February 19,
No Middle Ground
- In writing about the pressures of the coming Revolutionary
War in America, Esther Forbes in Paul Revere and the
World He Lived In (p.127) states, "Men struggled
desperately to keep some middle ground--until that ground
was cut from under their feet by the rising tide of emotion,
violence, and blood." How often this is true when men take
sides on any issue. Those who want to stay in the middle are
at one point forced to take one side or the other or else be
attacked and destroyed by both sides.
Bound to the Land of the Living
- When Baptist historian David Benedict saw the Georgian
preacher and church planter Abraham Marshall in the early
1800's, he was growing old in years. Marshall sent a message
to his friends in New England. "Tell them that I am yet in
the land of the dying, but am bound to the land of the
living." When he was questioned on his comment, he
explained, "There is no death there, while all things are
dying here." From Fifty Years Among the Baptists by
David Benedict (p.54)
February 16,
Not in Rows
- After the end of the American Civil War, General Robert E.
Lee served as president of Washington College. When asked
about the arrangement of new trees that were to be planted
on the front campus, he replied, "Not in rows; nature never
plants trees in rows." Sometimes we are guilty of putting
things in rows that God never meant to be in rows. From
Lee: the Last Yearsby Charles Bracelen Flood (p.142).
And All the People Said
- In my youth, I belonged to Faith Baptist Church of
Knoxville, Tennessee, and my pastor was Ted Willie. Quite
often, especially after something good had been reported or
a testimony had been given, he would say to the
congregation, "And all the people said." The congregation
would reply, "Amen." It was only years later that I found
out just how biblical this practice was. 1Chronicles 16:36
states, "Blessed be the LORD God of Israel for ever and
ever. And all the people said, Amen, and praised the LORD."
February 15,
The Soul Winner's Prayer
Oh, give me, Lord, Thy love for souls,
For lost and wand'ring sheep,
That I may see the multitudes
And weep as Thou didst weep.
Help me to see the tragic plight
Of souls far off in sin;
Help me to love, to pray, to go
To bring the wand'rer in.
From off the altar of Thy heart
Take Thou some flaming coals;
Then touch my life and give me, Lord,
A heart that's hot for souls.
O Fire of love, O Flame divine,
Make Thy abode in me;
Burn in my heart, burn evermore,
Till I burn out for thee.
- by Dr. Eugene M. Harrison
February 14,
Wonders of Creation
- The wonderful richness of creation can be seen in Psalm
104:24 -"O LORD, how manifold are thy works! in wisdom hast
thou made them all: the earth is full of thy riches." In
this verse we see:
Creation's Variety
- "how manifold are thy works" - Manifold means
many-folded. It has many variations.
Creation's Quality
- "in wisdom hast thou made them all"
Creation's Quantity
- "the earth is full of thy riches"
Worldwide Need for Bible Teaching - I just checked the last ten people who signed up for our email
newsletter. A couple of them did not give any indication of
their location. Several were from the United States. But
three were from other countries. We had one each from
Jamaica, Bahrain, and Lithuania. I thank God for the
opportunity to be a blessing to these people. Please pray
for those around the world wanting to know God's precious
February 13,
Custom of Family Preaching
- The Baptist Historian David Benedict in his book, Fifty
Years Among the Baptists (p. 49-50) speaks of his first
visit to Charleston, South Carolina, in 1810 and his stay
with Pastor Richard Furman (of Furman University fame). He
speaks of a custom handed down from England and then
practiced in Charleston. "When a visiting minister was
invited to tea among the members, it was expected that he
and all company would spend the evening at the house, and
that a short off-hand discourse would be delivered." Can you
imagine? A preacher comes to visit. After refreshments, you
gather the family and anyone else available together and ask
him to give some words of help to all of you. Perhaps we
should begin a new custom of family preaching.
First Baptist Preachers Imprisoned in Virginia
- The first recorded instance of Baptist preachers
imprisoned for their faith in Virginia was in the county of
Spotsylvania. John Waller, Lewis Craig, James Childs, and
others, were seized on June 4th, 1768. At their trial, the
lawyer accused them with these words: "May it please your
worships, these men are great disturbers of the peace; they
cannot meet a man upon the road, but they must ram a text of
Scripture down his throat." May the Lord give us this kind
of courage today. -from History of the Baptists in
Virginia by Robert Baylor Semple (p.29-30).
