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Mother's Tears: The most underestimated responsibility and love is
that of a mother. The troubles do not end when the childbirth is
over yet it is something that a mother never escape. What kind of
help and comfort does God provide for mothers?
History Session 1: Lectures dealing with Baptist History. Deals with the
progression of the early church.
History Session 2: Lectures dealing with Baptist History. Deals with the
progression of the early church.
History Session 3: Lectures dealing with Baptist History. Deals with the
progression of the early church.
History Session 4: Lectures dealing with Baptist History. Deals with the
progression of the early church.
Blind Man
of Bethsaida - Mark 8:22-26: Mark 8:22-26 gives the only Biblical record of the healing
of the blind man of Bethsaida. It is also the only miracle
in the life of Christ that is not immediate, for it takes two
attempts in order to bring the man perfect sight. What can
be the meaning of this?
Character of the Kingdom Age - Revelation 20:1-4: Who
will be there? Will there be children there? What
will it be like?
Firebrand Plucked Out of the Burning - Amos 4:1-13:
God is certainly a God of mercy and love. But He is also a God of judgment.
Are you pushing the limits with God? Are you heading for
God's Final
Judgment - Revelation 20:11-15: How is God going to wrap things up in the end?
and Freedom Through the Holy Spirit - Acts 10: This
is a sermon that was preached by J Frank Norris. May
God stir up some men to have the same kind of fire that Norris
That Stand By - Zechariah 3:7: Joshua the priest
is given a promise that if he will walk in the ways of the
Lord and keep His charge that he (Joshua) can walk among "these
that stand by". Who are those that stand by? What is the blessing of walking among them?
Water From the Well - 2Samuel 23:13-17: It's the story of three of
David's mighty men who break through the battle line of the
Philistines in order to bring David a drink of water from the
well at Bethlehem. Though David had longed for the water, he
does not drink of it because of the danger the men exposed
themselves to in order to give to him. So, he poured the water
out to the Lord. What's the significance of this story? How can
we apply it to our lives?
01/05/03 Promotion
Day - 2Corinthians 5:1-8: Looking for a promotion? You
may be looking in the wrong direction.
The Work of Christ to Save Our Souls - Romans 5:6-11: What
did the Lord do for our when He died for our sins? Probably
much more then you are aware of.
Limiting the Holy God - Psalm 78:40-41: John Calvin's doctrine doesn't work here. Do you limit
Called the Sons of God - 1John 3:1-3: Upon receipt
of Jesus Christ as your Saviour, you become a son of
God. What does that mean to us?
02/02/03 The
Triumph of Faith - Exodus 14:1-31: Anyone ever tell you just have faith? It's a lot easier
said than done. See some things here about faith and
it's rewards.
When Jesus Passed By - Luke 19:1-10: Zacchaeus was a wee little man and a wee little man was he. However, the Lord passed by and called out to him. What
will you do when Jesus comes your way?
02/16/03 Hypocrites
- Matthew 23:25-28: There everywhere. Every church seems to have some. It is always the guy
next to you instead of you. Or is it?
02/23/03 Remove Not the Ancient Landmarks - Proverbs 22:28: Those
that have gone on before us established some foundations. They
took stands for various things and God calls upon us to hold
on to those things. Are you removing the landmarks
or fighting to keep them?
The Way into the Holiest - Hebrews 9:1-9: A great message about Jesus Christ and what we have in Him.
09/14/03 Ordinances
- 1Corinthians 15:1-4: The Lord Jesus Christ gave
the church two ordinances. Did you know that both of
them bear the message of the death, burial and resurrection?
The Bible Doctrine of Preservation - Psalm 12:6-7: Have you ever wondered if the Bible that you have has errors
in it? Can we find the word of God today or has it been lost in the
original languages? Is it even important to know whether
we can find the words of God? Let's allow the Bible speak
for itself.
The Lord Our Rereward - Isaiah 52:12- What is a rereward? How
is it a blessing that God is our rereward?
The Coming Day of the Lord - Zechariah 14:1-5: Every
day brings news of conflict and tragedy in the land of the
Bible. We can easily become discouraged. But God promises
a solution to the problems in the Middle East. Here, in Zechariah
14, is God's final solution.
Doorkeeper in the House of the Lord - Numbers 16:1-11,16-18,35: Many
today love to have the preeminence (3John 1:9) like Diotrephes
of old. Man desires a position. God takes a servant
and gives him a job to do.
11/09/03 Judgment of Mystery Babylon - Revelation 17:1-6: The
whore of Revelation 17 is judged. Who is she and what
is her end?
For That Thy Name is Near - Psalm 75:1: Most people
picture God as a grandfather way up in Heaven that is out
of touch with what is going on, but we serve a God who is
near to us.
What About the Heathen - Psalm 98:2- What about those
who have never heard the gospel? Will they be held accountable before God?
11/23/03 The
Love of Christ - John 3:16: For God so loved the world..."The
Love of God is greater far than tongue or pen can ever tell;
It goes beyond the highest star, and reaches to the lowest
11/30/03 Sins
of the Elder Brother - Luke 15:11-13: We often hear of the sins of the prodigal son but the truth
is that most of us are guilty of the sins of the elder brother.
The Ark, A Type of Christ - Genesis 6:1-14: Noah's
Ark is a wonderful story for children. We love to read about the animals that went in two by two and
by sevens, but many times we miss out on seeing Jesus Christ
in the ark.
Know the Holy Scriptures - 2Timothy 3:15-17: The scriptures are the very words of God. It has been
said that it is God's love letter to man. How much effort
do you put forth to know the holy scriptures?
A Word For Weary Soldiers - 2Timothy 2:11-13: As
soldiers we are to endure hardness, but sometimes we can
get weary in the battle. This passage has a word for
you. Also deals with 2Timothy 2:12 on the word "deny".
The Gospel According to Isaiah - Isaiah 53: Isaiah
spoke about the gospel long before the birth of Jesus Christ.
