The Institution of Marriage
God created man and gave him work to do, but there was still something lacking. Man was alone.
Bible History - The Jewish Year
College Notes of David Reagan as taught in Scripture Baptist College
The Sevenfold Worthiness of the Son
This passage tells of the change in how God revealed His truth from the times of the Old Testament to the times of the New Testament. In the OT, He gave His revelation through the prophets. In the NT, He revealed Himself through His Son.
Ruth Marries Boaz
As the story of Ruth comes to a close, we see the great blessings of the Lord on both her and on Naomi.
Thou God Seest Me
The Lord sees all, but most importantly He sees us as individuals.
Paths of Deception
The Deceiver is at work in the world today. He does not stop at deceiving the lost, but seeks also to deceive the saints. Has he deceived you?
The Sons of God in Genesis
How do we get the idea that the "sons of God" are fallen angels?
Ruth Goes to Bethlehem
When all goes wrong and we think God has turned against us, we are wrong. He may be just setting things up for a great time of blessing.
The False Religion of Dan
If truth and error are mixed, the result is a false religion. This is the story of the birth of the false religion of Dan.
What Does the Bible Say About Dreams?
What does the Bible have to say about dreams? Should we be concerned with the meaning of our dreams today?