February 12,
The Abomination of Shepherds
- In Genesis 46:34, Joseph informs his brothers that "every
shepherd is an abomination unto the Egyptians." While taking
nothing from the literal meaning of the passage, this
passage has a wonderful application. Egypt, in scripture, is
a type of the world. Shepherds are those who as pastors
watch over the souls of men They are called to keep the
flock (Acts 20:28; 1Peter 5:1-2). We see from the type that
this world (Egypt) hates pastors (the shepherds). They are
an abomination to Egypt. The Bible further bears this out.
The first shepherd,
Abel, was killed by Cain (Genesis 4:8)
The best shepherd,
Jesus Christ, was killed by the world. He is also called
the "good shepherd" (John 10:11, 14) who "giveth his
life for his sheep."
of the Cherubims
- Mentioned in 1Chronicles 28:18, the "chariot of the
cherubims" is part of the design of the Holy of Holies in
the Temple of Solomon. This chariot is not mentioned
anywhere else in scripture. Neither does there seem to be
any hint of a physical chariot in the temple. What is it?
Perhaps a hint can be found in Ezekiel 10:1-22. Four
cherubims are connected with four wheels and they transport
the glory of God. This could be called the chariot of the
cherubims. But in Ezekiel 10, there are four cherubim.
Solomon just had two made for the Holy of Holies. Where are
the other two? They are to be found on the mercy seat that
sat on the top of the ark of the covenant. The ark was the
only piece of furniture that was used in the tabernacle of
Moses that continued to be used in the temple. It had two
cherubim (Exodus 25:19). This gave four cherubim surrounding
the presence of God at the ark of the covenant. This
explains why Hezekial prayed unto the "LORD God of Israel,
which dwellest between the cherubims" (2Kings 19:15). These
four cherubim made up the chariot of the cherubims.
February 9,
Exclusion From the Kingdom
- Recently, I have heard a new doctrine proposed. It is that
unfaithful Christians of this age will not be in the
kingdom. That is, they will not participate in the
millennial reign of Christ on earth, but will be excluded.
Some actually teach that they will suffer in the lake of
fire during this time because of their unfaithfulness. As it
turns out, this is not a new doctrine at all. Appendix 5 in
the book called Forgotten Truths written by Sir
Robert Anderson is titled "Exclusion From Millennial
Kingdom." (on pages 148-150)
This appendix begins, "Exclusion from the millennial
kingdom, we are told by some, will be the penalty imposed on
Christians who lapse into immoral practices. And in proof of
this we are referred to such passages as 1 Cor.6:9, 10;
Gal.5:21; Eph.5:5, etc." He goes on to refute this false
teaching on the basis that the kingdom of God as mentioned
in the epistles of Paul is not a synonym for the millennial
kingdom of Christ but refers to the spiritual kingdom of God
(see Romans 14:17; 1Corinthians 15:50).
The true believers in Christ have already been translated
into the kingdom of His Son (Colossians 1:13). Rather than
giving a way into the kingdom, the passages in question
(1Corinthians 6:9 and others) are exhorting us to walk
worthy of the calling we have and not follow after the
perversions of this world. 1Thessalonians 2:12 states, "That
ye would walk worthy of God, who hath called you unto his
kingdom and glory." 2Thessalonians 1:5 states, "...that ye
may be counted worthy of the kingdom of God, for which ye
also suffer." As Sir Robert Anderson says, this is "a
reference not to the future state, but to the place and
calling of the Christian here and now. It is akin to the
exhortations of Ephesians 4:1." This is where we are called
upon to walk worthy of the vocation wherewith we are
So, when was this refutation of the doctrine of millennial
exclusion written? It was initially published in the year
1914--that is, 90 years ago. There is nothing new under the
February 8,
Gospel Witness of Genealogies
– “A heathen Chinaman asked a missionary for a Gospel. The latter
had at hand only a Gospel by Matthew. He regretted this: he
would rather have given him the Gospel by John. For Matthew
begins with its long genealogical table, which is so
extended but contains, as it seems, so little that is
interesting. Might not the reader after a few lines lose
pleasure in the book and cease to read?—But what happened?
