Authority for Truth
Matthew 21:23
By: David F. Reagan
Authority for truth is the right to determine what the truth
WHAT IS TRUTH? (John 18:37-38)
An exact and faithful expression of the facts.
ILLUSTRATION: On the witness stand – “the truth, the
whole truth and nothing but the truth.”
The standard by which to judge all else; a final
The real answers to the real questions; those
thing that remain (Hebrews 12:26-28)
Man is Unfulfilled Without the Truth – He is to:
Seek the truth (Jeremiah 5:1)
Buy the truth (Proverbs 23:23)
Know the truth (John 8:31-32) NOTE: knowledge of the
truth must therefore be possible
Serve in truth (1Samuel 12:24)
Purpose of Doctrine
“[E]very truth, doctrine, and proposition in the
gospel aims at subduing sin in the heart, and,
bringing the heart to God, seeks to make us
better rather than wiser. The design of the
Scripture is not to amuse and puzzle us, but to
reform and sanctify us; not to confound our
heads, but to conform our hearts and reform our
lives to the holiness of its principles; not to
make us lose our wits, but to save our souls.”
–from Practical Godliness: The Ornament of
All Religion by Vincent Alsop (p.9).
Truth is Often Disregarded by Man
Truth is fallen in the street (Isaiah 59:14-15)
Men are not valiant for the truth (Jeremiah 9:3,5)
There is no truth in the land (Hosea 4:1,6)
Men turn their ears away from the truth (2Timothy
of Creeds
– “Men who are
morbidly anxious to possess a self-consistent
creed, --a creed which they can put together,
and form into a square, like a Chinese puzzle,
-are very apt to narrow their souls. Fancying
that all truth can be comprehended in
half-a-dozen formulae, they reject as worthless
every doctrinal statement which cannot be so
comprehended. Those who will only believe what
they can reconcile will necessarily disbelieve
much of Divine revelation; they are, without
knowing it, following the lead of the
“Those who
receive by faith anything which they find in the
Bible will receive two things, twenty things,
ay, or twenty thousand things, though they
cannot construct a theory which harmonizes them
all. That process of theory-making is an
expensive folly, the invention of middle terms
is a waste of ingenuity; it were far better to
believe the truths, and leave the Lord to show
their consistency.” –from An All-Round
Ministry by C. H. Spurgeon (p.23-24).
God is the Source of Truth
God the Father is truth (Psalm 31:5)
God the Son is truth (John 14:6)
God the Holy Ghost is truth (John 14:17)
God has Promised to Reveal the Truth – His Truth is:
To endure to all generations (Psalm 100:5)
To be known with certainty (Proverbs 22:21)
WHAT ARE THE ENEMIES OF TRUTH? (Genesis 3:1-5; Roman
Philosophy: the authority of man’s greatest wisdom
(Colossians 2:8; Acts 17:18, with v.16,22,23)
Tradition: the authority of man’s long-time practice
(Colossians 2:8; Matthew 15:1-9, esp.v.3,6,9)
Science: the authority of observable facts and
repeatable physical laws (1Timothy 6:20)
the Facts
“We are invited, brethren, most earnestly to go
away from the old-fashioned belief of our
forefathers because of the supposed discoveries
of science. What is science? The method
by which man tries to conceal his ignorance. It
should not be so, but so it is. You are not to
be dogmatical in theology, my brethren, it is
wicked; but for scientific men, it is the
correct thing. You are never to assert anything
very strongly; but scientists may boldly assert
what they cannot prove, and may demand a faith
far more credulous than any we possess.
Forsooth, you and I are to take our Bibles, and
shape and mould our belief according to the
ever-shifting teachings of so-called scientific
men. What folly is this! Why, the march of
science, falsely so-called, through the world,
may be traced by exploded fallacies and
abandoned theories. Former explorers, once
adored, are now ridiculed; the continual
exposure of false hypotheses is a matter of
universal notoriety. You may tell where the
learned have encamped by the debris left
behind of suppositions and theories as plentiful
as broken bottles.
the quacks, who ruled the world of medicine in
one age, are the scorn of the next, so has it
been, and so will it be, with your atheistical
savants and pretenders to science. But
they remind us of facts. Are they not yet
ashamed to use the word? Wonderful facts,
made to order, and twisted to their will to
overthrow the actual facts which the pen of God
Himself has recorded!” –from An All-Round
by C. H.
Spurgeon (p.97-98).
Scholarship: the authority of academic learning and
agreed upon knowledge (2Timothy 3:7; Isaiah 29:9-12)
Classical Nonsense
– In 17th
century England, a chorus of radical voices “had
joined in denouncing the universities’
presumption that classical learning was a
necessary part of the training of the preacher.
