Questions and Answers
- Cain's Offering - Genesis
4:3: What
biblical quotes can be deduced to support God's rejection of
Cain's offering and do you think it is the type of offering
or is it the condition of the offering or the giver?
- Cain's Wife - Genesis 4:20: Where
did Cain's wife come from if there were only 3 people on the
earth after Abel's death?
- Why Would
God Kill Moses? - Exodus 4:24: Was God seeking
to kill Moses and if so, why?
- Exodus 14:21 - Crossing
the Red Sea:
How long did it take the Israelites to cross the Red Sea after
leaving Egypt?
- The Death and
Body of Moses: How did Moses die and was he resurrected? If
he was resurrected did he die again or was he caught up to
- Samson's Marriage - Judges
Was it the Lord that prompted Samson to marry a non-Israelite
- Eating Dove's Dung - 2Kings
6:25: What did the Samaritan's do with the donkey's
head and dove's dung that they bought?
Records of Returning Jews - Ezra 2 & Nehemiah 7: The
book of Ezra, and the book of Nehemiah both list the tribes and
number of people) that left Babylonian captivity. The number of
people in each tribe differ when comparing Ezra and Nehemiah.
The total number appears to be correct, but why do about half of
the tribe totals differ from one book to the other?
The Opening of the Ears -
Psalm 40:6:
In Psalm 40:6 we read "mine ears hast thou opened",
but when it was quoted in Hebrews 10:5 it says "a body
thou hast prepared me". Why was it quoted differently?
- Psalm 91:8: Could you
please give an explanation of what this verse is dealing with.
- Dashing
Little Ones Against Stones- Psalm 137:9- Does God
condone the abuse or harm of children?
King Lemuel - Proverbs 31:
Who is the King Lemuel mentioned in Proverbs 31 and who is
his mother?
Did God Create Evil?
- Isaiah 45:7- Is God to blame for all of the evil and
sorrow in the world?
No More Infant
of Days - Isaiah 65:20: Could you please explain
this verse?
- Ezekiel 40-47 - When does
this take place: In Ezekiel, chapters 40-47, is
this a future setup of what has to happen with Israel as
nation in the future? What is the period?
The Valley of Judgment
- Zechariah 6:1-15: What are the two mountains
of brass?
What would be the north country and south country?
The Lord's
Brothers and Sisters - Matthew: I've been reading the Bible
and it says in Matthew that Jesus had 4 brothers and it mentions
he had sisters, but it doesn't give their names or how many.
I was wondering if you knew what happened to his brothers
and sisters and what the sister's names were?
Nazarene: In
Matthew 2:23 it says "that it might be fulfilled which
was spoken by the prophets, He shall be called a Nazarene." I
have looked quite thoroughly for this verse in the prophets
but cannot find it. Can you help with this?
Could Christ Have
Sinned? Bible students have argued for years over whether
or not Christ could have sinned when the devil tempted Him
(Matthew 4; Luke 4). But is it possible that we are asking
the wrong question?
Matthew 5-7 -
Is it for Today?: Is Jesus introducing the Jews to
the future kingdom of heaven on earth? And if that's the case,
are the acts indicated in Matthew 5:29,30 the result of Matthew
5:28 and something believer's must physically carry out while
in the future kingdom in order to enter into his final resting
of Heaven Suffereth Violence: Please explain Matthew
11:12. Some people say that this is referring to heaven
while others say that it refers to the believers on earth.
the Children's Bread to Dogs - Matthew 15:26: What
did Jesus mean when He said that it was not meet to cast
the children's bread to dogs?
- Matthew 16:28: What
does Matthew 16:28 mean? What did Jesus mean when He
said "Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here,
which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man
coming in his kingdom."?
The Eye of a Needle - Matthew 19:24:
In the city of Jerusalem in Biblical times was there
such a thing as the "Needle Gate" which allowed people in the city at
The Resurrection Events -
Matthew 28:9:
Why did Jesus tell Mary not to touch Him since he had not ascended?
