Continued from Part
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If salvation is to be lost, then it must be lost through
disobedience to God. Most who teach an unsure salvation would agree
with this. Yet, what degree of sin brings this loss of salvation? Evil
thoughts? Bitterness? Murder? Failing to attend church? Failure
to pray? What sin or sins cross the line of no return? Again,
we must let Scripture be the measure of truth.
In Corinthians, chapter five, a man in the church
had taken his father’s wife as his own. Paul states that this is “such
fornication as is not so much as named among the Gentiles” (1Corinthians
5:1). One could hardly imagine a worse category of sin than this. Yet
Paul’s instructions concerning the treatment of this man in I Corinthians
5:5 are as follows:
deliver such an one unto Satan
the destruction of the flesh,
the spirit may be saved in the
of the Lord Jesus.
Only his flesh was to be delivered to Satan. The
spirit was still saved. This matches the description in I
Corinthians 3:15 of the man whose works will be burned:
any man’s work shall be burned,
shall suffer loss: but he himself
be saved; yet so as by fire.
You can lose every reward you could have had and yet
go to heaven. Why? Because your salvation is based on the
work of Christ, not on your own works. Your works, good or bad,
neither gain nor lose salvation.
Another heinous sin is blasphemy. Surely if
evil sins could remove salvation, this one could. Yet, in I
Timothy 1:20, Paul states:
whom is Hymenaeus and Alexander;
I have delivered unto Satan, that
They may learn not to blaspheme.
The pattern is the same as that found in I Corinthians,
chapter five. Their flesh is delivered to Satan so that their spirits
may be saved in the day of Christ.
You cannot lose your salvation by committing these
or other terrible sins. You will be judged. You will lose
heavenly rewards. But a human spirit once quickened by God must remain quickened. So,
in order to lose your salvation, you must commit sins greater than these.
Although this may at first seem odd, in order to lose
your salvation and go to hell, you must take the Holy Spirit with you. Let
me explain. Ephesians 1:13-14 states:
whom ye also trusted, after
ye heard the word of truth,
gospel of your salvation:
whom also after that ye believed,
were sealed with that holy Spirit
promise, Which is the earnest of our
until the redemption of the
possession, unto the praise
of his
According to the strict order of the passage, you
hear first, then you trust (or believe), and lastly, you are sealed with
the holy Spirit. The sealing of the Spirit occurs at the moment
of salvation because
“if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his” (Romans 8:9). Therefore, to have Christ in your heart is to have the Spirit. And
when you are sealed with the Spirit, the Holy Spirit becomes your earnest: the
earnest of your inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession.
What is an earnest? In buying real estate, you
give earnest money to show that you are earnest or serious about buying
a house. If you decide to back out of the purchase, the seller still gets to keep
the earnest money. In other words, an earnest is a payment which
cannot be taken back.
The Holy Spirit is the earnest of your inheritance. He
is the guarantee that you will receive the rest of the purchased possession. And
the Spirit, as your earnest, cannot be taken back, even if you were to
become lost. Therefore, in order to lose your salvation, you must
take God’s Spirit with you to hell.
The last of the steps toward the loss of salvation
does not get any easier. This step is based on your relationship
to Christ at the time of salvation. Romans 8:16-17 states:
Spirit itself beareth witness
our spirit, that we are the
of God: And if children,
heirs; heirs of God, and joint-
with Christ; if so be that we
with him, that we may be also
At salvation, you become a joint-heir with Christ. To
be a joint-heir means to inherit together; to share in the same
inheritance with which the Father will bless the Son. This is a
promise of God.
Yet, what if you lose your salvation and go to hell. As joint-heir, not only do you share in Christ’s inheritance, but He
must also share in your inheritance. The only way for you to inherit
hell and its horror is to take the Son of God with you to that
awful place. That completes the fourteen steps toward loss of salvation.