The Generation of Jesus Christ - Matthew 1:1: In
Adam all die, in Christ all are made alive. The question is who is your father?
Defeating the Midianites in Your Life - Judges 7:15-23: We
all have our own Midianites to face. By studying Gideon's
strategy we can learn how we too can defeat the Midianites.
12/28/03 The Two
Babylons - Revelation 18: Are the Babylons of Revelation
17 and Revelation 18 the same? According to the scriptures there seem to be some differences.
Finding Assurance of Salvation - 1John 5:10-13- Are
you saved? How can you know that you are saved? God
wants you to know for sure.
Getting God's Attention with Your Sins - Revelation 18:5-8:God
knows all things. But some things get His attention faster
than others. He knows all our sins. But some sins get noticed
faster and sometimes sin piles up so high that He responds.
Mourning and Rejoicing over Babylon - Revelation 18:9-24: There
are two different responses to the destruction of Babylon. Which
side will you be on.
The Marriage Supper of the Lamb - Revelation 19:1-10: A
time of rejoicing and blessing to come. The wife hath
made herself ready. Part of a series preached from
Revelation 19.
The Taming of the Tongue - James 3:1-5: The
tongue is an unruly evil. To bridle the tongue is to
accomplish a great thing. If only we could only surrender
our tongue to glorify God.
02/08/04 The
Call of Joshua - Joshua 1:1-9: Many
calls: to salvation; to a decision; to a ministry
The Conquering Christ - Revelation 19:11-16: No longer the babe in the manger, Jesus Christ is coming in
power and great glory. Behold he comes on a white horse
and the armies of heaven follow him.
The Law of the Peace Offering - Leviticus 3:1-5: The
Peace Offering in the Old Testament points to Jesus Christ
in several ways. It through Christ and Christ alone
that we may have peace.
The Supper of the Great God - Revelation 19:17-21: This
is not the marriage supper, rather it is a supper for the
fowl of the air to feast on those who opposed Jesus Christ. Part
of a series preached from Revelation 19.
Against All Odds - 1Samuel 14:1-2: We often look
at the odds of something happening and decide by that if
God will do something or not. But God is bigger than
the odds. He can go against all the odds and go far
beyond our own abilities. We simply need to trust in
Did Christ Go To Hell - Acts 2:22-31: There is much controversy over this question. What
does the Bible say?
04/07/04 The
Battle To Go Forward - Genesis 19:1-16: What can we learn from Lot's failures? Lot faced some
of the same trials that you face. What will you do?
Conquering Stress God's Way - Psalm 42:11: Our
lives have become one continuous stream of activity, communication
and information input. We come to the end of ourselves.
How did we get in this fix? What are we to do now? What is
God’s way through this mess?
A Brand Plucked From the Fire - Zechariah 3:1-7: The
brand is already burning just like the sinner is already
under the condemnation of God. Salvation is merely
pulling the sinner out of the fire.
The Way of the Lord - Psalm 77: Have you ever read footprints in the sand?
According to Psalm 77 the footprints of God are not known.
There is Still Water in the Rock - Numbers 20:1-11: The
children of Israel are in Kadesh, the place where they
decided that they could not go and possess the land of
Canaan. The people are thirsty. The Lord has
provided water already out of a rock in Horeb. This
is a chapter of trials.
05/23/04 Say
It With Deeds - Hebrews 11:4: Abel lived about 6,000
years ago. He did not leave behind any books. In fact, we
do not have a single quotation from his lips. Yet, God gives
testimony that he being dead yet speaks.
The Path of the Hypocrite - 1Kings 2:35: We can know
much about the characteristics of hypocrites by looking into
the life of Abiathar. Are you playing the part of a
Break Up Your Fallow Ground - Hosea 10:12: The
land has been left unworked. God is calling us to break
it up.
06/13/04 Without
the Camp - Hebrews 13:9-16: The lepers were told
to go without the camp. At one time it was a place
of uncleanness, yet we are called to go outside the camp.
06/20/04 A
Man Sent From God - John 1:6-7: There is a great
famine in the land for men who will take a stand for God. John the Baptist was such a man, what about you?
The Curse of the Flying Roll - Zechariah 5:1-4: What is the flying roll and why is it a curse? How can
this curse also provide access to God?
Step By Step Away From God - Romans 1:21-32: Every step that man takes away from God, God takes a step away
from him. America is walking away, we no longer can say "one nation
under God", and the ten commandments cannot even be posted. So
where do we go from here?
The Full Gospel - 1Corinthians 15:1-4: Many today
are stopping short on the gospel. The Catholics and
many others have a crucified "Jesus" (another
Jesus) laying around. The problem is that even some
Independent Baptists are heading the same direction. What does the Bible say about the Gospel?
To Be the People of God - Deuteronomy 27:9-10; 29:12-13:
covenant of Moab deals more with the heart and the motive
of love. We will look at one of the major provisions of the
covenant and apply it to our lives.
The Sufficiency of Christ - John 1:16-17: The demands of the Christian life are great. You are not sure
if you can match up. The truth is, you cannot. We can only
serve the Lord fully through His enabling grace and power.
That is the message of this sermon.
08/08/04 Even There
- Psalm 139:7-12:
Psalm speaks of the presence of the knowledge of God wherever
we go. No matter where we find ourselves, we will find that
God is “even there”.
The Testimony of a Soul-Winner - Romans 1:14-16: We come into contact with people who are lost and on their
way to hell every day. Yet, we do nothing to reach them. Why
do we not tell them? We do not lead others to Christ because
we do not have the heart of the apostle Paul.
The Peace that Dwells Within - Psalm 37:1-8: The
saints are told three times to “fret not” (v.1, 7, 8). Fret comes
from a root word meaning to eat or to devour. We will
find that Jesus Christ is the only solution to the disease
of a fretting heart.
