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The Father

Results for The Father


Recently, I was studying the terrible incident in the life of Simon Peter in which he denied his Saviour three times. On one of those occasions, someone accused him by saying, "Surely thou also art one of them; for thy speech bewrayeth thee" (Matthew 26:73). I was reminded of that verse after reading a 14 December 2006 article on ( The article was entitled "Men and women: Are we wired differently?" A couple of things are of interest in the article.

Type: Blog Entry

When Ye Be Come Into the Land

The Book of Numbers is a great book when looking for devotional material.In chapters 1-10 the people seem to be wholly following the commandments of the Lord. However,chapter 11 is the beginning of woes.The very first phrase is "And when the people complained, it displeased the Lord".In chapter 12, we find the murmuring moving up the poles into the leadership and infecting Miriam and Aaron as they murmur against Moses. In chapter 13, ten of the twelve spies come back with an evil report concerning the land of promise. In chapter 14, we find the people wanting to make a captain to return to Egypt and then wanting to stone Joshua and Caleb for their report of faith.This chapter includes the decision of the Israelites not to go into the land of promise and then their decision to go into the land of promise after the Lord told them they could no longer go in. The Israelites decide to go against the commandments of the Lord and try to take the land of Canaan on their own, only to be smitten by the Amalekites and Canaanites.

Type: Blog Entry

The Lovingkindness of the Lord

Psalm 107 is an amazing Psalm with an amazing end. The last verse of this Psalm says, "Whoso is wise, and will observe these things, even they shall understand the lovingkindness of the LORD." On the surface, you would expect this Psalm to deal with the sweet times of blessings and gifts from God, but the opposite is true. The chapter gives five examples of troubles or trials in the lives of people. Some experience troubles because of sin and some because the Lord led them into troubles and some just because of everyday life. Two verses are repeated four times each. One of these verses is repeated in verses 6, 13, 19 and 28 and it says, "Then they cried unto the LORD in their trouble, and he delivered them out of their distresses." The other verse is repeated in verses 8, 15, 21, and 31 and it says, "Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!" These verses demonstrate not only a purpose for trials in the lives of men and women, but it also builds on the idea of the lovingkindness of the LORD. The lovingkindness of the Lord seems to be connected to His dealings as a Father. He allows or causes trials and troubles in our lives to bring us to a point where we cry out to Him and then He delivers us. When He delivers us, He desires praises from our lips. Through these trials we are drawn closer to Him and are strengthened in faith. This truly is the lovingkindness of the Lord.

Type: Blog Entry

An Evil Spirit From the Lord

What does it mean when the Bible says that an evil spirit was sent by God to torment Saul (reference 1 Samuel 16:14-15)?

Type: Question and Answer


Who is Satan? Why is he allowed to exist? What do we know about him?

Type: Question and Answer

Satan vs. Lucifer

Is Lucifer and Satan the same? The Bible says Satan is from the beginning a liar, from the day of his creation, but Lucifer is not like that, he was a holy cherub till the day he was found guilty.

Type: Question and Answer

Satan's Fall

I understand at one time Satan was an angel in Heaven, the most beautiful. I have often wondered where his sin derived from to want to "take over". As I understand it, he was the one to start "tempting" to cause Eve to sin, but what caused his sin to become what it led to?

Type: Question and Answer

The Lord Will Abundantly Pardon (Daily Portion 10223)

God has filled this short chapter with vivid pictures of redemption and wonderful verses of encouragement. Perhaps the theme of this chapter is that the Lord

Type: Devotional

Meditating on the Wondrous Works of God (Daily Portion 10222)

In this psalm, we see a discouraged saint lifted up by meditating on the wondrous works of God. The first nine verses vividly describe the depths of despair. But in the tenth verse, we see a decision to remember the blessings of God. The next few verses (v.11-15) meditate on the works of God and the psalm closes with the saint finding God in the depths of the sea. O glorious message of encouragement!

Type: Devotional

Not Ashamed of the Gospel (Daily Portion 10218)

Paul speaks of his desire to preach the gospel as a debtor to all men. He also speaks of the responsibility of all men to respond to the revelation given to them.

Type: Devotional
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Daily Proverb

Proverbs 10:31

The mouth of the just bringeth forth wisdom: but the froward tongue shall be cut out.