The Cities of Refuge
The cities of refuge were locations where those accused of murder, but innocent, could flee for refuge. Once inside the city, the accused was free from the wrath of the accuser. Not only was this a great blessing to those in the Old Testament, but in Christ we have a refuge that far exceeds the benefits of the cities of refuge.
Bible History - History of the Patriarchs
College Notes of David Reagan as taught in Scripture Baptist College
Bible History - History of the Early Earth
College Notes of David Reagan as taught in Scripture Baptist College
Bible History Overview
College Notes of David Reagan as taught in Scripture Baptist College
Christ Our Surety
In the Bible we find many references to transactions and covenants. In our passage we find one of those references and it is found in the usage of the word surety. Now we know that Christ was made a surety of a better testament, but what exactly does that mean?
Global Flood on Mars but Not Earth?
One of the most amazing admissions of inconsistency in secular science is this issue of a global flood on Mars. As incredible as it may sound, there are secular scientists that actually propose that there was a global flood on the red planet.
Adaptation and Living Molecular Machine Systems
At the fundamental unit of life, the cell, there is a technology in place with amazing capabilities. We are not just a combination of a few simple parts designed to move and operate in certain ways. Our parts have parts, and those parts have parts, and those parts have parts. And all these parts are integrated and coordinated systematically at all levels top to bottom.
Bible Origin of Islam
Ever wonder why Bin Laden wants to pick a fight with America? Let's see what the Bible has to say on the issue.
The Cities of Refuge are Types of the Lord Jesus Christ
What the cities of refuge were to Israel, sheltering the sinner from judgment, the Lord Jesus Christ is to us.
Eternal Joy With Him
Felix Mantz was also an originator of the Reformation of the faith, in Germany, and when he, with great zeal, practiced, taught, and preached, the recognized truth of the gospel, he was envied, accused, and imprisoned by his adversaries, and finally drowned at Zurich, for the evangelical truth, thus becoming a witness of the sufferings of Christ. This occurred in the year of our Lord 1526.