Failure of
Education, The - Ecclesiastes 1:8-11: To many in our school systems
and other areas of education the main problem solver is education.
Solomon, however, will show you that education does not solve everything
and once again all is vanity under the sun.
Failure of Labor,
- Ecclesiastes 1:1-8: Do you labor and labor in something only
to find that it is all vanity? Find out what Ecclesiastes has to
say about it.
Failures in Fellowship -
Leviticus 6:1-7: Historically, the word fellow means to lay money; as to lay money down. A fellow was one who financially
supported a business deal with someone else; a business partner.
Fellowship then is to be united together in covenant for a common
Father Abraham - Genesis
18:19: We know much from the Bible about Abraham. We know that he is
called a friend of God and we know he received the promised seed of Isaac.
In this message we will look at Abraham as an example of a biblical father.
What kind of father or parent are you?
Field of
Inheritance, The - Jeremiah 32:1-15: As believers, we have an amazing
inheritance. In this story the Lord commands Jeremiah to buy a field from
his uncle in his hometown of Anathoth. Jeremiah is unlikely to get any
benefit from the field, but he is to buy it anyway. God uses this event to
promise future restoration of Israel. Fields will again be bought and sold
in the land. This is a message of hope and promise in a time of destruction.
Fifth Month, The - Zechariah
7:1-3: Ab is the Jewish name
for the fifth month in the religious calendar and the eleventh
month of the civil calendar. This non-biblical name began to be
used during the Babylonian captivity. The Bible simply calls
this month the “fifth month.” This designation is found ten
times in the Bible. The month of Ab begins with the new moon of
August and always has thirty days. Agriculturally, the month of
Ab is known in Israel as the time for the ripening of grapes,
figs, and olives.
Five Reasons Christians Fail to Finish the Course:
The Christian life is
pictured in the Bible as a race to run; a course to
finish. The Apostle Paul was determined to finish his
course with joy and the ministry which he had received
of the Lord (Acts 20:24). Shortly before his death, he
could give this testimony: “I have fought a good fight,
I have finished my course, I have kept the faith”
(2Timothy 4:7). Notice, he had finished his course.
For That Thy
Name is Near - Psalm 75:1: Most people picture God as a grandfather
way up in Heaven that is out of touch with what is going on, but we
serve a God who is near to us.
Furtherance of the
Gospel, The - Part 1- Philippians 1:12-18: The church has several
ministries that minister to the Lord and His people, but the church has
only one main ministry in the world. That ministry is to further the
gospel of Jesus Christ at any cost.
Furtherance of
the Gospel, The - Part 2 -
Philippians 1:12-18:
The church has several ministries that minister to the Lord and His
people, but the church has only one main ministry in the world. That
ministry is to further the gospel of Jesus Christ at any cost.
Getting Used
to the Things of God - Revelation 3:14-19:
We live in a day when we have all of the resources we need to be
a good Christian. We have multiple Bibles in each home, a
church on every corner, Bible teachers and material at our
disposal 24 hours a day. There has never been a day when there
were so many different ways to serve the Lord by practice,
preaching and publishing. Yet we have allowed the spirit of
Laodicea to deaden us. We like the Laodiceans are “lukewarm”,
growing cold on the things of God.
Go For the Gold -
1Corinthians 9:24-27: Paul used sporting events
to describe the spiritual life. He especially used the foot race.
Believers are compared to runners in a race. Are you ready to run so
that you may obtain the prize?
He Maketh No
Mistake - Romans 8:28: One of the greatest blessings of the
Christian life is the providential care of the Lord. No matter
what you are going through the Lord is working it out to your good.
The Heart of
the Matter 1Kings 8:37-40: Our works are a
product of what is going on in our hearts. When God
looks on your heart, what does He see?
Inheritance of the Saints - Ephesians 1:15-19: Paul prayed for the Ephesians that the eyes of their understanding might
be enlightened so that they might see, among other things, the riches of
the glory of his inheritance in the saints. One of the greatest
blessings for which God’s people need to be thankful is their
inheritance in Christ.