Our Purpose on Earth - Galatians 1:1-5: Why are
we here? What am I supposed to do? Who am I? Why didn't
God just take me on to Heaven after He saved me? These
questions and many others can be answered by looking into the
word of God.
Don't Leave the Children Behind - Exodus 10:8-11: God
created the family, or household, as a spiritual unit. It
is unnatural for it to be divided spiritually. God wants
it to be united. How can the family be a true spiritual
Unprepared For the Blessings of God - Zechariah 7:1-14; 8:1-23: We often get caught up in the times in which we live. When
this happens, we become victims in our minds and lose our zeal
for true service to God. This, in turn, leads to sin and judgment.
The Lord will soon return. Are you ready?
The Temptations of John the Baptist - John 1:19-22: We
often focus on the temptations of the flesh and the world
and what they offer. However, many of our greatest struggles
come from the temptations of life. We wonder who we are,
what we have accomplished, and if followed the right path.
John the Baptist dealt with these temptations. We need to
learn to handle them as he did.
09/19/04 The
Failure of Labor - Ecclesiastes 1:1-8: Do you labor
and labor in something only to find that it is all vanity? Find
out what Ecclesiastes has to say about it.
The Heart of the Matter - 1Kings 8:37-40:
Our works are a product of what is going on in our hearts. When
God looks on your heart, what does He see?
The Failure of Education - Ecclesiastes 1:8-11: To
many in our school systems and other areas of education the
main problem solver is education. Solomon, however,
will show you that education does not solve everything and
once again all is vanity under the sun.
Losing the Songs of Zion - Jeremiah 23:26: We often reveal how man is perverting the words of God in the
new versions of the Bible. But these words are the foundation
for many other things as well. One of the methods Satan
does this is by removing the old hymns from our vocabulary.
They are dying because the new versions do not lend them support.
10/03/04 The
Wonder of it All - Romans 8:31-39: Many believers
today seem to lose the wonder of what God has done for them.
Paul never lost that wonder. You hear this wonder in his
testimony of 1Timothy 1:12-17. You see it in this passage
as well. It begins, “What shall we say to these things?”
The Seven Myths of Education - Ecclesiastes 1:16-18: We
are told so many things about what education is and how it
can be obtained. Find out what the scriptures have to say about the world's
10/10/04 Like a
Dove - John 1:32-33: Many of the
teachings about the Holy Ghost are false. But that is no
reason to ignore Him. The Bible says much about the Holy
Spirit and His working in the life of the believer. In scripture,
the dove is given as a type and picture of the Holy Ghost.
This type provides much valuable teaching and direction.
Seeing is Believing - Or is it? - 1Kings 10:1-7: The
queen of Sheba did not believe the words she had heard about
Solomon and the glory of his reign until she had seen it
for herself. This supports the truth of the old saying: seeing
is believing. But does it?
10/17/04 Except
the Lord Build the House - Psalm 127:1: This
verse deals with building and battling (“keep the city”).
These two actions describe much of our life and they certainly
describe the Christian life.
10/17/04 The
Vanity of Luxury - Ecclesiastes 2:1-8: Solomon
had everything. He had houses, vineyards, gardens, pools of water, servants
and maidens, men singers and women singers. Yet once
again he found this to be vanity.
A Burning Revival - Acts 19:13-20: Magic and witchcraft
are on the rampage. Chances are there is magic in your
home. What should we look for and how can we fix the
problem if we find it?
The Wonderful Power of Music - Job 38:1-7; Revelation 5:8-10: Music it universal. It also has a tremendous amount of
power or influence. What is the author of your music? It's
either God or Satan.
Therefore I Hated Life - Ecclesiastes 2:9-11: Have
you ever just hated life and perhaps wanted to die? Some
would say that you must be wicked to feel this way, but actually
the list of people in the Bible who wanted the same would
be a who's who list on knowing God.
10/27/04 Lovest
Thou Me - John 21:15-17: We
know that Christ loved and continues to love us. But do we
know how important it is that we love Him? The Bible states
in no uncertain terms that if God is our Father, then we
will love Christ (John 8:42).
Fulfillment of the Old Testament Sacrifices in Christ - Ephesians
5:1-2: In order for the Law to be fulfilled Jesus
Christ had to fulfill all of the offerings of the Old Testament. Look at the Old Testament sacrifices through the sacrifice
of the Lord Jesus Christ.
10/31/04 The Life
of Ezra - What convinced God to label one of the books
of the Bible, Ezra? Ezra didn't rebuild the temple or anything of significance
during his life but he obviously did something to merit having
a book named after him.
11/7/04 He
Maketh No Mistake - Romans 8:28: One of the greatest
blessings of the Christian life is the providential care
of the Lord. No matter what you are going through the
Lord is working it out to your good.
Vexation of Labour - Ecclesiastes 2:18-22: You
spend your whole life working and setting aside money only
to leave it to the next generation and as Solomon says "who
knoweth whether he shall be a wise man or a fool".
The Righteousness of God - Romans 1:16-18: What
is the righteousness of God? As with many truths in scripture,
it has meaning beyond the obvious. And, as with the truth
of God’s word, its meaning is eternally important and has
the power to save and to sanctify us.
11/14/04 The
Ministry of Wisdom - Proverbs 7:4-8:3: On one side of the street the strange woman is enticing the
simple man to commit sin, but at the same time on the other
side of the street, wisdom is crying out with blessings to
offer. Who will you hear?
The Vow of the Nazarite - Numbers 6:1-8: An interesting
look into Biblical separation by looking at the vow of the
The Inheritance of the Saints - Ephesians 1:15-19:
prayed for the Ephesians that the eyes of their understanding
might be enlightened so that they might see, among other
things, the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the
saints. One of the greatest blessings for which God’s people
need to be thankful is their inheritance in Christ.
Our Vanity in Time - Ecclesiastes 3:1-8: To every
thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under
the heaven. Our timing on earth is vain unless the
Lord be with us.
