Name the
A Wife for Isaac:
Why did Abraham want his son to get a wife
from a far land?
Abode of the Saints: What happens to a saved person after they die? Are they
asleep or are they already in Heaven?
- Acts 2:38: What does
Acts 2:38 mean and does it apply today?
Adam and Original Sin:
If Adam sinned and fell, why should we need salvation?
How can the sin of Adam affect us?
- The Age of Accountability: Many people have taught the idea that there is an age at which
a child becomes accountable to God. Is this a scriptural
teaching and if so, what age would it be?
The Age
of the
How old
and in
5:9 does
mean the
is not
Alexander, Hymenaeus, Jannes, Jambres and Philetus: The
scripture speaks negatively of each of these individuals. Some were delivered unto Satan and of others it is said they
erred concerning the faith. What happened to each one and why
were they dealt with the way they were?
Anointing with Oil: Do Christians require anointing oil,
i.e. olive oil, to heal
the sick, as instructed in James?
Apostles and
Genealogies: There seem to be a difference in the
names of the twelve disciples found in Mark 3:16-19 and Luke 6:13-16.
The only solution for this contradiction is to ASSUME that Thaddaeus is
Judas. Do you have any proof of this? Also,
There is a
difference in Jesus Genealogy found in Matthew chapter 1 and Luke
chapter 3. What annoys me is that one of the gospels traces Jesus back
to Solomon while the other traces it back to Nathan. How can we explain
Are Sins Equal?:
Are all sins created equal? For example, like
comparing someone who committed suicide to someone
who said God's name in vain. Would they both receive
the same punishment?
A Balance in
Salvation: When it comes to spiritual things,
people often fail to keep a biblical balance. This
results from partial knowledge of doctrine. The
requirements for salvation in an individual are no
- Baptism - Church Membership: What is the correlation/connection between
water baptism and church membership? I see where Acts 2:41 references both
baptism and adding to the church in the same context, but have not found
where baptism is clearly required for church membership.
Baptism for Salvation:
Can I get scriptures that
support baptism as part of salvation besides mark 16:16?
Baptism of the
Holy Ghost - How do you lead someone into receiving the
baptism of the Holy Spirit. Are we suppose to what we call
(tarry) with them?
in Jesus Name: I have been baptized in father
son and holy ghost I have repented of my sins and have
received the holy ghost. I started at a new Apostolic church.
Last week it was brought to my attention that if I wasn't
baptized in Jesus name I would not enter the kingdom of
God. I publicly acknowledge Jesus and I have always believed
that my baptism was right. If I have been baptized in the
father son and holy ghost and he is one isn't that the
same as being baptized in Jesus name?
Beginning of
the Grace Age: When did the grace age begin and
will it last 2,000 years?
Being Born Again: Could
you please explain what it means to be "born again"?
Being Troubled About the
Sabbath: Do you have people telling you that you have taken the
mark of the beast by worshipping on Sunday? Do they try to convince
you that you are evil because you do not keep the sabbath? Here are
some pointers on how to handle this confrontation.
- Believers and the Tribulation: Present believers
will not go through any part of the 70th week (also
known as the seven-year tribulation) and we will not
know the antichrist before the rapture. I base this
on three simple principles (instead of endless
arguments over lengthy passages).
Between Death
and Judgment: What happens to the soul when you
die? Does the soul stay in limbo until the judgment?
Bible Chronology
Helps: I noticed in
the classes you talk about verses and their timeline. What
book helps to get this information? I am referring to when
a certain book is written or by whom and when it was written.
Biblical Perfection: Does the Bible teach us to be
sinless? If so can we attain this lofty goal? Is it possible
that the word perfect is a mistranslation?
in the Old Testament:
Why does
2Samuel 12:8 say that God gave wives (plural) to
David if it was intended for man to have only one
The Bitter Michal: Michal was
the daughter of Saul and the wife of David. What kind of person
was she and did she have a heart for the things of God?
Blood Line Curses:
Can you please give me more information on blood line curses?
- Blood
Sacrifices: When we
look at the death of Christ on the cross, we find that His blood is a key
factor in several aspects of our salvation. Why does God require a blood
sacrifice? What is the significance of the blood sacrifice?
- Blotting out of Names - The Book of Life:
If our salvation is secure, how can Christ blot out
our name?
The Body of Christ: Is
the Church the Body of Christ? What Church is this referring
Body Piercing:
Is it all right
to pierce our body when it is supposed to be the
temple of the Holy Spirit?
The Bodies of Saul
and His Sons: Why were the bodies of King Saul and his sons
burned instead of buried in 1Samuel 31:12? Since the Jews
normally buried and did not burn (or cremate) their dead, this
burning of the bodies of Saul and his sons raises the question
as to why they did differently here.
The Book of Life:
Revelation 22:19 ends with "...God shall take away his
part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things
which are written in this book." Does this refer to a loss of salvation.
By Water and
Blood: in 1John 5:6 the Bible says that Jesus
came by water and blood. What is this talking about?
Does this point to the water and blood that flowed
from Jesus' side when He was speared, to the water
of baptism, to water as a type of the word of God or
is it pointing to something else?