Next day the Chinaman returned and expressed his very great
joy, because the beginning of the book had been so
interesting. As we know, the Chinese have a great regard for
honouring their ancestors, and that must indeed be a special
man, who had an ancestral tree of such importance and
covering so many centuries! This had at once awakened his
special interest in the history of such a man. The beginning
had therefore inclined him to continue reading with double
interest.” –from From Eternity to Eternity by Erich
Sauer (p.121). Read Psalm 119:128; Proverbs 30:5.
Topics: Word of God, Matthew, Genealogies, China, Missions
King James Bible English
– In God’s Secretaries: The Making of the King James Bible
(p.211), Adam Nicolson describes the special kind of English
that was used in the translation of the King James Bible:
“It speaks in its master’s voice and is not the English you
would have heard on the street, then or ever. It took up its
life in a new and distinct dimension of linguistic space,
somewhere between English and Greek (or, for the Old
Testament, between English and Hebrew). These scholars were
not pulling the language of the scriptures into the English
they knew and used at home. The words of the King James
Bible are just as much English pushed towards the condition
of a foreign language as a foreign language translated into
English. It was, in other words, more important to make
English godly than to make the words of God into the sort of
prose that any Englishmen would have written.” Read John
10:2-4; 1Thessalonians 2:13.
Topics: King James Bible, Biblical English, Translation
February 7,
Wanted: Godly Men Who Will Dare For God
– “Where are our dreamers? Where are the men who
can get alone with God for two hours and come out with three
pages of creative ideas? Where are the ‘thus saith the Lord’
men today? America is dying for lack of purpose. If the
church does not fill this need, we had better admit defeat
now. Hell and all its demons know exactly where they are
going with this world, and God is look for men who dare to
match their intensity in purpose.” –from The God You Can
Know by Dan DeHaan (p.126). Read Jeremiah 5:1; Ezekiel
Topics: Challenge, Purpose, Leadership
Lady in a Tempest
– The Baptist missionary, Mrs. M. B. Ingalls, served with
her husband in Burma. When he died in 1856, she refused to
go home and continued for the next 46 years working in Burma
alone. “While she was in charge of a lonely station, Mrs.
Ingalls was holding an evening class in her bungalow when
one of the nationals rushed in with great fear to report
that the chief of a hostile tribe and his warriors were
approaching her home. There was no time for escape, and in a
few moments she heard the tramp of marching feet.
“‘The door was opened, and a swarm of wild men, with
flashing eyes, poured into the room. She alone was calm and
self-possessed, receiving them kindly as if they were
friends. They seemed for a moment subdued by her manner;
and, as if by inspiration, she seized the opportunity to
divert their attention by stories about America, telling
them among other things of Colt’s revolver, laying her hand
as she spoke, upon the pistol her lamented husband had
presented her. The chief listened with scorn and incredulity
pictured upon his face. Then, suddenly picking up a piece of
paper, he stuck it upon the wall, and cried, “Shoot.” For a
second her heart trembled; she did not know that the pistol
was loaded, nor how to use it, for she had never fired one
in her life. But again, sending to heaven a swift petition
for help, she took aim and fired. The ball pierced the
centre of the target. Instantly, as if shot, or perhaps
expecting that ball would follow ball, the wild natives
rushed from the place, and the missionary widow and her
frightened flock fell on their knees to render thanks to
their Divine Protector.’” –from This Day in Baptist
History by E. Wayne Thompson and David L. Cummins
(p.283). Read Psalm 64:1; 79:11; 97:10.