The Purpose of Prayer - 1Timothy 2:2-8: This book
of the Bible was written to a young preacher. In this
chapter we find a commandment to pray but not only that we
also have the purpose for praying.
Our Vanity in Judgment - Ecclesiastes 3:16-22: In
the place of judgment and in the place of righteousness was
there found wickedness. Solomon declares that God will judge both the wicked and the
12/1/04 Christ
Our Surety - Hebrews 7:14-22: In
the Bible we find many references to transactions and covenants. In our passage we find one of those references and it is
found in the usage of the word surety. Now we know
that Christ was made a surety of a better testament, but
what exactly does that mean?
12/5/04 Failures
in Fellowship - Leviticus 6:1-7: Historically,
the word fellow means to lay money; as to lay
money down. A fellow was one who financially supported a
business deal with someone else; a business partner. Fellowship
then is to be united together in covenant for a common purpose.
The Vanity of Elevation to Power and Plenty - Ecclesiastes
4:1-6: Some would say that if they just got that
next pay raise or the promotion that all of their problems
would be solved but not so according to the Bible, for even
this is vanity.
Enlargement From Another Place - Esther 4:14: The
Bible refers to the enlarging of something 26 times. To enlarge
simply means to make larger. Yet, as with so many Bible words,
it has many blessings in the use God makes of the word.
12/12/04 The
Opening of the Ear - Deuteronomy 15:12-18: We look on service today as something beneath our dignity.
However, Jesus said, “And whosoever will be chief among you,
let him be your servant”. And here, in this passage, a temporary
servant becomes a lifetime servant of his own free will. What
is the Lord trying to teach us?
12/12/04 The Last
Adam - 1Corinthians 15:45: The first Adam lost
what God gave him, but the last Adam came to take back all
that the first Adam lost. Jesus Christ is the last Adam and find out what He has done
for us.
The Dayspring From on High - Job 38:12-15: The dayspring is
the spring of the day; that is, the morning. This passage
reveals some of the scientific details about this phenomenon.
However, the dayspring is also a type of Jesus Christ, as
revealed in the only other place in the Bible where the word
occurs – Luke 1:78.
The Doctrine of Christ - 2John 1:9: The
phrase, doctrine of Christ, is found three times in the Bible.
Two times in 2John 1:9 and once in Hebrews 6:1. It refers
to the Bible teaching concerning the person and work of Jesus
Christ. We must know who Christ is and believe in that Christ.
12/26/04 Go
For the Gold - 1Corinthians 9:24-27: Paul
used sporting events to describe the spiritual life. He especially
used the foot race. Believers are compared to runners in
a race. Are you ready to run so that you may obtain the prize?
Two are Better Than One - Ecclesiastes 4:9-12: A
verse by verse study in the Book of Ecclesiastes. This
section gives several practical reasons why two are better
than one.
Raising Children God's Way - Proverbs 22:6: The
only way to begin to reach the masses is to begin at home
by training your children in the way they should go. What
can we learn from this passage in Proverbs to help us do
it God's way?
The Preeminence of Jesus Christ - Colossians 1:9-18: We
have heard it taught and preached on many times that Jesus
Christ is to be preeminent in our lives, but according to
the Bible the preeminence of Christ has nothing to do with
Crossing the Line With God - Numbers 20:1-11: In
this passage we find that Moses has crossed a line with God
and will not be able to go into the promised land. What
can we learn from Moses' mistake that we might not make the
same mistakes.
Lessons From the Tsunami - Ezekiel 26:15-21: Much
of the news in recent days has been about the earthquake
and tsunami that hit Indonesia and other countries in that
part of the world. Many have questioned why God would allow
such a thing or if there is a God at all, but lessons can
be learned from the Tsunami?
God's Dealings With Man Through the Ages - Isaiah 60:20: Picture in your mind as you look from left to right a shadow,
an image and a sun. This may not mean much to you but
in this very picture is the scope of God's dealings with man
through the ages.
1/23/05 - Turn Us Again - Psalm
80: In this psalm, Israel
has suffered affliction and destruction and now seeks the help
of God her Shepherd. Israel is as a vine which once filled the
land in prosperity but has been burned and cut down. The
psalmist pleas with God to visit this vine and cause His face to
shine on them once again.
The Work of the Body on Earth - Philippians 1:1-11: The
Book of Philippians is a very practical book. In it
we find many admonitions to the believer of how to carry
out the work of Jesus Christ while on this earth.
It's Almost Suppertime - Luke 14:15-24: A feast
was made and many were bidden, but when they would not come
the servant was sent to the streets, highways and the hedges. If
you have accepted the invitation then you should be acting
as the servant to bring in others.
02/20/05 - When God Gives His
Answer: Habakkuk is a man who had a heart crying out o God.
He didn't understand all of the things going on. He calls out to
the Lord for help and God answers him.
02/23/05 The Wisdom of God
- Acts 15:18: God has all wisdom. Any wisdom that a man has
is wisdom he has received from God. Are you trusting in his
wisdom today?
Prepared for Spiritual Battle - 2Corinthians 2:10-11: One
of the greatest defenses against any enemy is knowing where
he is likely to attack and what strategy he is like to take.
God gives us this knowledge through His word. Are you
Prostituting our Daughters - Leviticus 19:29: Satan has
robbed the church blind of its daughters. Do names like
Jessie Daniels, Kelly Clarkson, Missy Elliott, Mariah Carey,
Shelly King, and Britney Spears ring a bell? They all
started out either going to Church as children or are in Church
now. Who’s next? It may be that my daughter or your
daughter is the next target of Satan. So what shall we do?
03/27/05 - Be Not Faithless, But
Believing - John 20:27: The Christian life is founded upon faith.
Even the very beginning of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ
must be based upon our faith in His word. The Lord Jesus comes to
Thomas, who had already believed many of the Lord's teachings, and says
to him concerning the resurrection, "Be not faithless, but believing."
