The Fruit of Revenge
God shows us through Samson's fleshly nature that revenge solves nothing, and can create a vicious cycle of vengeance.
Samson’s Riddle
Samson gambles with unscrupulous characters using a riddle. The result is violence and animosity that will follow Samson his entire life.
Following Hard After God
This passage tells of the translation of Elijah to heaven, but the real story is about Elisha. He is determined to follow his master to the end and he desires a double portion of Elijah’s blessing. We see that he gets the blessing and begins to perform some of the miracles for which he is known.
The Birth of Samson
What was miraculous about the birth of Samson? Who else in scripture may have had a lifelong Nazarite vow?
A Mother’s Tears
The sorrow of childbirth is often exceeded by the sorrows of seeing the needs of your child and toiling over their wellbeing. A mother’s lot is often defined by her tears.
The Power of the Blood
This world needs the atonement of “a lamb”, but only “the lamb” can avail. Have you made the Lamb “your lamb”?
Bitter Herbs
Are you going through a time of suffering or perhaps a time of persecution? If so, read to see what the Bible says about Bitter Herbs. Before you read on, pray and ask the Lord to speak to your heart and show you something from His word.
The Ark, A Type of Christ
Noah's ark was a real, historical boat, but it is also a glorious type of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The War of the Seeds
There is a war that has been raging for thousands of years. You will not read about it in your local newspaper: CNN, ABC, and NBC will not be bringing the updates to your living room. The world tries to ignore it, but truly you are on one side or the other.
Judges: A Cycle of Disobedience
This lesson deals with the cycle of disobedience, destruction and deliverance that characterizes the book of Judges.