Cain's Offering: What
biblical quotes can be deduced to support God's rejection of
Cain's offering and do you think it is the type of offering
or is it the condition of the offering or the giver?
Celebration of
Birthdays: Do the scriptures have anything to say on the
celebration of one's birthday?
Children in the
Rapture: When the rapture takes place there will be unsaved women who
are pregnant. My question is "will these babies
in the womb be raptured"?
and the Jewish Law: Why do Christians not keep
the Jewish laws? There are people in our community who believe
that salvation is of grace through Christ's blood, but also
believe Christ meant us to keep the law.
and the Tribulation: Will there be born again Christians
who will go through the tribulation or will they be raptured
before it starts?
Church of Christ
Doctrine: Are musical instruments scriptural for churches
today? Is the Church of Christ considered a denomination? Pastor
Reagan was told by his father in the ministry "All
practices of the church fit into three categories: the
scriptural, the unscriptural, and the non-scriptural." Click on
the title to see these and more explained.
Is the Church the
Bride of Christ? Is there such a thing as a Universal
church or Baptist Bride?
- The Coming Day
of the Lord: In the Bible, does the '"day of the Lord" refer to the end
times starting after the rapture? These verses suggest that the Day of the Lord
starts with different periods in respect to the rapture. Joel 3:31, 1
Thessalonians 5:1-5 and Isaiah 13:9. Can you please explain these verses to me
as to when exactly the day of the Lord begins?
to me
45 :11
Can we
hands of
God in
on the
Who appeared
with Jesus
on the
when he
Could Christ Have
Sinned? Bible students have argued for years over whether
or not Christ could have sinned when the devil tempted Him
(Matthew 4; Luke 4). But is it possible that we are asking
the wrong question?
Covenant Theology and Dispensationalism: I would
like to ask the difference about covenant theology
and dispensationalist.
Creation of
Heaven and
Hell: In
Genesis 1 it
says that
God created
the heavens.
When was
Also, when
was hell
created. Was
it before or
after the
fall of
Lucifer and
his angels?
Cults: What are
some of the characteristics of a cult?
- Culture of Paul's Day: As
far as we know, all of Paul's travels were within the Roman Empire.
However, the local customs would differ greatly from one place to the
Curse of Ham or Canaan:
In Genesis, Noah cursed Ham for looking upon his nakedness. Was
there an underlying reason for this curse? Is the curse
considered to be a "generational curse"?
The Day of the Lord: What is the Day of the Lord and what is the connection with
the second coming of Christ?
- Is a Deacon a
Servant?: It is true that deacons are to be servants, but
Jesus said that all who will minister for the Him are servants and that
those who are to be chief must be servants.
Death Before Salvation:
If someone is murdered before they had a chance to be saved
(especially a young person), will they still obtain salvation?
The person who committed the crime of the unsaved, if they are
saved & confess/repent, will they still receive salvation even
if the person they murdered doesn't?
Degrees of
Punishment in Hell: Person 'A' is a
child/rapist/killer. Person 'B' is very kind and never
intentionally hurt anyone. They both die without accepting Jesus
as Saviour. Will there be any difference with regards to the
degree of punishment they will receive after death?
Did Christ Have an
Eternal Body?: Some say God's essence is spirit
and, therefore, that image is mind, will, and emotions (or similar
variations) and cannot include anything physical like a body. Some put
forth that the image is spirit, soul, and body. But even most of those
admit that the body is looking forward to Jesus as God in the flesh. Why
couldn't the Word have had a physical body before the incarnation and,
thus, man being made in God's image would be body, soul, and spirit?
- Did Jesus
Have a Sin Nature: Was Jesus born
with a sin nature? How can it be truly said of Him that He
was tempted in every way that we are if He didn't inherit
the sin nature from Mary? What makes it so remarkable that
He didn't sin if He wasn't even born with the sin nature?
Did Jesus Have Long Hair?:
I was taught Jesus had short hair, but someone in our church believes
Jesus had long hair and that is his excuse to have long hair as well. Is
this right?
Dispensational Distinctions: What are some of
the common characteristics and distinctions of
salvation throughout the ages? Is there a connection
between the new covenant and the new birth?
Distinction Between Son and Father in Prayer: I
was wondering if I am praying to God in Jesus' name:
I was under the impression that they are the same.
So if they are the same, why differentiate between
the two, (i.e.: Jesus / God created the heavens and
the Earth)?
The Division
of the Testaments: What are the two divisions of
the Bible?
- Do All Hear
the Gospel?: Do all men have a chance to hear
the Gospel before they die? I realize that God
"reveals Himself through His creation," thus, does
one merely have to honor His handiwork if they
otherwise do not hear the message of Christ? This
includes Native Americans before the colonization of
North America. Thank you.
Does God Have a Soul?: There
are several passages in the Bible that seem to indicate God has a soul.
Is this a soul as we often think of elsewhere in the scripture or is it
something different?
Does Jesus Hate?:
Why does Jesus hate anything or
anyone? Revelation 2:6 says, "But this thou hast, that thou hatest
the deeds of Nicolaitans, which I also hate."
The Doctrine of Christ: I was recently told that the doctrine of Christ was to love
God and love your neighbour. Is this true?
