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  • Agape and Phileo:  Can we get a better understanding of John 21 by knowing the Greek words agape and phileo?  Don't we miss out on a great nugget by having the English word "love" instead of the original Greek words?

  • Aramaic in the New Testament: A man recently told me something interesting that got me to wondering. He said that the New Testament was translated from Aramaic, not only Greek. I had not heard of this. Do you know anything about the New Testament and it's connection with the Aramaic language?

  • Bible Chronology Helps:  I noticed in the classes you talk about verses and their timeline. What book helps to get this information? I am referring to when a certain book is written or by whom and when it was written.
  • "Brother of James" or "Son of James":  According to the King James Bible Judas is called the "brother" of James, yet the modern versions say that he was the "son" of James.  Which of these is correct?
  • Charity or Love:  The Greek word "agape" is translated both into both "charity" and "love" in the New Testament so what is the difference?
  • Cherubim or Cherubims - Which is correct?:  Why does the KJV add an "s" to cherubim and seraphim, if the two words are plural already?
  • Codex Beza:  I read that the main underlying text for our A.V is Beza's 2nd edition. Yet, upon reading Burgon's 'Revision Revised' I found that the corrupt text 'D', which Burgon calls the worst corruption, is also Beza's. Is it the same Beza? and if so, what happened between his two texts that they are so very different?
  • Contradictions in the Gospels:  It appears that the last words of Jesus contradict each other when comparing the gospels.  How can this be explained?
  • Deuteronomy 14:26 - Endorsement for Drinking or Not:  Does the Bible teach that the use of strong drink is acceptable?  Are there times which God permits or even encourages His people to partake of strong drink?
  • Different Records of Returning Jews:  The book of Ezra, and the book of Nehemiah both list the tribes and number of people) that left Babylonian captivity. The number of people in each tribe differ when comparing Ezra and Nehemiah. The total number appears to be correct, but why do about half of the tribe totals differ from one book to the other?
  • Do We Have a Preserved Text?: There are genuine questions concerning the preservation of the scriptures into English. Is it necessary to find the answers to all of the problems or should we just trust that the Lord has preserved His word?

  • Early King James Only Believers: Is it correct to say that the London Baptist Confession of 1677 and 1689 state that the Bible is preserved in only the Hebrew and the Greek?
  • Hebrew Vowel Points: Much is made of the necessity of vowel points for correct understanding of the Bible text. The "origin of the vowel-points is to be ascribed to the effort which the Jewish learned men made to preserve the pronunciation of their sacred language. So we must ask are they necessary in order to identify a word? Are the vowel points inspired?
  • How Old Was Ahaziah - 22 or 42?  Is this an error on the part of the King James translators?
  • Isaiah 24: Explain this chapter.

  • Is the Bible True - A Sevenfold Witness for the Scriptures:  How do we know that the Bible is true?  There are many religions in the world and they all claim to be true.  How can we accept Christianity and the Bible with so many who oppose it?
  • Italicized Words:  Is it true that they were not in the originals and if so doesn't that mean they are not inspired?
  • John 3:13 - Contradiction or Not?:  The popular belief is that Enoch and Elijah were translated up to heaven where God abides. If this is true, how do we explain Christ's words in John 3:13?
  • King Agrippa - Almost Persuaded or Not?  In Acts 26:28 the King James says that Agrippa was almost persuaded, but the NIV says something completely different.  Can you help me with this?
  • King James Bible - Inspired or Preserved? - How do we know that the KJB 1611 is the divinely inspired one, and not an earlier English translation?
  • Paraphrase Bibles:  Paraphrase bibles mold God's word into a contemporary fusion of hip and political correctness. The text is "translated" according to liberal interpretation and modern nonsense, so that the outcome is a bible that is fun and easy to read. 
  • Preservation in Other Languages:  Where was God's word before 1611?  Is God's word preserved in other languages in addition to the English?  Wouldn't it be unfair of God to preserve His word in English but not in all of the other languages?
  • The Love of Money - 1Timothy 6:10:  Should this verse read that the love of money is the root of "all kinds of evil" or "all evil"?
  • The New Scofield vs the King James Text:  In 1Corinthians 9:20 the New Scofield makes a correction to the text of the King James Bible.  Which is correct?
  • "Strain at" or "Strain Out" a Gnat": Many say that this is a misprint and should have been "strain out a Gnat". Is this true?

  • Twice Married Deacon's Wife: The scriptures teach that a deacon must be the husband of one wife. Does this also apply to he wife of a deacon so that she would need to be the wife of one husband?

  • Unicorns in the Bible:  Is the King James Bible in error because it speaks of unicorns?  Should the Bible say "wild ox" instead of the word "unicorn"?  If the King James Bible is correct what kind of an animal is the unicorn?
  • Where Did the Bible Come From?: Though a question like this is a good one, it would take a book to fully answer. However, we know that many people have similar questions and they need as simple of an answer as possible. Therefore, Pastor Reagan decided to give it a try. 

  • Who is King James: King James is mostly known today as the man who authorized the translation commonly as the King James Bible. What provoked this king to put his approval upon this translation?
  • Who Wrote the King James Bible:  Who wrote King James Bible and who checked it?
  • Why did they use the word "baptism" in the King James Bible?  Did the translators err in using the word "baptism"?
  • Yeast or Leaven of the Pharisees:  What is the leaven of the Pharisees?  Some translations use the word "yeast" in the place of the word "leaven", does this cause any problems or are both correct?

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