The Institution of
Marriage - Genesis 2:7-8:
God created
man and gave him work to do, but there was still something
lacking. Man was alone. God saw that this was not good, and so
he brought forth the woman out of the man and presented her to
Adam. Do you see your marriage as instituted by God and as such
one of the most valuable possessions you have this side of
It's Almost
Suppertime - Luke 14:15-24: A feast was made and many were
bidden, but when they would not come the servant was sent to the
streets, highways and the hedges. If you have accepted the
invitation then you should be acting as the servant to bring in others.
from the
Here is
a group
who have
wrath of
God by
faith in
the shed
blood of
lamb. They
are in
midst of
to a
milk and
We find
that God
for how
are to
Now we
find a
help us
as we
our own
Have you
been making light of the details of your life? Have
you been disobedient to God in those areas? Have you
considered what your disobedience in those areas is doing to
those around you?
From the Storms of Life - Luke 8:22-25:
storms and trials of life are as sure to come your way as
the breath you just took. We must work not to get bitter in
the storm but, rather rejoice that our Father is allowing us
another opportunity to learn.
The Life of Ezra - What convinced God to label one of the books of the Bible, Ezra?
Ezra didn't rebuild the temple or anything of significance during his
life but he obviously did something to merit having a book named
after him.
Little Is Much When God Is In
It - John 6:1-11: The faith of the disciples was small, the
resources were small and the need was large. How could such a
large multitude be fed with little resources and a weak faith?
It would take action on God's part.
Limiting the Holy
God - Psalm 78:40-41: John Calvin's doctrine doesn't work here. Do you
limit God?
Looking for a City - Isaiah 62:1-12:
As this earth fades more and more from the desires of our heart, we
begin to look forward and upward for a city to come. Are you going
to that city? Are you prepared to go if the Lord was to call?
The Lord Our Rereward
- Isaiah 52:12- What is a rereward? How is it a blessing that God is
our rereward?
Lovest Thou Me - John
21:15-17: We know that Christ loved and continues to love us. But do we know how
important it is that we love Him? The Bible states in no uncertain terms
that if God is our Father, then we will love Christ (John 8:42).
A Man Sent From God -
John 1:6-7:
There is a great famine in the land for men who will take a stand for
God. John the Baptist was such a man, what about you?
Merchants of Souls - Ezekiel 13:17-21:
Interpretation of the women that sew pillows to armholes
and hunt for the souls of men – soothsayers; fortune
tellers, sorcerers. The ones Ezekiel is called to
pronounce judgment against are hunting the souls of
God’s people and polluting God among His people. This
points to a broader application. This message focuses on
those who make merchandise of God’s people in order to
pollute God among His people.
The Ministry of Barnabas - Acts 4:36-37:
you have an honest love and burden for those who are
saved and fallen by the wayside? According to 1John
4:20, “If a man say, I love God, and hateth his
brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his
brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he
hath not seen.” Will you be a Barnabas? Will you
give of yourself to help another?
Ministry of Wisdom - Proverbs 7:4-8:3: On one side of the
street the strange woman is enticing the simple man to commit sin, but
at the same time on the other side of the street, wisdom is crying out
with blessings to offer. Who will you hear?
Mother's Tears: The most underestimated responsibility and love is
that of a mother. The troubles do not end when the
childbirth is over yet it is something that a mother
never escape. What kind of help and comfort does
God provide for mothers?
The Myth of Two Masters: Many
people today are attempting to live for the world while making claims of
being a servant of God. The only problem is that according to scripture
we cannot serve two masters. May we be like Joshua who said, "but as for
me and my house, we will serve the LORD."
Never Alone - Judges 6:13:
Not a message about one person like Gideon, but about a condition of
this life. It is called despair meaning all hope is gone. The Lord has
left us on our own. Throughout scripture, God gives us examples of those
who seemed to be left by the Lord and thought they had been deserted by
Him but later found that He hadn't left them at all.
New Wine in
New Bottles - Luke 5:33-39:
do the disciples of Jesus not fast like the disciples of
John and the disciples of the Pharisees? 1) Their
circumstances are different (their bridegroom is with
them). 2) The message Christ brings does not just amend
the old way; it is radically different and brings
complete change.