Does God Hear the
Prayers of the Lost?: The way I understand this passage is that the Lord heard Cornelius'
prayers. I don't know if He answered them, but I am in a quandary about
the Lord hearing the prayers of unbelievers. I do not take from this
passage that Cornelius was saved - it just states that he was a devout
man that feared God. Can you shed some light on the subject for me?
the Bible teach soul sleep? - Does the soul just go
to sleep after death awaiting the return of the Lord?
Doubting Salvation: There are many times that I doubt whether or not I am saved.
How can I know for sure that I am saved?
Eating Pork: Eating pork was
indeed prohibited under the law, but what about believers today?
Is it a sin to eat pork or any other meat?
Elijah and Enoch: If
the Old Testament saints went to paradise when they died, how
do you explain Elijah and Enoch?
- The
End Times: Should
we look for the signs or the Son? Is
the teaching of the rapture of the church a doctrine of
devils? Please explain the different viewpoints on
the end times.
Ephesians 2:8-9 - What is the Gift?: What does
the word "it" refer to? Is it faith, grace,
salvation or all of the above?
The Essence of God: Why do
Christians say God is self-existent, eternal, spirit and trinitarian? What
scriptures support this claim?
The Eye of a Needle:
In the city of Jerusalem in Biblical times was there
such a thing as the "Needle Gate" which allowed people in the city at
Faces of Lions:
What does 1Chronicles 12:8 mean when it refers to
the Gadites as having faces like the faces of lions?
The Faith of Jesus Christ: In
the question and answer section of your website on doubting your salvation,
the writer quotes Gal 2:16 and indicates "the faith OF Christ" refers not to
faith IN Christ, but Christ's actual faith. JF&B, Matthew Henry, Luther, and
Wiersbe all seem to indicate that this verse refers to faith IN Christ. Can
you tell me of any other sources that support your interpretation?
Faith of Terah: What were the religious
activities during the time of our patriarch, Abraham and his father, Terah?
Did all know of God or did God call Abraham uniquely?
Fallen From Grace:
What is Paul talking about in Galatians 5:4
when he talks about being fallen from grace?
Fasting and Prayer:
How does one go about
fasting, and what are the different types of fasting?
Favor of
What does
having the
favor of God
Fear of God vs. Love
of God:
Some say that children should only
hear about the love of God because they already have a lot of
fear they face every day. I strongly disagree with that
statement. Should children today be taught only the love of God?
Fiery Stones:
What are the "fiery
stones" mentioned here?
- First Slave
in the Bible: Who was the first slave master and slave
in the Bible?
Four Angels
in the Euphrates: In Revelation chapter 9 we read about the loosing of
four angels who have been bound in the Euphrates. Who are these angels? What
is their purpose? Why were they bound in the Euphrates?
Will and Giving Back Salvation: I agree with you
on losing your salvation but I have heard the argument that
you have the free will to give God back your salvation.
Friday Crucifixion?:
What day of the week did Jesus die on the cross? And how can one
get three days from Friday even to Sunday morning?
Genealogy of Jesus: What is the genealogy of Jesus?
The Gift of the
Holy Ghost: What is the gift of the holy ghost?
Gifts of the Spirit: Benny Hinn, John Hagee, Rod Parsley and many others from TBN
practice healing and speaking in tongues along with other
things. Is this scriptural?
- Giving in Secret:
Matthew chapter 6 talks about the left hand not knowing what
the right hand is doing. What does this mean and biblically
what is the meaning of left and right hand in the Bible?
The God
Who Doesn't Heal All: Does the God of the Bible leave
some sick while healing others?
Demand of Righteousness:
Do you know of any passages in the
bible which state that God demands righteousness from all people or does
the Bible make a distinction between righteousness required by the world
at large and that required by God's children?
The Godhead
Revealed in Creation - Romans 1:20:
What does the Lord mean when He says in Romans 1:20 that "even
his eternal power and Godhead;" are revealed in the creation. How is the Trinity evident in creation?
The Habit of Giving: Are we commanded to tithe in the age
of grace? What should we be giving if anything to our local
churches? This article deals with giving of finances but also
with giving of ourselves. What kind of habit should we have
when it comes to giving?
- Healing Today: Why
can't people today, heal as Christ instructed the disciples
to do? I am not sure what I think of these so called healers
you see on television? Was this gift only for the Kingdom period
and not for us during the Grace age. I know God can heal through our prayer.
- Hebrew Vowel Points: Much
is made of the necessity of vowel points for correct understanding of
the Bible text. The "origin of the vowel-points is to be ascribed to the
effort which the Jewish learned men made to preserve the pronunciation
of their sacred language. So we must ask are they necessary in order to
identify a word? Are the vowel points inspired?
Holy Ghost or
Holy Spirit: Is the Holy Ghost the same as the
Holy Spirit or are they different?
Honouring Parents: The
Bible teaches that children are to honour their parents, but
what if the father is an alcoholic and he deserts the wife
and children? Should they still honour him?
Salvation: Does Acts 16:31 teach that the family
members and servants were saved because the
Philippian jailer got saved? Certainly not!