Are you struggling with faith today? The Lord would admonish you with
these same words. -
03/30/05 - What to
Do With Daily Sins - Psalm 32:1-5: When you get saved, the
Lord takes care of your sin debt. However, daily sins can creep
in and hinder fellowship. We must go to the Lord and confess
these sins so that fellowship can be restored. There is
absolutely no excuse for a Christian to have some sin between
him/her and the Lord. -
04/03/05 The Molten Sea - 2Chronicles
The Laver of the Tabernacle was replaced with ten lavers and
the Molten Sea in Solomon’s Temple. The temple was a picture
of the glorified Christ. This message looks at the
significance of the Molten Sea.
Christ Our Life - John 14:6: This world is filled with death. According to the Bible in Adam we all die. Where can we
find hope? Is there a source of life? The answer is
found in Jesus Christ. Do you know Him?
04/10/05 The Myth of Two Masters:
Many people today are attempting to live for the world while making
claims of being a servant of God. The only problem is that according to
scripture we cannot serve two masters. May we be like Joshua who said,
"but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD."
04/20/05 Jesus Christ
as the Head - Colossians 1:18: In the Bible, Jesus Christ is
the Head of the Body, which is the church. If that is true, we
ought to be able to look at the characteristics of the head in
scripture and find it points to some characteristics of Jesus
Christ. Let’s take a look at some of these and see if we can see
Paths of Deception-1Timothy 4:1-3- The Deceiver is
at work in the world today. He does not stop at deceiving
the lost, but seeks also to deceive the saints.
05/1/05 What Will
You Do With Jesus? - Matthew 27:11-26: This is the story of
the judgment of Jesus before He was taken to be crucified.
However, in reality, it is the story of the judgment of us all.
05/04/05 -
Getting Used to the Things of God - Revelation 3:14-19:
We live in a day when we have all of the resources we need to be
a good Christian. We have multiple Bibles in each home, a
church on every corner, Bible teachers and material at our
disposal 24 hours a day. There has never been a day when there
were so many different ways to serve the Lord by practice,
preaching and publishing. Yet we have allowed the spirit of
Laodicea to deaden us. We like the Laodiceans are “lukewarm”,
growing cold on the things of God.
05/15/05 - The Spirit
That Goes Upward - Ecclesiastes 12:7-14: Man is made up of
three parts: body, soul and spirit. When a man dies each of
these parts has a specific destination. What insights can we
gain from the scriptures regarding this matter?
05/15/05 The
Abundant Christian - Acts 9:1-6, 15-16: Where will you be a hundred
years hence? What will it matter that you ever lived? When are you going to
make the commitment that will make your life one that made a difference?
05/18/05 - A Land That the Lord Cares For - Genesis 12:1: The land of
Israel has been in the headlines for the last 2,000 years. There
are obvious reasons why. This is a land that the scriptures say
the Lord cares for. This is the land that the Lord has chosen to
place His name and it is a land where God's chosen people dwell.
Misusing the Elements of Music - Colossians 3:16: Music is
one of the greatest tools of the devil. Music can be godly, but
if placed in the hands of the wrong people it can be turned into
one of the most ungodly things in this world. Listen as Pastor
Reagan gives some examples of ways that the world can corrupt
godly music.
05/22/05 Unity of the Brethren Psalm 133:1-3: What is God's opinion of unity of the brethren? Though there are
countless commands in the Bible dealing with separation let us not
neglect to have unity with the brethren.
06/05/05 Why
Elijah's Prayer was Answered - 1Kings 18:41-46: Elijah
received mighty answers to his bold prayers. The text before us
provides insight into why these audacious prayers were answered
by God. We would do well to learn from Elijah’s example.
06/12/05 Looking for a City - Isaiah 62:1-12: As this earth fades more and more from the desires of our heart, we
begin to look forward and upward for a city to come. Are you going
to that city? Are you prepared to go if the Lord was to call?
06/12/05 Introduction to
Acts: The book of Acts is a very important book, but it is
also a very dangerous book in the hands of a false teacher. It
is important for us to realize that this is a book of transition
in the times of the early church.
06/15/05 Earnestly Contending:
Is Jesus Christ and His blood precious enough for
you to Earnestly Contend for the faith? How are doing?
Are you just going through the motions or have you given
yourself in life and even in death to fighting the good fight of
06/19/05 The Martyrs for
the Lord - Acts 22:12-24: Many are suffering today, but are
they suffering for the right cause? There are those in history
who have been willing to suffer and even lay down their lives
for the furtherance of the gospel.
06/29/05 The Walk of
A Young Man - Psalm 119:1-8: The heart of a young man
who loves God and loves His word, who desires to live for God. Do you love Him?
07/03/05 Stewards
of the Mysteries of God - 1Corinthians 4:1-7: A steward is one
who is put in charge of something that does not belong to him. We are
stewards. How are you doing with what God has given you?
07/10/05 A Home in Heaven -
1Thessalonians 4:13-18: We who are saved by the blood
know we are on our way to heaven, but we have questions about
what heaven will be like. We wonder about our loved ones who
have gone to heaven before us. Though we see as but through a
glass darkly, God’s word reveals to us several things about the
land of heaven.
That Other Gospel - Galatians 1:1-9: The Apostle Paul
was shocked. He marveled that the Galatians had so quickly left
the pure teachings of Christ and His gospel in order to follow
another gospel. But this other gospel is still with us today. It
always starts with the gospel of Christ. Then, it simply adds
something, anything, to that gospel. Be sure that you have the
pure gospel as your foundation for eternal life.
07/17/05 The Kingdom
Restored - Acts 1:6-7: The Bible speaks much of a
future kingdom that will be set up on this earth. Who is this
kingdom for and will it be fulfilled?
