundamental unit of life, the cell, there is a technology in place
with amazing capabilities. We are not just a combination of a few
simple parts designed to move and operate in certain ways. Our
parts have parts, and those parts have parts, and those parts have parts. And
all these parts are integrated and coordinated systematically at all
levels top to bottom.
- Example of Evolution or not?
I have just recently discovered that our jaws are getting smaller, more
people are having their wisdom teeth removed due to pain and complications,
and some people are born without wisdom teeth. Does it say anything in
the Bible about de-evolution or adaption?
Ape to
Man: What are the errors in the Ape to Man theory? Why are these
problems swept under the rug by those presenting evolution as fact?
How can one combat these problems and be accurate in science? This
article deals with a documentary shown by a television station on the
subject of Ape to Man.
Atheist Because of Science: Many today are atheists because
they have been taught the science proves there is no God. Is this
real science or what the Bible calls "science falsely so called"?
World Famous Atheist
Antony Flew, a world famous atheist, has been converted to a belief in
God due to the overwhelming scientific evidence of a super intelligent
Explosion Disproves Evolution: One of the most
remarkable pieces of evidence disproving evolution is the
“Cambrian Explosion” Most textbooks never mention it, and the
ones that do relegate it to a short phrase or paragraph as if it is some
insignificant detail.
Does Religion
Deny Evolution: I'm a biology student and I had a question. Does
religion deny evolution? If evolution is true why are we the only
creatures to have souls?
are Unbiased: It is important to understand that scientific
investigation does not take place in a vacuum, but rather by individuals
who all maintain beliefs and biases. This articles examines how
biased evolutionists are in reality.
Flood on Mars but Not on Earth: One of the most amazing admissions
of inconsistency in secular science is this issue of a global flood on
Mars. As incredible as it may sound, there are secular scientists
that actually propose that there was a global flood on the red planet.
The Human Eye: I
have been reading a book written in the 17th century which claims that
animals do not have the eye muscle that is required to look up. However,
man has a special muscle for looking up. Is this true about the muscles
in the eye?
Design Belongs in Church: A critique of an article by Mort Kondracke.
In this article Will Hoyt goes point by point answering the accusations made
by Mort Kondrake attacking the possibility of a designer in creation.
Definition of Evolution: As a believer, you are going to confront
others who will scoff at you because you don't believe in evolution. The
only problem is that most believers don't really know what all the term
evolution involves. See this article that defines evolution in
an easy to understand way.
About the Brain: The
adult brain weighs just three pounds, yet it is more powerful, complex
and intriguing than thousands of supercomputers. Find out more
fascinating details.
Soft Tissue Discovered: A group of Paleontologists
in Montana recently discovered soft tissues in a thigh bone from a
Tyrannosaurus Rex they were excavating. This fossil T-Rex with
soft tissues offers conclusive evidence that dinosaurs did not go extinct
millions of years ago, but are creatures that coexisted contemporaneously
with humans.