How Many Did
Jashobeam Kill?: In 2Samuel 23:8 the
bible reads that Jashobeam used his spear to kill 800 men in one
battle. Then later in 1Chronicles 11:11 it reads that Jashobeam
used his spear to kill 300 men in a single battle. I was
wondering if it was two separate battles mentioned. This may a
dumb question, but I am far from being a scholar and I am very
interested in these Great men of God.
I Am: God told Moses to tell the Israelites that,
"I Am hath sent you". What does this name mean or does it have meaning at
Was Jesus
Is the
virgin birth
The Identity of the
Unicorn: How does the Bible identify a unicorn? Most modern
versions identify the unicorn as a wild ox. However, the
biblical descriptions do not fit a wild ox. What are some of the
true characteristics of the unicorn?
- Inspiration - Why is it so important?
Why is it so important to believe that
the Bible is divinely inspired?
In the End of the
World: In Hebrews 9:26 Paul (or whoever may be writing) said that Christ
had appeared "once "IN THE END OF THE WORLD" to atone for sins. How can it
be the "end of the world" when it happened almost 2,000 years ago
(considering that this world is only 6,000 plus years old)?
Isaiah 24:
Explain this
- Is Jesus God? How can
this be? - If the Father is God then how can Jesus be
God also?
- James vs. Paul: I've
been having a heated discussion with a fellow church member
about the differences between James and Paul. How
James was under a different dispensation than Paul, my friend
can't buy that. I was wondering what scriptures I
could show him that would back up my argument? I tried
to explain how James was a legalist, that his teaching
was faith plus works for salvation, and Paul's teaching is
Faith. Can you help?
Jehovah or Yahweh: I was
trying to find out from people who can read the original Bible
about the original name of God in the Hebrew Bible which they
told me its Yahweh before any translation. They say it is a name
that was revealed to Moses. How about this now? Did God not say
his name was Yahweh to Moses? Did He say his name was Jehovah?
- Jesus and Michael the
Archangel: A Jehovah's Witness told a friend of mine that Jesus and
Michael the Archangel are one and the same. Could you
help us refute this?
Jesus Before
His Birth:
Did the
Trinity as
we know it,
God the
Father, God
the Son
(also known
as the
Word), and
God the Holy
Ghost exist
creation? In
other words,
was Jesus
known as
Jesus prior
to his being
born as a
Jesus Called the Son of David: Why does the
bible refer Jesus the son of David? Although it can
refer to the biological and immediate son of an
earthly father, it can also have other meanings.
Is Jesus
Is Jesus
a God?
- Jewish Sacrifices - Why did they stop: Why do Jews not make
animal sacrifices today? When and why did it stop? I understand
how Christ is the ultimate and only acceptable sacrifice to God,
but what about the Jews- why have they stopped sacrificing?
Could you please explain this?
- John 14:19 - The Appearance
of Christ: Please explain what Jesus meant in John 14:19
when He said
the world will see Him no more, but the eleven
disciples would see Him again. I used to be a Jehovah Witness, but am not
any more. Because of their teachings, this verse is confusing to me.
- King Saul and
King Solomon: I know King Saul committed suicide
and King Solomon worshipped idols, so are they in hell?
The Last Trump:
Is the trumpet of 1Corinthians 15:52 the same as the
trumpet of Revelation 11:15? If so, doesn't this
mean that the church will not be raptured out until
the end of the tribulation?
Law and the Prophets:
Which books in the Bible are called "The
Law"? Which are called "The Prophets"?
The Law of Moses:
Where do you find the Law of Moses? What
books of the Bible are included in this?
Laying on of Hands: My question is what is the significance of laying on hands;
or what does the laying on of hands represent? On the Day
of Pentecost (Acts 2) the Holy Spirit fell on all assembled
without the laying on of hands.
Length of
the First Day in Genesis: In the book of
Genesis, how long was the first day?
Let God Be
True, But
Every Man A
Liar: Do
believe in
the Deity of
- Let
Him Be Accursed: In Galatians 1:9, what does the phrase "let him be
accursed" mean? Does this passage condemn to hell anyone who preaches
another gospel?
- The Lion and Lamb: The phrase "the lamb
will lie down with the lion" is commonly used by believers but is it found
in the scriptures? What does this phrase mean and to what time period is it
The Lily of the Valley:
Can you tell me what the flower that is "the lily of the valley"
symbolically referred to Christ? I would like to know if this is
the same 'lily' promoted as the 'Easter lily'. After examining
some of the roots of the holiday called "Easter", it is easy to
see that most of this 'holiday' has nothing to do with the
Resurrection of Christ.
- Local
Church or Universal Church? - Question asked about
the local/universal church argument.
- Lordship Salvation: What is the
meaning of lordship salvation? Is it biblical? When a person accepts Christ
as their personal Saviour, must they also accept Him as
Lord of all?
- Losing
Your Salvation in 2Peter: I believe in eternal
security but someone recently showed me a couple of passages
from 2Peter that were difficult.
Mammon of Unrighteousness: In Luke 16 1-12 I don't
understand why the master praised the unjust steward for being a
thief. Can you please explain.
