The study of typology is a
wonderful study. Biblical typology should never be
used to teach new doctrine, but rather to reinforce a
doctrine already plainly taught in the scriptures. The
articles listed on this page will be the
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Christ the
Rose of Sharon -
Song of Solomon 2:1:
The Lord Jesus elegantly
expresseth his own excellency, by comparing himself unto a Rose, the Rose of
Christ a Garment for Sanctification:
Garments are for the
covering of the body. They hide nakedness and deformity. The Lord Jesus
Christ is a cover for the soul, every man’s nakedness and deformity appears
that hath not on this spiritual Garment.
Christ a Branch - Zechariah 3:8; 6:12; Hebrews 12:24; : In the scriptures, Jesus Christ is called the Branch.
We are to understand His human nature as intended. As such, concerning the
flesh, he proceeded from Abraham, Jesse and David.
Christ a Prophet
- Matthew 13:57; Luke 7:16; John 4:19; Acts 3:22: The Lord Jesus
Christ had three offices. They are Prophet, Priest and King. In what
aspects was Jesus Christ a Prophet? -
Christ a Priest -
Hebrews 7:17, 26:
One of the greatest blessings of being saved is having Jesus Christ as
your High Priest. No longer must you go to a man to confess your sins
and ask forgiveness, but you can approach the throne of grace with
boldness through the shed blood of our High Priest.
Christ a King:
There is no higher name or title to set forth
dignity amongst men, than kings or mighty potentates. There is nothing
doth more fully set forth the glory, power, and splendor of Christ than
this. -
- The Servant of God - Isaiah 42:1; 49:6:
A Servant is one
chosen to office. If men have work or business to do, they choose one to
be their servant, whom they think fitly qualified, and able to do it.
Christ was chosen by the Father. Not to one office only, but to many. To
be a Mediator, King, Priest and Prophet.
Christ a
Testator - Hebrews 9:16: The death of the Testator has put His
will and testament into effect. In what ways is Christ a Testator? Great blessings have been left to His people? Are you experiencing
those blessings?
Christ the Way -
John 14:6: Way
is a common word or phrase, taken for the chief means and medium for the
attainment or accomplishment of a thing, and so is very comprehensive.
Here man is the subject, God or happiness the end, Christ the Way.
Christ a
Christ cures all that come to him, whatsoever the
distemper be, he hath an universal medicine, with
which he infallibly cures all sicknesses, diseases,
and wounds of the soul. -
Christ a
A Bridegroom presupposes two things. First, a person
in a single capacity; and as so considered, he is a
suitor. Secondly, a person in a married estate; and
as so considered, he is a head or husband. In both
these respects Christ may be considered, and is held
forth in the word of God.
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