Opening of the Ear - Deuteronomy 15:12-18: We look on service
today as something beneath our dignity. However, Jesus said, “And
whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant”. And here,
in this passage, a temporary servant becomes a lifetime servant of his
own free will. What is the Lord trying to teach us?
Our Purpose on
Earth - Galatians 1:1-5: Why are we here? What am I
supposed to do? Who am I? Why didn't God just take me on to
Heaven after He saved me? These questions and many others can be
answered by looking into the word of God.
Our Spiritual
Warfare - Ephesians 6:10-13:
We are in a war. All of
you may not be hearing the gunfire and seeing the smoke rise as the enemy
attacks but that does not mean that the war has ceased. There are other
people and other times perhaps even now where the sky is filled with smoke
and gunshots are going off left and right. What should we do in such times?
What should we be looking for? Why is the enemy attacking so strong? Who
will help us?
Our Vanity in
Judgment - Ecclesiastes 3:16-22: In the place of judgment and
in the place of righteousness was there found wickedness. Solomon
declares that God will judge both the wicked and the righteous.
Our Vanity in Time
- Ecclesiastes 3:1-8: To every thing there is a season, and a
time to every purpose under the heaven. Our timing on earth is
vain unless the Lord be with us.
Paths of Deception-1Timothy 4:1-3- The Deceiver is at work in the world today. He does not stop at
deceiving the lost, but seeks also to deceive the saints.
The Peace that
Dwells Within - Psalm 37:1-8: The saints are told three times to
“fret not” (v.1, 7, 8). Fret comes from a root word meaning to
eat or to devour. We will find that Jesus Christ is the only
solution to the disease of a fretting heart.
Prepared for Spiritual Battle - 2Corinthians 2:10-11: One of the greatest defenses against any enemy is knowing
where he is likely to attack and what strategy he is like to take. God
gives us this knowledge through His word. Are you prepared?
Promotion Day - 2Corinthians
Looking for a promotion? You may be looking in the wrong
our Daughters - Leviticus 19:29: Satan has robbed the
church blind of its daughters. Do names like Jessie
Daniels, Kelly Clarkson, Missy Elliott, Mariah Carey, Shelly
King, and Britney Spears ring a bell? They all started
out either going to Church as children or are in Church now.
Who’s next? It may be that my daughter or your
daughter is the next target of Satan. So what shall we
The Purpose of
Prayer - 1Timothy 2:2-8: This book of the Bible was written to
a young preacher. In this chapter we find a commandment to pray
but not only that we also have the purpose for praying.
Children God's Way - Proverbs 22:6: The only way to begin to
reach the masses is to begin at home by training your children in the
way they should go. What can we learn from this passage in
Proverbs to help us do it God's way?
Not the Ancient Landmarks - Proverbs 22:28: Those that have gone on before us
established some foundations. They took stands for various things
and God calls upon us to hold on to those things. Are you removing
the landmarks or fighting to keep them?
Sacrifice of
Thanksgiving - Leviticus 7:11-15: The first
reference to thanksgiving in the Bible is in the description of the
thanksgiving offering. It shows us the true value and of a thankful
heart. Through it, we learn how God's expects us to practice
Say It With Deeds -
Hebrews 11:4: Abel
lived about 6,000 years ago. He did not leave behind any books. In fact,
we do not have a single quotation from his lips. Yet, God gives
testimony that he being dead yet speaks.
Seeing is
Believing - Or is it? - 1Kings 10:1-7: The queen of Sheba
did not believe the words she had heard about Solomon and the glory of
his reign until she had seen it for herself. This supports the truth of
the old saying: seeing is believing. But does it?
Serving With Love - Genesis
29:13-20: What is the purpose of your life? Would you serve
the Lord if the only option presented to you was a job that you
did not like to do? Do you murmur and complain in front of your
friends, coworkers, or children about serving the Lord? Is your
heart right in service? If not maybe you should go back to the
example of Jacob and serve with love.
The Seven
Myths of Education - Ecclesiastes 1:16-18: We are told so many
things about what education is and how it can be obtained. Find
out what the scriptures have to say about the world's philosophy.
Sins of the Elder
Brother - Luke 15:11-13: We often hear of the sins of the prodigal son but the
truth is that most of us are guilty of the sins of the elder brother.