Topics: Missions, Burma, God’s Protection
February 6,
Grace in Rough Treatment
– “As in nature, as in art, so in grace; it is rough treatment that
gives souls, as well as stones, their luster. The more the
diamond is cut the brighter it sparkles; and in what seems
hard dealing, there God has no end in view but to perfect
his people. –by the Scottish preacher Thomas Guthrie
(1803-1873). Read Malachi 3:17; Hebrews 12:10-11; 1Peter
Topics: Trials, Christian Growth
Man’s Liberty to Act
– The Puritan author, Stephen Charnock, in The Existence and
Attributes of God (p.145-146), makes a case for man’s
freedom to action alongside God’s absolute foreknowledge of
all things: “If God’s prescience takes away the liberty of
the creature, there is no such thing as a free action in the
world (for there is nothing done but is foreknown by God,
else we render God of a limited understanding), nor ever
was, no, not by God himself, ad extra; for whatsoever
he hath done in creation, whatsoever he hath done since the
creation, was foreknown by him: he resolved to do it, and,
therefore, foreknew that he would do it. Did God do it,
therefore, necessarily, as necessity is opposed to liberty?
As he freely decrees what he will do, so he effects what he
freely decreed.
“Foreknowledge is so far from intrenching upon the liberty
of the will, that predeterminism, which in the notion of it
speaks something more, doth not dissolve it; God did not
only foreknow, but determine the suffering of Christ (Acts
4:27-28). It was necessary, therefore, that Christ should
suffer, that God might not be mistaken in his foreknowledge,
or come short of his determinate decree; but did this take
away the liberty of Christ in suffering? (Ephesians 5:2):
who “hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice
to God;’ that is, by a voluntary act, as well as designed to
do it by a determinate counsel. It did infallibly secure the
event, but did not annihilate the liberty of the action,
either in Christ’s willingness to suffer, or the crime of
the Jews that made him suffer.” Read Romans 8:29-30.
Topics: Free Will, Liberty, Foreknowledge, Crucifixion
February 5,
Hatred Against Baptists
– “Cotton Mather, the leading Puritan minister in New England at
the end of the seventeenth century, illustrates in his diary
the low opinion the Puritans had of Baptists in general and
Baptist preachers in particular. He tells of a preacher
named May who arrived from England in 1699 and began
preaching publicly. Mather called him ‘a wondrous Lump of
Ignorance and Arrogance’ and bemoaned the fact that many
people were drawn to him. ‘Multitudes of the giddy People
are as much bewitched with him, as if he were another Simon
Magus. There is evidently a Satanic Energy on the People in
this Town; and Satan is attempting, tho’ by a very little
Tool, a great Shock to our churches.’
“Whether the man was a Baptist or not is never proven;
Mather just assumes as much. The irrational and illogical
attempts to defame the Baptists resulted in frequent
outbursts from the Puritan establishment. Some of their
accusations were proven to be completely fabricated, such as
a pamphlet circulated in 1673 that claimed that an orthodox
New England minister named Baxter was barbarously skinned
alive by angry Baptists… Many were ready to believe this
incredible story, but it was soon proven that there was no
such minister by the name of Baxter in all of New England.”
–from The Forgotten Heritage by Thomas R. McKibbens,
Jr. (p.115-116). Read John 15:18-19; Acts 5:40-41.
Topics: Baptists, Persecution, Cotton Mather, False
Preaching With Effect
– Duke Kimbrough (1762-1849) served as the pastor of First
Baptist Church in Dandridge, Tennessee, for fifty years. “A
peculiarity of Elder Kimbrough’s preaching was a sudden and
unexpected pause in his discourse. The use of this surprise
power, like the sudden stopping of a train of cars, was
sometimes very effective. On one occasion, however, the
surprise came the other way. The preacher was urging upon
his members the importance of looking after their
religion—‘fencing it up’—and with the exclamatory statement
that ‘circumstances alter cases,’ came to a sudden pause.
‘Yes,’ broke in one of the sisters, ‘that’s what I told
John! I told him if he planted the corn before he built the
fence the hogs would root it up—and they did.’” –from
Sketches of Tennessee’s Pioneer Baptist Preachers by J.
