I. Garments are for the covering of the
body. They hide nakedness and deformity. |
I. The Lord Jesus Christ is a cover for the
soul, every man’s nakedness and deformity
appears that hath not on this spiritual
Garment, Revelation 3:18. |
II. Garments come not naturally, but are
prepared and made fit for us. |
II. Naturally we have no righteousness, that
is either accepted of God, or a suitable
cover for the soul, Romans 3:12; this
spiritual Garment is wrought by the Spirit,
and made fit for us, Psalms 45:13,14. |
III. Garments are worn only in some
countries by civilized nations and people.
Some barbarian and heathenish men and women
go naked in some nations. |
III. The Lord Christ is put on for a Garment
or spiritual clothing, by those nations and
people only, where Christianity is received,
and not by many there neither; some are like
brutes and heathenish people, naked, without
Christ and true holiness, Matthew 7:13-14,
Luke 12:22. |
IV. Before new Garments can be put on, the
old, defiled, and over worn Garments must be
put off. |
IV. Before a man can put on the Lord Jesus
Christ, and be clothed with the Garment of
holiness, he must put off the abominable
filthy cloaks, and covers of wickedness, he
must be stripped of his filthy rags, that he
may be clothed with the Spirit and graces of
Christ, “That ye put off concerning the
former conversation the old man, which is
corrupt according to the deceitful lusts;
And that ye put on the new man, which after
God is created in righteousness and true
holiness,” Ephesians 4:22, 24, Colossians
3:8. |
V. Garments are of great utility in respect
of defense, they secure us from the pricks
and scratches of bushes and thorns, and from
many bruises and rubs and other hurts, which
nakedness exposes to. |
V. By putting on of Christ in a way of faith
and holiness, the soul is defended, from the
checks and smarting pricks of conscience,
from the fiery darts of Satan, and from the
killing power of the law, and the wrath of
God, Acts 24:16, Ephesians 6:11, 2
Corinthians 3:6. |
VI. Garments are for keeping of the body
warm: (what should we do who live in cold
countries were it not for clothes and useful
Garments.) “She is not afraid of the snow
for her household: for all her household are
clothed with scarlet,” Proverbs 31:21. |
VI. This blessed Garment keeps the soul
warm; hereby saints become fervent in spirit
and zealously affected. If we have any
spiritual heat in us, we must attribute it
to Christ: naturally we are as cold as that
child was when his spirit was departed, 2
Kings 4:34. |
VII. Garments tend to the preservation of
health; the neglect of putting them on, many
times brings sickness, sometimes death. |
VII. The graces of Christ and true holiness
are the only preservatives of the inward man
from spiritual sickness: by putting him on,
and leading of a holy life, we abide in
health; and those who neglect to put on
these Garments, are exposed to all manner of
soul-diseases, which end in eternal death,
Psalms 119:11, Romans 8:13. |
VIII. Garments are used for distinction, as: |
VIII. The spiritual Garment makes a
distinction: |
1. They distinguish one sex from another,
the man shall not put on the apparel which
appertaineth to the woman. |
1. Holiness distinguishes believers from
unbelievers, the godly from the wicked: “For
who maketh thee to differ from another? 1
Corinthians 4:7. “Therefore if any man be in
Christ, he is a new creature,” 2 Corinthians
5:17. |
2. Garments also distinguish the several
ranks and qualities of men, “behold, they
that wear soft clothing are in kings'
houses,” Matthew 11:8. |
2. This glorious Garment shows that the
righteous are more excellent than their
neighbors: as it was said “Jabez was more
honourable than his brethren,” 1 Chronicles
4:9, Proverbs 12:26. |
3. By the habit of Garment we do distinguish
the people of one nation from another,
Zephaniah 1:8. |
3. By a holy Christ-like conversation, the
people and saints of God are known to be
people of another country, citizens of
another city. |
IX. Garments are of a comfortable and
refreshing nature, and of excellent use to
them who put them on. |
IX. This spiritual Garment is of a most
excellent, sweet, comforting and refreshing
quality, the virtue whereof is not, cannot
be felt nor apprehended by unbelievers. |
X. Garments answer not their end in making,
neither are they of use till put on. |
X. Men put not Christ to that use for which
he came into the world, till they put him on
for sanctification and holiness, neither
will he be otherwise of saving benefit unto
them: “he that believeth not the Son shall
not see life,” John 3:36. “Holiness, without
which no man shall see the Lord,” Hebrews
12:14. |
XI. Some sorts of garments were significant
of grief and sorrow. Mordecai put on
sackcloth in Joel 1:13. |
XI. Such as have put on this Garment, do
abundantly demonstrate their great sorrow
and grief for sin; “For godly sorrow worketh
repentance,” 2 Corinthians 7:10. “Verily,
verily, I say unto you…and ye shall be
sorrowful,” John 16:20. All such as put on
Christ for sanctification, are clothed with
humility, 1 Peter 5:5. |
