March 30,
Notes on Baptist Associations
– In the
early 1800’s, in Baptists on the American Frontier
(p.254-5), the Baptist preacher and evangelist John Taylor
made these comments about Baptist associations: “Nothing is
more preposterous than to imagine that a Baptist association
can make a constitution for the churches, for the churches
have their own constitutions before they can make an
association, which is a mere creation of the churches. If a
church can delegate her power into other hands, she can have
no power with herself till it is restored back by those
delegates. This may do for other societies, but as yet it
will not do for the Baptists, for their belief is that
associations can make any rules for their own government
while together, and no more.
“Perhaps it
is very well that this little establishment has come into
existence in the way it has, that all associations may sink
into disrepute and die a natural death at once, or crumble
up four churches together and die by degrees. For I do
declare, ‘If associations are to have more power than mere
advisory counsel, I wish them all dead at once.’…
“I have
therein had the opportunity of giving my views of a Baptist
association, for which we have very little authority from
the Scriptures. I also much doubt their utility in this day,
for by the pride or wrath of man they are often like the
synagogues of Satan… I fear that they will some day overturn
the simple, easy government of the church of Christ among
the Baptists, for there is now a number of the poor Baptists
who incline to use them as a kind of appellate court. Their
being brought into existence should be with the greatest
care, the extent of their powers being understood from the
beginning. And so long as they are only advisory, they can
do not harm. Remove from them that role, and they are
destruction at once.” Read Acts 20:28; Ephesians 5:23.
Church Independence, Associations, Fellowships,
Denominations, Baptist Church Doctrine, Headship of Christ
March 29,
Relentless Beat of Rock Music
– “The
difference between the constant, hypnotic beat of rock and
its ancestral rhythms and genuine musical rhythm has been
well put by the distinguished Russian composer Igor
Stravinsky: ‘Rhythm doesn’t really exist [in rock], because
no rhythmic proportion or relaxation exists.’ There is
evidence to suggest that when the beat overrides the other
elements in a song the communication level is significantly
changed to one which is primarily physical and often
specifically sexual. Rock musician Tom McSloy has no doubts
about this: ‘To get into rock you have to give in to it, let
it inside, flow with it to the point where it consumes you,
and all you can feel or hear or think about is the music.’…
“What we
are saying is that the element of relentless beat and
repetition in rock music increases the danger of a shallow,
emotional, unthinking response, made at the wrong level and
for the wrong reasons. In his book New Singer, New Song
David Winter openly admits that ‘An incessant beat does
erode a sense of responsibility in much the same way as
alcohol does… You feel in the grip of a relentless stream of
sound to which something very basic and primitive in the
human nature responds.’” –from Can We Rock the Gospel
(p.56-57) by John Blanchard and Dan Lucarini. Read
1Corinthians 6:12; Psalm 40:3.
Music, Rock Music, Rhythm, Beat
Music is the Message
– Dr.
William J. Shafer “says, ‘Rock is communication without
words, regardless of what ideology is inserted into the
music.’” Professor Frank Garlock “claims, ‘The words only
let you know what the music already says… The music is its
own message and it can completely change the message of the
words.’ What all of this is saying is that rock music is
rock music, not just a plastic medium that can be bent in
any direction. Even John Fischer, who believes that music is
neutral, admits, ‘Some art forms have been created to
express certain philosophies and are so wedded to those
philosophies that they convey that kind of outlook.’ Even
more significantly he adds, ‘We can’t assume that we simply
plug in a Christian message and everything will be okay.’
“Surely it
is not difficult to relate this to today’s Christian rock
scene? Richard Taylor sums up the fatal flaw in the argument
that Christian rock is somehow different: ‘We cannot change
the basic effect of certain kinds of rhythm and beat simply
be attaching to them a few religious or semi-religious
words. The beat will still get through to the blood of the
participants and the listeners. Words are timid things.
Decibels and beat are bold things, which can so easily bury
the words under an avalanche of sound.’” –from Can We
Rock the Gospel? (p.210-211) by John Blanchard and Dan
Lucarini. Read Ezekiel 28:13-15.
Music, Rock Music, Rhythm, Beat.
March 28,
Boston Baptists and Their First Church Building
– The First
Baptist Church of Boston, Massachusetts, struggled under
persecution from the ruling religious establishment for
years. Sometime after 1675, they quietly began to build
their first church building. “This building was so plain
that it did not attract the attention of the Boston
authorities until it was completed and the church began to
use it for worship on February 15, 1679. In May the General
Court passed a law forbidding the use of a house for public
worship without the consent of the court or a town meeting
on forfeiture of the house and land. Because of this, the
Baptists stopped using their own church edifice until King
Charles II required the authorities to allow liberty of
conscience to all Protestants.