Stewards of the Mysteries of God - 1Corinthians 4:1-7:
A steward is one who is put in charge of something that
does not belong to him. We are stewards. How are
you doing with what God has given you?
The Sufficiency of
Christ - John 1:16-17: The demands of the Christian life are great. You are
not sure if you can match up. The truth is, you cannot. We can only
serve the Lord fully through His enabling grace and power. That is the
message of this sermon.
The Taming of the
Tongue - James 3:1-5: The
tongue is an unruly evil. To bridle the tongue is to accomplish a great
thing. If only we could only surrender our tongue to glorify God.
Temptations of John the Baptist - John 1:19-22: We often focus on the temptations of the flesh and the world and what
they offer. However, many of our greatest struggles come from the
temptations of life. We wonder who we are, what we have accomplished,
and if followed the right path. John the Baptist dealt with these
temptations. We need to learn to handle them as he did.
Other Gospel - Galatians 1:1-9: The Apostle
Paul was shocked. He marveled that the Galatians had so
quickly left the pure teachings of Christ and His gospel
in order to follow another gospel. But this other gospel
is still with us today. It always starts with the gospel
of Christ. Then, it simply adds something, anything, to
that gospel. Be sure that you have the pure gospel as
your foundation for eternal life.
There is Still
Water in the Rock - Numbers 20:1-11: The children of Israel
are in Kadesh, the place where they decided that they could not go and
possess the land of Canaan. The people are thirsty. The Lord has
provided water already out of a rock in Horeb. This is a chapter of
Therefore I
Hated Life - Ecclesiastes 2:9-11: Have you ever just hated
life and perhaps wanted to die? Some would say that you must be
wicked to feel this way, but actually the list of people in the Bible
who wanted the same would be a who's who list on knowing God.
Those That Stand
By - Zechariah 3:7: Joshua the priest is given a promise that
if he will walk in the ways of the Lord and keep His charge that he
(Joshua) can walk among "these that stand by". Who are those that
stand by? What is the blessing of walking among them?
To Be the People
of God - Deuteronomy 27:9-10; 29:12-13: The
covenant of Moab deals more with the heart and the motive of love. We
will look at one of the major provisions of the covenant and apply it to
our lives.
The Triumph of Faith
- Exodus 14:1-31:
Anyone ever tell you just have faith? It's a lot easier said than
done. See some things here about faith and it's rewards.
Troubled on Every Side
- 2Corinthians 4:8; 7:5: The phrase "troubled on every side"
is found two times in the scriptures, both found in
2Corinthians. Paul is in Macedonia and seems to be going through
a time of trial. Here he is talking about the distresses, and
trials and troubles he is going through. How does the apostle
Paul handle being troubled on every side? How do you handle
troubles and trials?
Turn Us Again - Psalm 80:
In this psalm, Israel has
suffered affliction and destruction and now seeks the help of
God her Shepherd. Israel is as a vine which once filled the land
in prosperity but has been burned and cut down. The psalmist
pleas with God to visit this vine and cause His face to shine on
them once again.
Two are Better
Than One - Ecclesiastes 4:9-12: A verse by verse study in the
Book of Ecclesiastes. This section gives several practical reasons
why two are better than one.
Unity of the Brethren Psalm 133:1-3:
What is God's opinion of unity of the brethren? Though there are
countless commands in the Bible dealing with separation let us not
neglect to have unity with the brethren.
Unprepared For the Blessings of God - Zechariah 7:1-14; 8:1-23:
We often get caught up in the times in which we live. When this happens,
we become victims in our minds and lose our zeal for true service to
God. This, in turn, leads to sin and judgment. The Lord will soon
return. Are you ready?
Vanity of Elevation to Power and Plenty - Ecclesiastes 4:1-6:
Some would say that if they just got that next pay raise or the
promotion that all of their problems would be solved but not so
according to the Bible, for even this is vanity.
The Vanity of Luxury
- Ecclesiastes 2:1-8: Solomon had everything. He had
houses, vineyards, gardens, pools of water, servants and maidens, men
singers and women singers. Yet once again he found this to be