Marriage of Daughters: Do
fathers have the ultimate decision in their daughters marriage? Are
there limits to the control that a parent would have over their children
as they become adults?
- Matthew 5-7 - Is it for Today?: Is Jesus introducing the Jews to
the future kingdom of heaven on earth? And if that's the case,
are the acts indicated in Matthew 5:29,30 the result of Matthew
5:28 and something believer's must physically carry out while
in the future kingdom in order to enter into his final resting
of the
of GOD,
Son and
- Melchizedek: Who
was Melchizedek? Is this an appearance of Jesus Christ
in the Old Testament or was this someone else?
Memorizing the Books
of the Bible: What are some ways we can easily learn the books of
the Bible?
Mercy or Justice?: What is the
basis within God that enables Him to forgive sin, is it on the basis of
His mercy or on the basis of His justice?
- Michael's Angels:
Why are the Angels described as being Michael's
angels and not God's angels or Christ's angels? Is
it possible that Michael could be part of the God
- Millennium Sacrifices: What would be the purpose of having sacrifices during the millennial
reign when Christ has already provided the sacrifice?
Miracle of Water
Into Wine: Why did Jesus turn the water to wine (besides the
fact the people had ran out) and why was it his first miracle?
The Mystery of
the Faith: What is "the mystery of the faith" found in 1Timothy 3:9?
- Names of God:
What is
the name of God? Did God reveal his name to us. He has so many names
throughout the bible and I wonder what name are we supposed to call Him and
- New Birth Concept: Where in the OT
is the new birth described in such detail that Jesus could have assumed
Nicodemus should know about it?
- Noah's Fish: Aboard Noah's
ship were pairs of every kind of land animal and birds. Were
creatures of the ocean also aboard his ship?
Longer Saved: I have been asked about
when being truly saved when you were a young person and
then falling short on the glory of God and doing some really
bad stuff like committing adultery and bad language. Does
this mean you are no longer saved?
- Oil in the Lamps:
Concerning oil lamps found in the Bible, what kind of oil
was used? I thought olive oil, but I tried it in a lamp and
it didn't work.
- Old and New Covenants: The Bible deals with the Old and the
New Covenant. What is the difference between the two? Who did
God make the covenants with?
- Old
Testament Filling of the Spirit: Was John the Baptist
the first man
"filled with the Holy Ghost" vs. having the "Spirit
put upon him?"
- Old
Testament Sacrifices: Did the sacrifices of the
Old Testament completely do away with sins?
- Once Saved Always
Saved: Please explain what this means, I'm not sure I understand it.
- Ordinances
Nailed to Cross: Where in the Bible does it state
that the ceremonial law was nailed to the cross?
- Origination of
the Races: Where did the different races come from and do we know if Adam
and Eve were white?
- The Origin of God:
Where did God come from? Does God have an origin or is God a
being from which everything else came but who Himself came from nothing
- Partaking of the Lord's Supper: Why should we
take the Holy Communion? Who should not take the
Holy Communion?
Passover Celebration:
I would like to know when to celebrate
Passover and what the real traditions are that the Lord
- Pastor - Is This Term Scriptural in the New Testament: My
first question concerns the epistles of Timothy and Titus. Why
is it that these are called, pastoral epistles ? Seeing that
the only church authority and responsibility that Paul discusses
are the eldership positions of the Bishop and Deacon. Paul
never writes or speaks using the word pastor. So I have never
been able to find a link between the eldership roles and that of
- Peace and Safety: I just read a
book which states there must be peace and safety before the rapture can
occur and that the earth must experience such a catastrophic event before
the antichrist can come to power. If the apostles looked for Jesus in their
time, shouldn't we be looking for Him now instead of looking for peace and
Peter's Wife:
The scriptures say that the Apostle
Peter was married and that she was lead to martyrdom in Rome. I would
like to know as much as possible about Peter's wife. Was she traveling
with him all the time? Did they have children?
- Pleading the
Blood: Can the blood of Jesus be rebuked by the Devil?
- Polygamy: Please advise
the best scriptural defense against the teaching of polygamy
as sound doctrine.
for the Sin Unto Death: What is the correct
interpretation of not praying for the sin unto death
found in 1John 5:16?
Predestination: Doesn't
the Bible indicate that God has already chosen those He will
save, we just do not know who they are, because we do not
have the "foreknowledge" spoken about in the Bible?
Prediction or Prophecy:
What is the main difference between "Prophecy" and "Prediction"?
Prehistoric Animals:
Have you ever wondered about dinosaurs and prehistoric animals;
how and if they were part of creation. Are there millions of
years between them and the first people?
Prince of Persia:
Daniel 10:13-10:23 mentions the princes
(guardian angels) of Persia and Greece; Who is none: are they other
princes/angels of nations, do these type angels rule the nations in our
times yet and if yes how can we experience them?
- Punishment
for Sin: God told Adam and Eve they would die
because of their sin. HE said nothing about going to a
place to burn forever. Could you tell me when the punishment
for sin was changed and under what circum- stances. Where
can I find scripture to show when God changed it.
- Questions about the Kingdom: After the tribulation, will
those who survived enter the kingdom in their human bodies?
During the kingdom will there be sin on earth?