J. Burnett (p.291). Read Proverbs 24:27; Isaiah 5:2.
Topics: Preaching, Faithfulness
February 2,
Every Word of God Important
– “Concerning Paul’s word as to his books and parchments (2Timothy
4:13), there is an interesting incident that shows the value
of every word of Scripture. One asked J. N. Darby what loss
there would be if that remark had not been preserved. He
replied that he at least would have been the loser, because
in his ascetic days as a clergyman he had thought to get rid
of his library, but it was the care of Paul for his books
that had restrained him. When the vast benefit to the church
at large that resulted later from Darby’s use of his
extensive and valuable library is considered, there is a
remarkable example of the value of each word of God’s book.”
–from From Eternity to Eternity by Erich Sauer
(p.121). Read Psalm 119:128; Proverbs 30:5.
Topics: Inspiration, Preservation of Scripture, Books,
Afflictions Work to Cleanse of Corruption
– “Afflictions work for good to the godly, as they are
destructive to sin. Sin is the mother, affliction is the
daughter; the daughter helps to destroy the mother. Sin is
like the tree that breeds the worm, and affliction is like
the worm that eats the tree. There is much corruption in the
best heart; affliction does by degrees work it out, as the
fire works out the dross from the gold, ‘this is all the
fruit to take away his sin’ (Isaiah 27:9). What if we
have more of the rough file, if we have less rust! If a
physician should say to a patient, ‘Your body is
distempered, and full of bad humors, which must be cleared
out, or you die; but I will prescribe physic which, though
it may make you sick, yet it will carry away the dregs of
your disease, and save your life’; would not this be for the
good of the patient? Afflictions are the medicine which God
uses to carry off our spiritual diseases; they cure the
tympany [tumor] of pride, the fever of lust, the dropsy of
covetousness.” –from All Things For Good by Thomas
Watson (p.29). Read Romans 5:3-4.
Topics: Affliction, Corruption, Sin, Cleansing
February 1,
Danger of Artificial Happiness
– Ronald W. Dworkin, in his book Artificial Happiness
(p.17-18), warns us of the danger of the new drugs that
produce an artificial state of happiness. “With so many
people resorting to Artificial Happiness, society as a whole
is inevitably affected. The most important things in life
begin in a person’s mind. Since the mind sets limits on
behavior, small changes in the mind may have serious social
consequences. When a man silences his misery through
Artificial Happiness, he also silences his conscience.
Actually, he must silence his conscience, since a bad
conscience often causes his unhappiness…
“A reckless act sometimes follows when a person silences his
conscience with alcohol, since that part of his mind that
appraises his activity is turned off. A murderer takes a
shot of whiskey before finishing the job. A prostitute takes
a stiff drink to numb her mind before work. Soldiers get
drunk before sacking a city. Society is able to contain such
reckless behavior because intoxicated people are relatively
few in number. In addition, alcohol wears off quickly; even
murderers and prostitutes come back to reason after which
they sometimes feel remorse for their behavior.
“But imagine an entire class of people who stupefy
themselves regularly and constantly, who remain stupefied
throughout the day, and who live not on society’s fringes
but in the mainstream. Suddenly the problem grows more
serious—millions of regular people stifling their
consciences to live happier lives, thinking, and therefore
behaving, in ways they would not otherwise do. Through sheer
numbers these people pose a greater threat to the social
fabric than murderers, prostitutes, and thieves.” Read
Ephesians 4:19; 1Timothy 4:2; 2Timothy 3:1-4.
Topics: Drugs, Happiness, Conscience
Christ the Word
– In The Crises of the Christ (p.72), G. Campbell
Morgan makes a comparison of Jesus Christ as the Word in
John 1:1 with Jesus Christ as the Word in John 1:14. In John
1:1 the Word is God and in John 1:14 the Word was made
flesh. Both verses make a threefold statement about the Word
and these statements are parallel to one another. Consider
the following:
John 1:1 |
John 1:14 |
The Word in Time |
“In the beginning was the Word” |
“And the Word was made flesh” |
The Word in Location |
“and the Word was with God” |
“and dwelt among us” |
The Word in Essence |
“and the Word was God” |
“full of grace and truth” |
Topics: Jesus Christ, Word, Incarnation, Deity of Christ