“With this
approval, the Baptists went back to using their building
again. In spite of the king’s permission, the Court charged
them with a crime and on March 8, 1680, ordered the marshal
to nail the doors closed, which he did, posting the
following notice on the door: ‘All persons are to take
notice that, by order of the Court, the doors of this house
are shut up, and that they are inhibited to hold any
meetings therein, or to open the doors thereof, without
license from authority, till the Court take further order,
as they will answer the contrary to their peril. Edward
Rawson, Secretary.’
Baptists quietly petitioned the Court in May asking simply
for the right to meet in their own building, but the Court
continued to prohibit them as a society by themselves, or
joined with others, to meet in that public place they have
built, or any public place except such as are allowed by
lawful authority. The next Sunday the members of the church
held public services in the yard. That week they prepared a
shed for use on the next Sunday, but when they came to their
property, they found the doors open! Never stopping to ask
whether the marshal had opened them or the angel, which
threw open the iron gate for Peter, they went in boldly and
held their services in their own building. For nearly 70
years this was the only Baptist church in Boston. Since that
day, there has always been a great door and effectual opened
to Boston Baptists.” –from This Day in Baptist History
III (p.94-95) by David L. Cummins. Read Ezra 6:7; 9:8.
Baptists, Freedom of Worship, Boston
March 27,
Hypnotized by Rock Music
– “Mickey
Hart, formerly of the Grateful Dead, has made the study of
drumming his life’s work. In his book Drumming at the
Edge of Magic he explores the impact of drumming on
people’s spiritual lives and writes: ‘Drumming is made for
trance and for ecstatic states. The basis of percussion is
redundancy and redundancy is the basis of trance.’
William Shafer, a non-Christian sociologist, says, ‘What is
undeniable about rock is its hypnotic power. It has gripped
millions of young people around the world and transformed
their lives.’ Dr. Granville Knight agrees: ‘There is no
question in my mind about the hypnotic effect of these
songs.’ So does Dr. W. J. Bryan: ‘Children are being
hypnotized without their knowledge, and that is the really
insidious part about these records. The more often the
hypnotism is repeated the higher the susceptibility of the
“In the
course of his specialized study on hypnosis, Andrew Salter
indicated that rock music is an ideal vehicle for individual
or mass hypnosis. Even more telling is this statement by the
late Jimi Hendrix, one of the most dynamic and influential
superstars in rock music history: ‘Atmospheres are going to
come through music, because music is a spiritual thing of
its own. You can hypnotize people with the music and when
you get them at their weakest point you can preach into the
sub-conscious what you want to say.’” –from Can We Rock
the Gospel (p.54) by John Blanchard and Dan Lucarini.
Read 1Corinthians 6:12; 10:23.
Music, Rock Music, Hypnosis, Drums
Helped by a Hypocrite
– In
Baptists on the American Frontier (p.357), Baptist
evangelist John Taylor tells of the salvation of one named
Isaac Wingate. “He coming home one evening, his wife
informed him of a meeting close at hand that night and asked
his company with her. After hearing who was to preach he
refused, saying, ‘You know I have a bad opinion of that man.
I consider him a hypocrite, and you must excuse me.’ But to
accommodate his wife, he went but with the design to pay no
attention, as he disliked the man. But that night the arrows
of God reached his soul, so that he could not extract them
till he found relief in the Lord…
Wingate related his experience to the church, if weeping is
a childish thing the crowded house all became children; for
the most manly philosophy could not suppress tears. And poor
Wingate himself was under the same tender sensations.
‘Glory, glory to that God by whose sovereign grace the
loftiness of man is brought down to the dust of humility.’
The conquered sinner was baptized the next day with his wife
and a number of others by the same man he once esteemed a
hypocrite.” Read Daniel 4:37.
Salvation, Hypocrites, Pride, Humility
March 26,
Shortcomings of the Reformation
– “In 1807
Dr. Samuel Jones, pastor of the Baptist Church in Lower
Dublin, Pennsylvania, preached a Century Sermon
commemorating the Centennial of the Philadelphia Baptist
Association. Dr. Jones was one of the most influential
Baptist ministers in the Middle Colonies, and he served as
pastor of the Lower Dublin church for over fifty years until
his death in 1814. In his famed message he presented a
properly focused appreciation for the Reformation. He
recognized the eventual blessings that came out of the
Reformation, but he did not set the Reformers up as paragons
of spiritual enlightenment men whom we replicate.