When did he ascend? Did not he invite Thomas to thrust his
hand in his side? Also when did Jesus present the blood to
the Father? Was it the literal blood that came from his body
on the cross?
As it is Written
of Him - Mark 9:11-13:
In Mark 9:11-13 we read about the prophecy of Elias. Verse
13 says "as it is written of him". Now, where is
it written?
Luke: I recently
heard it taught that Luke was a gentile and I am having a hard
time believing this. My question is was Luke a gentile?
- Luke 9:62: Does Luke
9:62 describe backsliders as though they were never saved?
the Parable of the Unrighteous Steward - Luke 16:1-12: I
don't understand the parable of unrighteous steward. Is there
any commentary or materials?
the Flesh of the Son of Man - John 6:53-56: What
does the Bible mean when it says that we are to eat the flesh
and drink the blood of Jesus Christ?
The Death of Lazarus: I
have a question about
11:1-45 especially verses 6 & 17. If Jesus stayed
2 more days how could Lazarus have been dead 4 days? Was he
already dead when the message came to Jesus?
What Happened
to Lazarus:
What happened to Lazarus, the one that was raised from the
dead, after Jesus was crucified?
John 14:19 - The Appearance
of Christ:
Please explain what Jesus meant in John 14:19
when He said
the world will see Him no more, but the eleven
disciples would see Him again. I used to be a Jehovah Witness, but am not
any more. Because of their teachings, this verse is confusing to me.
- Acts 2:38: What does
Acts 2:38 mean and does it apply today?
- The Godhead
Revealed in Creation - Romans 1:20:
What does the Lord mean when He says in Romans 1:20 that "even
his eternal power and Godhead;" are revealed in the creation.
How is the Trinity evident in creation?
- Explain "Deliver
such an one unto Satan" - 1Corinthians 5:5 Does
this teach loss of salvation?
- Sin Against the Body -
1Corinthians 6:18: What does this verse mean?
How is fornication considered sinning against the body?
What is included in the term "fornication"?
- A
Father and His Virgin: Could you please explain
1Corinthians 7:36-38?
- Should
women wear head coverings? 1Corinthians 11- Is it sin
for a woman to wear veils in the church
worship service basing her belief in 1Corinthians11?
- His Grace is Sufficient
- 1Corinthians 12:9: What did God mean when He
told Paul, "My grace is sufficient for you?"
Guiding the House:
first Timothy 5:14 it says that women are to guide the house. How
do I guide the house?
Discreet and Chaste:
2 says that the aged women are supposed to teach the younger
women to be discreet and chaste. What does that mean? How
do I teach my daughter this?
- Keepers at Home - Titus
What does it mean when it says that women are to be "keepers
at home"?
- The Doctrine of Christ:
I was recently told that the doctrine of Christ was to love
God and love your neighbour. Is this true?
for the Sin Unto Death - 1John 5:16: What is the correct
interpretation of not praying for the sin unto death
found in 1John 5:16?
- Lukewarm - Revelation 3:16:
Please explain the meaning of Revelation 3:16.
- Overcomers - Revelation 3:21:
If our sin debt is already paid in full through the blood of
Jesus Christ then why are we commanded to overcome as He
- The Absence of the Tribe of Dan - Revelation 7: Why is the
tribe of Dan not found in the 144,000 in the Book of Revelation?
- Faces of
the Living Creatures: The creatures mentioned in
Ezekiel's vision, first chapter of Ezekiel, later four living
creatures in Revelation 7:11, without mention of the faces.
Are these the same creatures and do they represent the four
- 144,000
Resurrected or Ascended - Revelation 14:1-3: Did
the 144,000 get resurrected and if so when? Is this
the same group mentioned in Revelation 7?
- What are the Books -
Revelation 20: In Revelation chapter 20, it speaks
of books. I know of the book of life but what are the
- More than One
Tree of Life: For the first time recently I noticed
in Revelation 22:1-2 that it says of the tree of life it
is "IN THE MIDST of the street of it, AND ON EITHER
SIDE of the river". So, my question is: Is there
more than one tree of life and is it Christ?