You have read through fourteen steps which would be
necessary if you were to lose your salvation. Obviously, to attempt
these steps would be utterly foolish. God’s wondrous gift of salvation
is eternal in every way. But, if you are still not convinced, check
your reasons. Are they emotional? “It just doesn’t
seem right.” Or rational? “It doesn’t make sense.” If
so, then you need to surrender your emotions and thought to the truth
of God’s word.
Perhaps you have been shown two or three proof texts
which seem to teach possible loss of salvation. This is not the
place to discuss individual proof texts, but rest assured that there
is an answer to them. Check with the person who gave you this booklet. Very
likely they or someone they know can give you an answer. Even so,
scriptural doctrine must be taken as a whole, not as scattered
proof texts. One or two scriptures we do not understand must not
be used to deny one or two hundred passages which are very clear.
Maybe you have trouble accepting eternal security
because you have watched the sinful lives of those who claim to have
once been saved. They cuss and drink or “live like the devil” and
yet expect to go to heaven. But rest assured, God’s salvation is
not to be taken lightly. There are many who may have once
had “religion” but they did not have Christ (1John 2:19). They
never were saved. There are others who were truly saved and have
backslidden. Yet, God teaches that He deals strongly with His own
children (Hebrews 12:5-8). They cannot leave God without chastisement
unless they are not God’s children. They key is to allow God to
settle these problems. “So then every one of us shall give account
of himself to God” (Romans 14:12).
But what about you? Eternal security means nothing
to the person who has never been secure in the first place. The
way of salvation is both plain and simple. You must first realize
that you are a sinner. Sin is displeasing God: doing the
wrong you ought not and failing to do what you should.
Romans 3:23 states:
all have sinned, and come
of the glory of God;
All men are sinners and therefore, you are a sinner. And this sin leads to death and hell.
Read Romans 6:23:
the wages of sin is death;
the gift of God is eternal
through Jesus Christ our
But notice that all men do not have to pay the wages
of sin in eternal death. Some receive God’s gift of eternal life. To
do that, you must repent, or turn away from your sins, and confess them
to Jesus Christ. In Acts 20:21 we read:
both to the Jews,
also to the Greeks, repentance
God, and faith toward our
Jesus Christ.
Now you must believe that Jesus Christ died on the
cross for your sins, and that he was buried, and arose from the dead
the third day. Notice the words of Romans 10:9-10:
if thou shalt confess with
mouth the Lord Jesus, and
believe in thine heart that
hath raised him from the
dead, thou
shalt be saved. For
the heart man believeth unto
righteousness; and
with the mouth
is made unto salvation.
But this belief cannot simply be a head belief. No,
you must now accept Jesus Christ personally as your Lord and Saviour
and ask Him to come into your heart.
Romans 10:13 states:
whosoever shall call upon the
of the Lord shall be saved.
If you have never been saved, call on the name of
the Lord right now. Confess to Him that you are a sinner. Trust
in the death of Christ on the cross as the basis of your salvation. Ask
Jesus Christ to save you and to come into your heart.
As a saved person, you should now glorify and praise
God for His eternal gift to you. Lose your salvation? Not on your
life, and not on the life of Jesus Christ!
[Check out Discipleship Lesson on Eternal
Eternally safe;
Forever secure;
I’m washed in His blood:
Of this I am sure.
The gospel so precious
Is found in His Word:
I’ve trusted in Jesus;
He’s ever my Lord.
So often I wander,
And sometimes I fail;
But Christ will not shun me,
Or send me to hell.
His grace is sufficient;
His faith is complete;
His righteousness on me
Is Satan’s defeat.
My sins--they are pardoned;
My soul’s in His hand;
The seal of the Spirit
Will all things withstand.
I’ve life everlasting;
Reborn from above;
I’m also adopted;
Immersed in Christ’s love.
My spirit already
Translated on high:
No sin God’s forgiven
Will heaven deny.
I have my down payment:
The Spirit of God.
Joint-heir with the Saviour;
Soon heaven I’ll trod.
Eternally grateful;
Forever I’ll praise,
The One who died for me,
My poor soul to save!
By David F. Reagan
Part 3 of 3. Click
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to Part 2.