07/24/05 The Kingdom Restored - Part 2 John 6:15: The
Bible speaks much of a future kingdom that will be set up on
this earth. Who is this kingdom for and will it be
07/24/05 Never Alone - Judges
6:13: Not a message about one person like Gideon, but about
a condition of this life. It is called despair meaning all hope
is gone. The Lord has left us on our own. Throughout scripture,
God gives us examples of those who seemed to be left by the Lord
and thought they had been deserted by Him but later found that
He hadn't left them at all.
07/31/05 Death - The Gate of Life - John 12:23-26: We
always want goodness and life. However, if this is all we
get, we miss out on the miraculous blessings of death.
08/03/05 - God Remembers -
Hebrews 6:10: Are you going through a period of time where
you feel that God has forgotten you? Choose to accept the
authority of the scriptures over your feelings and know God has
not forsaken you.
08/10/05 Authority
for Truth - Matthew 21:23: What is truth and what is the authority
that determines truth? Truth is the most important thing that we can know
and it is a life or death situation for us to know where we can find it.
The Sevenfold Worthiness of the Son - Hebrews 1:1-3: This
passage tells of the change in how God revealed His truth from
the times of the Old Testament to the times of the New
08/17/05 What's Wrong With God? -
Jeremiah 2:4-9: People today have no concept of loyalty. We are
wishy-washy. Today you love something and tomorrow you will hate it. We
make decisions quicker than you can blink and then forsake them just as
fast. The bad thing is that this has rolled over into our relationship
with God.
08/21/05 The Lord Mighty to Save
- Isaiah 63:1: In this world, we try every other resource
before we approach God. When all of this fails, we make sure we find Him. We
must understand that God should be our first resource for He is the Lord
mighty to save.
08/28/05 The Seeking of a Bride -
Genesis 24:1-4: This
outline makes an application of the story of this chapter by using the
main characters as types. This story is a beautiful picture of Jesus
taking the church as His bride.
08/31/05 The
Chastening of the Lord - Hebrews 12:1-11: As Christian’s we really don’t enjoy the idea of
chastisement. If I were to ask someone if they want to be more like Christ, it
is an easy yes. However, if I were to tell you that one of the ways to become
more like Him is through chastisement, all of the sudden it doesn’t sound so
good. Perhaps we aren’t as good of Christians as we think ourselves to be.
09/04/05 Except Ye Repent - Luke
13:1-5: We were once bombarded with the images of the aftermath of
Hurricane Katrina. The disciples asked Jesus about similar tragedies in
His day. Will you wait until it is too late?
09/04/05 Introduction to Leviticus: Leviticus is a wonderful book. If it was
studied and meditated on like it should be, we would experience great
revival. This sermon gives an overview of this powerful book.
09/11/05 Five Major
Offerings - Leviticus 1:1-2: The Levitical sacrificial system had five
separate and distinct offerings that could be made to the Lord. These are
the five major offerings that are introduced in the first five chapters of
Leviticus. Each of these offerings provide a practical application for a
godly walk and a beautiful picture of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
09/14/05 Who are
the Reprobates?: We have heard much of my life of the danger of sinning
away our day of grace. This idea is that the Holy Spirit will only work in
our hearts for so long, but at some time will cease and we are at that time,
even if still alive, condemned to hell. Is it a Bible teaching? Is it
possible that there are people among us who could never get saved?
9/18/05 Death in the
Pot - 2Kings 4:38-41: God is always providing for His children. Satan exhausts himself
poisoning what God has provided. What can we learn from this passage about how
to protect what God has given us?
9/21/05 Our
Spiritual Warfare - Ephesians 6:10-13:
We are in a war. All of
you may not be hearing the gunfire and seeing the smoke rise as the enemy
attacks but that does not mean that the war has ceased. There are other
people and other times perhaps even now where the sky is filled with smoke
and gunshots are going off left and right. What should we do in such times?
What should we be looking for? Why is the enemy attacking so strong? Who
will help us?
9/25/05 Exalting
Not Ourselves - Matthew 23:11-12: The haughty will be humbled by God.
The humble will be honoured by God. As Christians, we are to humble
ourselves before the Lord so that He may exalt us in His timing.
9/25/05 The
Bringing of the Burnt Offering - Leviticus 1:4-9: Although the
burnt offering is a picture of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, it is also a
picture of the believer who gives himself unto the Lord. In this message, we
will look at this second way of understanding the meaning of the burnt
offering. We are to give ourselves entirely and without reserve to God.
Eight Misconceptions of Spanking - Proverbs 3:11:
modern misconceptions about spanking corrected from the scriptures
with much practical advice for parents.
10/09/05 To Walk As
He Walked - 1John 2:1-6:
Christ is our living example for the godly life. We are to
walk like Him. But we are also to allow Him to live in us
and through us.
The Acceptance of the Offering - Leviticus 1:1-4:
This sermon is a continuation of the study
of the book of Leviticus. It is not enough that the offering is brought; it
must be acceptable to God. God must receive it.
10/16/05 The
Field of Inheritance - Jeremiah 32:1-15: As believers, we have an amazing inheritance. In
this story the Lord commands Jeremiah to buy a field from his uncle in his
hometown of Anathoth. Jeremiah is unlikely to get any benefit from the
field, but he is to buy it anyway. God uses this event to promise future
restoration of Israel. Fields will again be bought and sold in the land.
This is a message of hope and promise in a time of destruction.
10/16/05 The Atonement -
Leviticus 1: The Old Testament Saints did not understand everything that
we understand today, but God still provided a way for them. The sacrificial
system was for the purpose of fellowship with God. They too will base their
eternal merit upon the shed blood of Christ.
The Abomination of
Desolation - Matthew 24:15-21:
In the days of the
tribulation, the Antichrist will declare himself to be God. All of those who
have rejected the gospel in the age of grace will worship him as God. You
must trust Jesus Christ today as your Saviour so that you will not be among
that number. Are you ready for the catching away of the saved?