Regeneration in the Old Testament: The Bible
says that if any have not the spirit of Christ, he
is none of His. In the Old Testament, the spirit of
God would come upon a man and leave him. How can an
Old Testament person be regenerated by the Spirit if
this is so?
- Reincarnation:
Some people talks about reincarnation. Please help
me to find some verses to prove to them that this is
not true.
- Replacement Theology: Do you believe that the Jews have lost their promises and have
been replaced by the church?
- Reprobate Mind: Can
a Christian be turned over to a reprobate mind? I just
wonder because there are some people who seem to fall away
from God and never desire to go back.
Reprobates and Romans 1:28:
Romans 1:28
says, "And even as they did not like to retain God
in their knowledge, God gave them over to a
reprobate mind, to do those things which are not
convenient;" My conclusion has been that God gave
them over to a reprobate mind for the destruction of
the flesh. What is your thought here?
Resurrection Day Timeline: The four gospels give
different accounts of the events on the day of the
resurrection of Jesus Christ. When all four records
are carefully compared, an order begins to come
The Resurrected
or Glorified Body of Christ: When Jesus arose from
the grave what kind of body did He have? Was it flesh
like it was before His death?
- Resurrections and
Judgments: We have heard much
about the judgment of believers in the age of grace at the Judgment
seat of Christ, but what about those saved during the tribulation or
the millennium? Have the Old Testament saints already been
judged or will they too be at the Judgment seat of Christ?
Romans 11:6 and Old Testament Salvation: Doesn't
Romans 11:6 conclude that salvation was by works
under the old testament law?
- Sabbath Worship: When
Isaiah speaks of the foreigner worshipping on the Sabbath in
chapter 56, wouldn't that be including gentiles?
Pleasing to God: Bible sacrifices can be placed into several categories:
Old Testament animal sacrifices, the sacrifice of Jesus
Christ on the cross, and the spiritual sacrifices made
by New Testament believers.
- Salvation
Before Christ Died: How
can anyone be saved before the saving work of our Lord Jesus
Christ? If even one person could be saved without his
blood, then does that mean that the Father is evil, putting
his son to useless suffering, for if He can save one can
He not save them all the same way?
Saved During the Tribulation: I have heard that
Matthew 25:32-46 shows that those saved in the
tribulation are saved as a result of how they treat
the Jewish people at that time, by works. Is the
giving of food, water etc...the reason one gets the
inheritance or is the passage speaking of what saved
people do being heirs?
Salvation for Those Left Behind: Will those who
have heard a clear presentation of the gospel and
rejected it be granted a chance to be saved in the
Salvation of
Cult Members: How are people caught up in cults
not saved? For example, do you think Roman Catholics are
not saved, or Seventh Day Adventists, etc. - how? (I don't
think they are, but am unable to explain why. Can
you help me give an explanation to them/others?)
- Salvation of the
Disciples: When did the disciples get saved? Some say when they
were called, others say not until after Christ ascended and
the Holy Ghost came.
- Salvation Under
the Law: Describe how people were saved in the Old Testament after the
law was given?
- Schools For
Preachers: What does the Bible say about men
going to school to be a preacher?
Sealing of Covenants: How was a covenant sealed
in the Old Testament? Between two different tribes
or God and Abraham? Covenants can be made between
two different men or entities (as nations) or
between God and man.
that no
one has
God, but
Moses in
the old
he see
Seeking A Sign: Is it
ok to seek a sign from God? Doesn't seeking a sign indicate lack of faith?
Sheol, Hades or Hell: The Jehovah's Witnesses and many others say that the word Hell
does not always refer to the place of judgment, but what
saith the scriptures?
- Sin After Salvation: What happens if a saved person commits a sin and dies before
he asks for forgiveness?
Sin and Iniquity: The words "sin"
and "iniquity" are found together in some form in about 70 verses in the
Bible. Many times they are used parallel to one another. Although we can
be certain that they are synonyms and have the same basic meaning, there
must also be something that distinguishes them. Let us consider these
two words.
Sin Nature: How do you
describe one's sin nature? How do we inherit this nature? In what ways
are we sinners?
- Sinless Perfection: Are we supposed to be able to get to a point to where we never
- Sin Against
the Body - 1Corinthians 6:18: What does
this verse mean? How is fornication considered
sinning against the body? What is included in
the term "fornication"?
Sinning Away Our Day of Grace: Will God, through
the Holy Spirit, finally give up on calling someone
for salvation, if the person continues to reject the
- Slaves in the Bible: What does the Bible teach concerning
slavery and servanthood? Is it always considered an ungodly
practice or are there situations where servanthood is
A Sin?:
a sin
and if
so why
is it so
hard for
me to
- Speaking in Tongues:
Are tongues for today? Deals with the sign gifts of Mark
16 (snake handling, drinking deadly poison) and 1Corinthians
- Spirit and Soul: Please
define and explain the characteristics of the soul and the
spirit of man
- Spirit of Man, The:
When a man dies, where does the spirit go? If the "spirit"
of man is the one that gives the believer the knowledge of
God, then does the "spirit" of an unbelieving man have
knowledge of God?
