Wayward Civilization
We are not commanded to totally remove ourselves from society, however, we are warned against loving the world or conforming ourselves to it.
Bible Dictionary Entry. The word, abate, came to English from French. Literally, abate means to beat down or batter. It can also mean to come down. It refers most often to the lessening of the strength of an action in some way or another.
A Biblical Overview of the Death Penalty
Many a misguided believer or critic who opposes the death penalty will quote the well known sixth commandment, “Thou shalt not kill” (Exodus 20:13) as the basis for their argument.
Jesus Christ as the Word of God
Seven times in scripture is Jesus Christ called the Word. Many versions will remove at least one of these, but why does God call Jesus Christ the Word?
The Judgment of Mystery Babylon
The whore of Revelation 17 is judged. Who is she and what is her end?
Losing the Songs of Zion
We often reveal how man is perverting the words of God in the new versions of the Bible. But these words are the foundation for many other things as well. One of the methods Satan does this is by removing the old hymns from our vocabulary. They are dying because the new versions do not lend them support.
Door Keeper in the House of the Lord
Many today love to have the preeminence (3 John 1:9) like Diotrephes of old. Man desires a position. God takes a servant and gives him a job to do.
Like a Dove
Many of the teachings about the Holy Ghost are false. But that is no reason to ignore Him. The Bible says much about the Holy Spirit and His working in the life of the believer. In scripture, the dove is given as a type and picture of the Holy Ghost. This type provides much valuable teaching and direction.
A Land Guilty of Blood
Leviticus 18 deals with the judgment of God upon a nation that is guilty of shedding innocent blood. How does America line up according to the scriptures?
Who are the Reprobates
We have heard much of my life of the danger of sinning away our day of grace. This idea is that the Holy Spirit will only work in our hearts for so long, but at some time will cease and we are at that time, even if still alive, condemned to hell. Is it a Bible teaching? Is it possible that there are people among us who could never get saved?