10/26/05 Setting a Man Over the Congregation - Matthew 27:15-23: Ordination is first of all a simple confirmation
that God has indeed called a man and that he has
faithfully shown the evidences of this call. It places
some honor from those who do the ordaining upon the man who is being
10/30/05 The Free Gift -
Romans 5:12-21: Jesus has invited every
soul to come to Him for rest (Matthew 11:28-20). This cancels all previous
engagements. Won’t you accept His offer today?
10/30/05 Serving With Love -
Genesis 29:13-20: What is the purpose of your life? Would
you serve the Lord if the only option presented to you was a job
that you did not like to do? Do you murmur and complain in front
of your friends, coworkers, or children about serving the Lord?
Is your heart right in service? If not maybe you should go back
to the example of Jacob and serve with love.
11/06/05 Blessed
Are Those Servants - Luke 12:35-38: The servant must
understand his relationship to His Lord. The Lord is the master
of the house and He rules it without challenge. The servant
exists for the needs and service of the Lord. John 13:16 states,
“Verily, verily, I say unto you, The servant is not greater than
his lord; neither he that is sent greater than he that sent
The Regulations of the Burnt Offering - Leviticus 1:10-17: The burnt
offering was a complete sacrifice. In all the other offerings, others
(usually only the priests) were allowed to eat certain portions of the
offered animal. However, in the burnt offering, nothing was to be eaten by
man. It was all to be consumed on the altar as a gift to God. We need to
look at our sacrifice to God in the same way. We need to give ourselves
entirely to Him.
11/09/05 Be Still My Soul -
Psalm 62: Are
you trusting in the Lord and Him only? The Lord calls for us to be still and
wait patiently on Him.
11/13/05 As It Hath
Pleased Him - 1Corinthians 12:18: God has a plan for our lives. His
ultimate desire is for us to bring Him glory. He works in our lives to bring
us to that end.
11/13/05 The Meat Offering - Leviticus
2:1-3: The meat offering has a very
special typology that is revealed plainly by the cross references to the
word meat as used by Christ. The meat offering is the offering of
a “living sacrifice”—the kind Christians are supposed to give (Romans
12:1). It is also the kind of sacrifice Christ gave during His earthly
11/20/05 The Portion of the
Wicked - Psalm 11:5-7:
There are many
terrible things in this life that we could experience that would not be
pleasant. Possibly the worst thing that could happen to a person is to
burn in a fire. It only lasts for a little while and you die, but still
that is a horrible way to die. Imagine for a moment if you were on fire
and you could not die. How terrible! Such is the lot of all those who
have not put their trust for eternity in the finished work of Christ.
11/20/05 The Furtherance of
the Gospel - Part 1- Philippians 1:12-18: The church has several
ministries that minister to the Lord and His people, but the church has
only one main ministry in the world. That ministry is to further the
gospel of Jesus Christ at any cost.
11/27/05 The
Furtherance of the Gospel - Part 2 -
Philippians 1:12-18:
The church has several ministries that minister to the Lord and His
people, but the church has only one main ministry in the world. That
ministry is to further the gospel of Jesus Christ at any cost.
11/27/05 The Meat Offering -
Part 2 - Leviticus 2: Almost every
scholar wants to change the meat offering to something else—although
they cannot decide what else. The name is said to be confusing to Bible
readers. The meat offering has no animal flesh. In fact, it is the
only major offering in which no animals are killed. Why is it called
the meat offering? Actually, there are very good reasons for calling it
the meat offering.
12/4/05 The Sending of John the
Baptist - Luke 1:76-80: John the Baptist was a great man of God. He
was sent to prepare the way for our Saviour Jesus Christ. He also did
many other things while setting out to prepare the way.
need to step out of our comfort zone and do some of the things John the
Baptist did or, as the Bible says, launch out into the deep Luke 5:4).
Find out what wonderful things God has for you.
12/4/05 Prayer in the
Meat Offering - Leviticus 2:1-3: The meat offering is a
picture of a life given to God. The frankincense is a special kind
of incense and is a picture of the prayers of God's people. This
presents a wonderful picture that a life that is to be completely
dedicated to God must be a life of prayer.
12/7/05 The Ministry of
Barnabas - Acts 4:36-37:
Do you have an
honest love and burden for those who are saved and fallen by the
wayside? According to 1John 4:20, “If a man say, I love God, and
hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother
whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen.” Will
you be a Barnabas? Will you give of yourself to help another?
12/11/05 A Thing Most Holy -
Leviticus 2:1-8: The Meat Offering is a picture of the life of our
Lord Jesus Christ and even points to His incarnation.
12/14/05 Five Reasons Christians Fail to Finish the Course:
The Christian life is pictured in the
Bible as a race to run; a course to finish. The Apostle Paul was
determined to finish his course with joy and the ministry which he had
received of the Lord (Acts 20:24). Shortly before his death, he could
give this testimony: “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my
course, I have kept the faith” (2Timothy 4:7). Notice, he had finished
his course.
12/18/05 The Meat
Offering Conclusion - Leviticus 2:
At the Feast of Pentecost there was to be offered a new meat offering. The new meat
offering was like other meat offerings in most regards. There was, however, to be one major difference. The new
meat offering was to be offered with leaven. Leaven, the
type of sin, was to be included. Why?
12/25/05 Mary
The Maid Behind the Myth - Luke 1:26-38: Though there are
many who give improper credit to Mary, the young maid was a
godly lady. What can we learn from her by looking into the
perfect word of God?
12/28/05 The Fifth Month -
Zechariah 7:1-3: Ab is the
Jewish name for the fifth month in the religious calendar and
the eleventh month of the civil calendar. This non-biblical name
began to be used during the Babylonian captivity. The Bible
simply calls this month the “fifth month.” This designation is
found ten times in the Bible. The month of Ab begins with the
new moon of August and always has thirty days. Agriculturally,
the month of Ab is known in Israel as the time for the ripening
of grapes, figs, and olives.
from the
Here is
a group
who have
wrath of
God by
faith in
the shed
blood of
lamb. They
are in
midst of
to a
milk and
We find
that God
for how
are to
Now we
find a
help us
as we
our own
Have you
been making light of the details of your life? Have you
been disobedient to God in those areas? Have you
considered what your disobedience in those areas is doing to
those around you?