Submission to Husband or Obedience to God: Recently my pastor preached a
Mother's Day sermon and it was directed towards the women. My question is
concerning the obeying your husband part of the passage. My husband is
slowly going back to his old sinful ways. He still believes, but thinks it
is too hard for him to follow God and he feels like he isn't getting help
even though he prays for it that he is giving up on trying to live a godly
life. If I am obedient to my husband I am sinning, but if I am not obedient
to my husband the word of God is blasphemed.
What does
the word
- Synoptic Gospels: I
am searching for lessons on the synoptic gospels. I hope to
answer the following questions: 1. Why are three so similar and John is not 2. What specific
stories are told in Matthew, Luke and Mark and how are they
similar and how are they different? 3. Why are Matthew, Mark and
Luke referred to as the synoptic gospels? Can you provide some
resources to answer my questions?
- Temptation and God: Someone told me that the word "tempt" when it refers
to God, was a typo. Please let me know what you think.
Commandments - God's Law Handed Down?:
Are the ten commandments
Gods Law handed down? Are they never changing? Do they still apply to
this day and age?
- The Testaments: Is
the Old Testament specifically the animal sacrifices while
the New Testament is strictly the shed blood of Christ for
Their Worm Dieth
Not: What does "their worm and their thirst will never be quenched"
Thirty Minutes of
Silence: Please explain the thirty minute silence in Heaven
of Revelation 8:1.
The Threshingfloor:
Except for the reference in Matthew
3:11, the term "threshingfloor" is found only in the Old Testament. Its
use there indicates there is a particular significance in a
"threshingfloor". 2Samuel 24 tells of King David buying a
threshingfloor, to build an altar on it. Why a "threshingfloor" and not
a field or some other structure? I believe God has a purpose in every
word in His Bible. What's the significance in this usage?
Three Arks in the Scriptures:
There are three arks in the Bible. Each one is a rectangular shaped
container with a cover. It might help if we look at each one separately.
- Three Heavens: I
noticed that the word heaven is both singular and
plural in scripture. Could you please explain?
Thomas Called Didymus:
Why was Thomas called Didymus and what does
it mean?
- The Tree of
Life vs. The Tree of Knowledge: What is the significance of
these two trees in the Garden of Eden? Why did God forbid the
tree of knowledge but not the tree of life? Then after they had
sinned He forbids the tree of life also?
- Tribulation Salvation: When the Great Tribulation comes, how can people
be saved? Is it still by faith or plain works?
Trinity Explained: I have a
question/comment about the trinity. Can the trinity be explained as
such...a man is a father, a son and a husband, i.e. one person with
three distinct roles? Please give simple examples such as this followed
by any pertinent scripture.
- Thinketh No Evil:
In 1Corinthians 13, what is meant by the phrase
"..thinketh no evil,.." and how does that relate to
Biblical charity?
- To Whom Shall We
Pray?: I have
a question. To whom am I supposed to pray? I
believe in it, but who am I suppose to pray if I want to
repent and be saved? our heavenly father or Jesus? or does
it make any difference?
- Truth About Predestination: The Bible states
that God "predestines" Christians for a future with
Christ in Heaven and that he does NOT predestine
others to Hell; however, does this mean that only a
few of the Christians on Earth were predestined by
God and the rest "happened" to come to Christ by the
work of these Christians and the Holy Spirit? Or
were ALL the people who God knew would become
Christian through His omniscience thus "predestined"
by Christ?
- Twelve Tribes: What
happened to the twelve tribes of Israel? Do we know anything
about where they are today?
- Three
Biblical Tests of a True Prophet: I do not believe we should be
looking for prophets today. However, for the sake of discussion, I will
give three biblical tests of a true prophet. They are a good way to test
prophets for any age or time.
- Two Antiochs:
are 2 Antioch's in the book of Acts. What are the difference
of them. Can you tell me a little of the reason why there
are 2.
- Understanding
Paul's Dispensation: Why is the Bible so vague,
meaning why can't most Christians or so called Christians
understand the dispensation of Paul's message? The difference
between the Gospel of the Kingdom and the Gospel of Grace.
- Unknown Tongue: What
is the unknown tongue? Is it the babbling that the Pentecostals
are doing today?
- Urim and Thummin: How
does the practice of "Urim and Thummin" in the Old
Testament differ from forbidden practices of divination?
- Virgin Birth:
Please give me a study report about the virgin birth
(Isaiah 7:14) and its fulfillment in the New
- Vow, Oath, Swear and Pledge:
Please distinguish the terms "vow", "oath", "swear" and
"pledge." Some of these are interchangeable and some are referred to in the
bible as totally different from each other. I'm specifically interested in
what Jesus meant in Matthew 5:33-37 and how that applies to nowadays
"pledging" for a building fund or other church projects.
- Water in the Bible: How many times does "water" occur in the Bible and
what is it's significance?
- Wearing Shorts To
I am a saved male and wanted to know if it was ok to wear
shorts on extremely hot days. The shorts would pass the knees
and only be worn at work. My pastor said we should cover our
legs past our thighs and be modest in our dress but on hot and
humid days it is almost unbearable.