Antichrist, said William Dell, ‘chose his
ministers only out of the universities.’ John
Bunyan, in “a Few Sighs from Hell (1658)
attacked ‘carnal priests…who muzzle up your
people in ignorance with Aristotle, Plato and
the rest of the heathenish philosophers.’ In
another early work Bunyan told his readers that
he wrote without ‘fantastic expressions,…light,
vain, whimsical scholar-like terms’ because ‘I
never went to school, to Aristotle or Plato, but
was brought up at my father’s house, in a very
mean condition, among a company of poor
countrymen.’ If those who knew Greek were alone
capable of understanding the Scriptures, he
exploded, ‘then but a very few of the poorest
sort should be saved.’” –from A Tinker and a
Poor Man by Christopher Hill (p.140).
Pragmatism: the authority of what brings the desired
results (1Corinthians 18-25)
Experience: the authority of personal experience
(Romans 10:2-3)
E. M.
Bounds on Seeking Experiences
– E.
M. Bounds wrote many books on prayer. “The
Preacher and Prayer, begun in 1905 and
published in 1907, was the result of Bounds’
notes on insights on prayer and information
gathered from the revivals. As he recalled and
meditated upon the great spiritual movements of
God and made observations as a student of the
Word of God and John Wesley, he found weaknesses
in the experiences that were coming out of the
meetings of 1904-1905. Revival and spiritual
awakenings often assault the emotions of people.
For this reason, Bounds felt that a foundation
of biblical doctrine must be taught to the new
converts. Otherwise, they would begin their
spiritual walk seeking additional experiences
rather than seeking God. The great influx of
converts into the churches during the 1904-1905
Awakening was a phenomenon to experience and
study. But the effect of the revival dissipated
rapidly among the newly converted. Those who
were already Christians developed a deeper walk
and a greater understanding of the ways of God,
but they were negligent in sharing it
effectively with the new disciples.” –from E.
M. Bounds by Darrel D. King (p.137-138).
Excesses in the Great Revival
David Benedict, in his Baptist history, tells
how the Baptists fared during the Great Revival
of 1800 (also known as the Second Great
Awakening). Although they were greatly blessed
in conversions and increases in membership, they
did not experience as much of the emotional
excesses as was common among the Methodists and
Presbyterians. “Garner McConnico, a noted
pioneer Baptist minister in Middle Tennessee,
was once preaching and a man began jerking.
McConnico paused, and then in ‘a loud and solemn
tone,’ said: ‘I command all unclean spirits to
leave this place!’ At once the jerker became
still, and the report went abroad that Mr.
McConnico ‘cast out devils.’ It is a fact worth
observing and remembering that the excesses
under consideration either did not prevail at
all or were manifested in only a very small
degree except where they were favored and
encouraged.” –from Early Tennessee
Baptists by O. W. Taylor (p.171).
The word of God: the only God-given authority (John
8:31-32; 17:17)
Called the word of truth (John 17:17; 1Thessalonians
2:13; 2Timothy 2:15)
The authority a person accepts when two authorities
disagree becomes his supreme authority
Theistic evolution (Bible vs. Science)
“Praying through” for salvation (Bible vs. Tradition
or Experience)
Concerts and Drama (Bible vs. Pragmatism)
Only an absolute authority can give absolute truth;
all other truth is relative and changeable (Ps.119:128)
More Light to Come
– While
the Pilgrims were still in the Netherlands and before they
came to America in 1620, John Robinson was their pastor. He
was not able to come with them to America. What follows is
part of his departing exhortation to them: “We are now
quickly to part from one another, and whether I may ever
live to see your faces upon earth any more, the God of
heaven only knows; but whether the Lord has appointed that
or no, I charge you before God and his blessed angels, that
you follow me no farther than you have seen me follow the
Lord Jesus Christ. If God reveal any thing to you by any
other instrument of his, be as ready to receive it as ever
you was to receive any truth by my ministry; for I am verily
persuaded, the Lord has more truth yet to break forth out of
his holy word… I beseech you remember, it is an article of
your church covenant, that you be ready to receive
whatever truth shall be made known to you from the written
word of God… But I must herewithal exhort you to take
heed what you receive as truth; examine it, consider it, and
compare it with other scriptures of truth, before you
receive it; for it is not possible the Christian world
should come so lately out of such thick anti-christian
darkness, and that perfection of knowledge should break
forth at once.” –quoted from The History and Antiquities
of the Dissenting Churches: Volume One by Walter Wilson
(p.33-34). See Daniel 12:8-9.