Recently, I was studying the terrible incident in the life of Simon Peter in which he denied his Saviour three times. On one of those occasions, someone accused him by saying, "Surely thou also art one of them; for thy speech bewrayeth thee" (Matthew 26:73). I was reminded of that verse after reading a 14 December 2006 article on msn.com (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/16187129/). The article was entitled "Men and women: Are we wired differently?" A couple of things are of interest in the article.
Adaption - Example of Evolution or Not?
Our jaws are getting smaller, more people are having their wisdom teeth removed due to pain and complications, and some people are born without wisdom teeth. Does it say anything in the Bible about de-evolution or adaption?
Paradise in Eden (Daily Portion 10115)
God rested on the seventh day after creation. He placed Adam in the garden of Eden. He gave him work to do, a restriction on eating one of the trees and a wife to help him.
The Fifth and Sixth Days of Creation (Daily Portion 10108)
God created the animals and man on the fifth and sixth days of creation.