Were Adam and Eve Saved?:
There is no direct statement of a salvation experience in the Bible and
we have no statement as to what exactly would compose salvation for
them. Click the link and see what Pastor Reagan has to say.
- What Are the Keys to
God's Blessing?:
The key to God’s blessings starts with obedience to His
Word. We see this theme borne out through the Scriptures time after time
where the Lord promises to bless those who will obey what He says.
What is Faith?:
Faith is one of those words that is difficult to tie down to one simple
definition. According to a modern dictionary, faith is "unquestioning belief
that does not require proof or evidence." As it regards the faith found in
the Bible, this is simply not true. A. A. Hodge truly said, "Faith must have
adequate evidence, else it is mere superstition." Faith is not the opposite
of fact or of scientific knowledge. The evidences of faith may operate
differently than those of science, but they are there.
- What is the
Eighth Year - 2Kings 24:12?: In 2Kings 24:12, what does the "8th year" refer to?
Happened to Aaron's Rod?: What happened to
Aaron's Rod after Moses stroke the rock? Where is
it? Does it still exist?
What is Outer Darkness? What
is the connection between "outer darkness" and "gnashing
of teeth"?
- What Need for the Son?:
What is the significance in believing in the Son? Is it
not sufficient to believe in a loving and merciful Creator only?
Scripture is James 4:5 Referring to?: James 4:5 says, "Do ye
think that the scripture saith in vain, The spirit that dwelleth
in us lusteth to envy?". To what scripture is this reference
pointing to? Is this a quote from the Old Testament or referring
to something else in the New Testament?
- Whatsoever is Loosed on
Earth: What does it mean that whatsoever you bind on earth shall be
bound in heaven: and whatsoever you loose on earth shall be loosed in
heaven? Is this some power that we have today or was it given strictly to
the apostles?
When did the Church Begin?:
When I read in Acts 7 I
noticed in verse 38 that Stephen actually uses the word "church" in
reference to the time of Moses. The main question is that most people I
talk to say the Church began in the New Testament times, (usually at the
time of Pentecost). Are not the Hebrews themselves the 'called out
people' of the Old Testament?
Where are the
Old Testament Saints Today?:
The people of the old
testament who were saints, are they still in heaven, If God comes back
for the second time for us, are we going to meet this people, or are
they no more existing?
- Where is Isaiah 19 Dispensationally?: The key to
understanding the chapter may be to see the events
overlapping the coming of Christ in power and great glory.
The chapter cannot be entirely placed in the tribulation or
in the kingdom. It must begin in one and end in the other.
that God
Noah and
to enter
the ark
will be
Who is
the Noah
and that
Who Are the 144,000?:
Who are the
144,000 in the Bible? What happens to them and where are they
from? Are they certain people from the past? Is it only a
certain kind of people?
- Who are the Kenites?:
The Kenites had a very special place in
Israel's history. They traveled with the children of Israel in the desert
and therefore identified with them. Through Moses, you might say they are
the first cousins of Israel, and enjoyed many of their blessings.
- Who are
the Two Witnesses?: The identity of the two witnesses of
the Book of Revelation is a highly disputed topic. As
objectively as possible we will look at the main
interpretations and give the strengths and weaknesses of
Who did John Baptize?:
Did John the Baptist baptize Gentiles or only Jews?
Who Does God Bless?:
I'm having a discussion with a friend about who gets blessings
from God. She says God blesses everyone. I say God blesses the
one who has faith and seeks him. Who does God Bless?
- Who is a Christian?: A Christian is
a person who has come to the realization of their sinful, lost condition and
with a repentant heart turns to the Lord Jesus Christ and in faith accepts
His substitutionary death as payment for their sins.
Who is
Who is the
mentioned in
the Bible?
- Why Holy Ghost?: Why is God the
Holy Spirit sometimes called the Holy Ghost? Wouldn't a ghost be more
like a spoof than God?
Why I Am Not A
Charismatic: Why do we as a church oppose
the charismatic movement? What are some of the doctrinal errors
of the charismatic movement? This answer gives a list of
problems we have with the doctrine and the practices of the
charismatics. They are not meant to be a personal attack on
those who dearly hold to them, but perhaps they can be topics of
consideration for those who follow the charismatic teaching.
The Widow Indeed: What
is the biblical pattern for supporting widows? Does every
widow qualify for this support? Who is responsible for
their support?
Woman of Revelation Twelve:
Can you explain
the woman being hid in Revelation 12 and Israel's
part in the tribulation?
Women and the
Nazarite Vow: Were there any women recorded in the
Bible who took the Nazarite vow?
Woman, What
Have I to do With Thee?: What is the
significance of Christ's words to his mother in John 2:1-5?
- The Word of God: Why
do people refer to the Bible as the word of God when the Bible
teaches that Jesus is the Word of God?
- Worship In Spirit:
What does it mean when it says that God is a spirit and we must
worship him in spirit?
Who is God? Who is God? What is his personality?
Who is Us?:
My question
pertains to
in whom is
referring to
when he
states Adam
is one of
us, who is
us? Is this
the triune
Yeast or Leaven of the Pharisees: What is the leaven of the
Pharisees? Some translations use the word "yeast" in the place
of the word "leaven", does this cause any problems or are both