“He said,
‘The reformation, which has been so much gloried in was but
a poor piece of business, although it has been attended with
valuable consequences. The reformers shook off the papal
yoke, but in the main retained its principles and spirit.
They did not establish the right of free inquiry, liberty of
conscience, and the word of God as the only rule of faith
and practice: but, on the other hand, opposed… a thorough
reformation. They were influenced by worldly motives,
connected religion with world establishments, were the
abettors of tyranny and oppression, and even of the
persecution by fire and the sword.’
“Freedom of
religion in America came not through the theology of the
reformation, but rather through the influence of our godly
Baptist forebears. The historian, Leonard Woolsey Bacon put
it this way: ‘Other sects, notably the Presbyterians, had
been energetic and efficient in demanding their own
liberties; the Friends and the Baptists agreed in demanding
liberty of conscience and worship, and equality before the
law, for all alike. But the active labor in this cause was
mainly done by the Baptists. It is to their consistency and
constancy in the warfare against the privileges of the
powerful Standing Order of New England, and of the moribund
establishments of the South, that we are chiefly indebted
for the final triumph.’” –from This Day in Baptist
History III (p.77-78) by David L. Cummins. Read
Leviticus 25:10; Romans 14:5.
Baptists, Samuel Jones, Liberty of Conscience, Freedom
March 23,
Character over Conduct
– “Many Christians are tired of serving the Lord simply for
some reward they will receive in the ‘by and by.’ They find
themselves living for the Lord out of duty and not
out of devotion. They think, ‘If I just do right,
then I will be right.’ The Bible makes clear that it is not
what you ‘do’ that counts with God; it is what you ‘be’ that
is important. It is character over conduct. As we get to
God, His character rubs off on us, and our conduct becomes
purely an extension of what we know. ‘For I desired mercy,
and not sacrifice; and the knowledge of God more than
burnt offerings’ (Hosea 6:6, italics added). We have
been told for so long to ‘stand up for Jesus.’ However, we
must first learn to ‘sit down with Jesus.’ Our standing is
merely a temporary exercise if we have not learned how to
sit at His feet.” –from The God You Can Know by Dan
DeHaan (p.16).
God Powerful
– It is better to say, “God powerful, than say, the power of
God; because his power is not distinct from his essence…
This omnipotence is a peculiar right of God, wherein no
creature can share with him. To be omnipotent is to be
essentially God. And for a creature to be omnipotent, is for
a creature to be its own Creator… Omnipotence is essentially
in God; it is not distinct from the essence of God, it is
his essence, omnipotent, able to do all things.” –from
The Existence and Attributes of God: Volume 2 by Stephen
Charnock (p.18).
March 22,
Trinity of Love
“God is love (1John 4:16). Love is the deepest element of
His life, the innermost fount out of which His nature
eternally flows forth, the creative centre that begets all
His working and ruling. But love is a trinity…
always proceeds from the Lover:
always moves toward the Beloved:
always intertwines the two together through the common
Spirit of union…
But the fact that three persons of the Godhead actually
correspond to these three fundamental conceptions of the
idea of God, this only the revelation of the eternal God
Himself can make known. The Father is the One out of
Himself existing, the Son is the One to Himself
attaining, and the Spirit the One in Himself moving
God. The Father is the Lover, the Son the Beloved, the Holy
Spirit is the Spirit of Love.” –from The Dawn of World
Redemption by Erich Sauer (p.19).
Satan’s Attacks on Prayers of
- “Satan’s tactics seem to be as follows. He will first of all
oppose our breaking through to the place of a real, living
faith, by all means in his power. He detests the prayer of
faith, for it is an authoritative ‘notice to quit.’ He does
not so much mind rambling, carnal prayers, for they do not
hurt him much. This is why it is so difficult to attain to a
definite faith in God for a definite object. We often have
to strive and wrestle in prayer (Ephesians 6:10) before we
attain this quiet, restful faith. And until we break right
through and join hands with God we have not attained
to real faith at all. Faith is a gift of God (Romans 12:9);
if we stop short of it we are using mere fleshly energy or
will-power, weapons of no value in this warfare. However,
once we attain to a real faith, all the forces of hell are
impotent to annul it. What then? They retire and muster
their forces on this plot of ground which God has pledged
Himself to give us, and contest every inch of it. The real
battle begins when the prayer of faith has been offered.
But, praise the Lord! We are on the winning side.” –from
Behind the Ranges by Mrs. Howard Taylor (p.114).