- 1Peter
as pride
is the
and base
3:6), so
can be
seen as
and base
01/11/06 Recovery from
Judgment - Isaiah 64:5-9: We drift away from the Lord. We
turn from Him and His ways in rebellion. This brings on His
chastening hand. We feel that there is no way back. But God
gives a way. Come back to your Saviour and God.
01/15/06 Come to the Water - John
7:37-39: Are you one of Christ's so that the Spirit of God dwells in
you? If so, are you daily living and walking in the power of the Spirit?
01/18/06 An Army of Rejects
- 1Samuel 22:1-2: Have you ever stopped and pondered why God
would save you? or How He could use you to do something? Do
you ever get a desire to do something for Him and then you
remember who you are and all of the things that you need to
straighten up before He would use you? Though it is true that
there are some things in life that we must correct before we can
serve in higher capacities, many a saint of God has let
opportunity after opportunity pass with the excuse of their own
insufficiency. The story of David’s soldiers ought to encourage
you to serve now.
01/22/06 Troubled on
Every Side - 2Corinthians 4:8; 7:5: The phrase "troubled on
every side" is found two times in the scriptures, both found in
2Corinthians. Paul is in Macedonia and seems to be going through
a time of trial. Here he is talking about the distresses, and
trials and troubles he is going through. How does the apostle
Paul handle being troubled on every side? How do you handle
troubles and trials?
Revelation - The Revealer of Secrets - Daniel 2:46-47: What
methods did God use to get His word to men? What do we mean when
we say that God revealed His word to man?
01/25/06 Little Is Much When
God Is In It - John 6:1-11: The faith of the disciples was
small, the resources were small and the need was large. How
could such a large multitude be fed with little resources and a
weak faith? It would take action on God's part.
01/29/06 The
Sufferings of Christ - Hebrews 2:9-13: This is a sermon
preached by Pastor Reagan dealing with the purchase of Christ's
suffering, the perfecting of His suffering, and the purifying of
His suffering.
01/29/06 Special Revelation
- Amos 3:7:
revelation is God’s revelation of truth to all men at all
times. It comes through means such as circumstances (or God’s
providential working in the affairs of men), conscience (the
inner knowledge of men), and creation. Special revelation
is God’s revelation to special or particular people at special
or particular times (Hebrews 1:1).
02/05/06 Not Without Blood -
Hebrews 9:7:
The Bible says that God requires a blood sacrifice. Some
preachers say that if Jesus had not shed any blood, then His
death would not have been a valid sacrifice. The question is why
does God require a blood sacrifice--the life of the flesh is in
the blood (you can not live without blood), but you can die
without bleeding. What is the significance of the blood
02/05/06 Inspiration - 2Timothy
3:14-17: Inspiration is
the act of God by which He made
every word of Scripture completely without error and completely
what He wanted. It is equally as vital as is the doctrine of
revelation and the doctrine of preservation. Do you have the
inspired word of God?
02/19/06 Merchants of Souls
- Ezekiel 13:17-21:
Interpretation of the women that sew pillows to armholes and
hunt for the souls of men – soothsayers; fortune tellers,
sorcerers. The ones Ezekiel is called to pronounce judgment
against are hunting the souls of God’s people and polluting God
among His people. This points to a broader application. This
message focuses on those who make merchandise of God’s people in
order to pollute God among His people.
Souls -
This is a
from David
F. Reagan a
year before
from this
world. His
hope was
that this
would be a
message of
and warning.
02/26/06 New Wine in
New Bottles - Luke 5:33-39:
Why do the
disciples of Jesus not fast like the disciples of John and the
disciples of the Pharisees? 1) Their circumstances are different
(their bridegroom is with them). 2) The message Christ brings
does not just amend the old way; it is radically different and
brings complete change.
08/30/06 The
Institution of Marriage - Genesis 2:7-8:
God created
man and gave him work to do, but there was still something
lacking. Man was alone. God saw that this was not good, and so
he brought forth the woman out of the man and presented her to
Adam. Do you see your marriage as instituted by God and as such
one of the most valuable possessions you have this side of
Trusting in the Lord Jehovah - Isaiah 12:1-2; 26:3-4: By
looking at the names of the Lord in the scriptures, we can
see some of His different attributes. God gives Himself
these names so that we may learn a little more of who He is
and so that our faith may be increased to trust in Him. Are
you trusting in the LORD JEHOVAH?
Lessons From the Storms of Life - Luke 8:22-25:
storms and trials of life are as sure to come your way as
the breath you just took. We must work not to get bitter in
the storm but, rather rejoice that our Father is allowing us
another opportunity to learn.
10/11/06 Father Abraham -
Genesis 18:19: We know much from the Bible about Abraham. We know that
he is called a friend of God and we know he received the promised seed of
Isaac. In this message we will look at Abraham as an example of a biblical
father. What kind of father or parent are you?
04/29/07 Ye are the Branches - John 15:1-8: God must
really enjoy gardens, trees and flowers. He planted a
garden eastward in Eden and walked there with Adam
(Genesis 2:8; Genesis 3:8). The Lord Jesus during His
earthly ministry resorted oftentimes to a garden place
to pray and near the throne of God we find a river and a
tree of life bearing fruit. In John 15, were likened to
branches shooting forth from the vine. This vine
represents the Lord Jesus. God is the husbandman and He
cares for the fruitfulness of the branches. What would
He find should He come today?
and Santa
Claus -
could be
that we
would even
deal with
the issue of
Santa Claus.
“It is
you can hear
them say.
Yet a
careful look
into the
would deny
that this
lie is