XII. Garments were also used to testify joy;
as appears in the case of the prodigal:
“Bring forth the best robe, and put it on
him; and put a ring on his hand, “ Luke
15:22. |
XII. Such who are clothed with the robes of
righteousness, have on them the beautiful
Garments of salvation, Isaiah 61:10-11,
which signifies, that they above all, have
cause to rejoice; saith the apostle, “As
sorrowful, yet alway rejoicing,” 2
Corinthians 6:10. “Rejoice in the Lord alway:
and again I say, Rejoice,” Philippians 4:4. |
I. Material Garments are made by man. |
I. This Garment of holiness is wrought by
the Spirit of God. |
II. Other Garments consist of matter, and
are of such or such external shape,
according to the party for whom they are
made. |
II. This Garment consists of grace, divine
virtues, and spiritual qualifications. |
III. Other Garments may be bought with
money, and those likely who have most of it,
have the best robes. |
III. This Garment may be had without money
or price; it is true, Christ speaks of
buying, white raiment, that buying, is free
receiving: the prophet explains his phrase,
Isaiah 55:1. No man hath any thing of worth
or value to give for it; the gift of God
cannot be purchased with money, the poor in
spirit are better clothed than the rich. |
IV. Material Garments render a man or woman
amiable only in the sight of man. |
IV. This Garment renders a man or woman
lovely in the sight of God. “Even the
ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which
is in the sight of God of great price,” 1
Peter 3:4. |
V. Other Garments are the worse for wearing,
by long and often using they will decay. |
V. This Garment the more and longer it is
used, the better and more excellent it is:
use makes perfect in godliness as well as in
other cases, 2 Corinthians 7:1. |
VI. Other Garments at certain times are to
be put off, or may be changed; as light or
thin Garments for summer, and more
substantial for winter. |
VI. This Garment, the robe of righteousness,
is never to be changed nor put off day nor
night, winter nor summer; we ought to be
good and virtuous in sickness and health, at
all times, in prosperity and adversity; “But
it is good to be zealously affected always
in a good thing,” Galatians 4:18. |
VII. A man may part with or dispose of other
Garments at his pleasure as he thinks fit,
to his friends, or to such as want clothes. |
VII. This Garment, Christ and holiness, as a
man cannot dispose of it unto others, so he
ought not. No man hath so much grace as to
furnish his friend with it; the wise virgins
had no oil to give to the foolish, Matthew
25:9. ‘But that which ye have already hold
fast till I come,” Revelation 2:25. |
I. We may from hence admire the excellencies
of the Lord Jesus Christ, he is life, he is
meat, hidden manna, he is drink; he is all
in all, and provides all for believers. |
II. It shows the miserable state of those
that are without true holiness. Such are
naked. Now a naked man is exposed to the
reproach of every eye, his shame appears to
all, nakedness lays open to every storm,
every shower wets, thorns prick them;
piercing and nipping winds make those that
are naked to shrink. The unconverted sinner
hath the continual pricks and terror of his
own conscience, and shall thereby be filled
with horror and shame. |
III. This demonstrates, that wicked men are
mad, or beside themselves. None but
distracted and barbarous men reject
clothing. Sinners will have none of Christ,
though they are naked without him; they will
not put him on, will not be persuaded to
cover their shame, turn from their evil
ways, and accept of a robe of righteousness. |
IV. Observe, that none are so well clothed,
so richly arrayed, as believers, as the
godly and faithful in Christ Jesus. |
V. Here is good news for the poor, and such
as are naked; here is a glorious garment
ready, if they will put it on. |
VI. That the ungodly would be persuaded to
put on Christ. |
Question: But some may say, what is it to
put on Christ? |
Answer: 1. Christ is to be put on for
justification; but in that sense those
saints at Rome had put him on before. |
2. Christ is to be put on by way of
imitation; this refers to sanctification: we
must follow his example in his holy and
gracious life; we must apply his
righteousness for our justification by
faith, and walk by the glorious pattern he
hath left, to teach us to express his
virtues and excellencies in a course of
sanctification, and new obedience. If Christ
be not put on in both these respects, he
will profit none to salvation. |
VII. What will become of them, who instead
of putting Christ on, and following of him,
put the devil on; and instead of expressing
his excellencies, they express the vices of
the devil, and abominations of their own
base hearts? |
VIII. From hence let saints be cautioned,
from defiling of their Garments; a small
spot is quickly seen in a white vesture.
Those only who defile not their Garments,
shall “walk with me in white,” Revelation
3:4. |
Lastly, let all take heed to keep their
Garments, for otherwise men will at one time
or other see their shame, Revelation 16:15. |