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of God's Word
A. In
Acceptance of God’s Authority
1. Man
needs an absolute source of truth (John 8:31-32)
2. Our
salvation depends on the pure words of God (1Peter
3. Our
service must be based on the pure words of God (John
4. Our
doctrine must be based on the pure words of God (2Timothy
2:15; 3:16-17) NOTE: All scripture
is profitable for doctrine. If any word, verse or passage cannot
be the basis of Bible doctrine, then that word, verse or passage is
not scripture.
B. In
Obedience to God’s Commands
1. Many
of God’s commands assume that we have the pure word of God (Colossians
3:16; 1Thessalonians 2:13)
2. We
cannot use the word of God effectively unless we have complete confidence
in its value (Ephesians 6:17; Hebrews
3. We
are commanded to be ready to give an answer for our beliefs (1Peter
C. In
Belief of God’s Promises
1. God
has promised to preserve His words in purity (Psalm
2. Infallible
inspiration with infallible preservation is self-defeating
3. Inspiration
of the whole without inspiration of each part is impossible
A. Definition:
the study of the doctrinal, textual and historical facts which prove
both the inspiration and the preservation of the Bible
B. Four
Kinds of Manuscript Evidence
1. Doctrinal
(2Timothy 3:16)
2. Textual
(Nehemiah 8:8)
3. Historical
(Ecclesiastes 3:14)
4. Spiritual
(Romans 8:16)
C. Four
Levels of Belief in Preservation
1. Disbelief – that
even the originals had mistakes in them
2. Belief
in the complete inspiration of the originals but acknowledgement that
much has been lost in transmission
3. Belief
in the perfect preservation of the Greek Received Text but acknowledgement
that something is lost in any translation
4. Belief
in the infallible preservation of God’s word even in the translation – usually
in reference to the King James Bible of 1611
5. NOTE:
there are people in each of these four levels. The battle in
the Southern Baptist Denomination has been at the second level. There
are also many who initially sound like perfect Bible-believers but
are really at level three. You must recognize these distinctions.
A. Manuscripts:
ancient copies of Bible passages in the original languages. There
are now over 5,000 manuscripts of the New Testament in existence. Almost
none of are of the entire New Testament and many of them are of very
small portions of scripture.
1. Papyrus – short
passages of scripture copied on cheap paper
a. Mostly
from Egypt where the dry climate makes survival possible
b. Identified
by scholars with Arabic numerals prefaced with “P”
2. Vellum – longer
passages of scripture copied on leather and able to survive in wetter
climates. Only wealthy people could afford these.
a. Classified
as to form
(1) Scroll – rolled
(2) Codex – in
pages like a book
b. Classified
as to type of letters
(1) Uncial
(a) Written
in block capital Greek letters
(b) Includes
Vaticanus (B), Sinaiticus (Aleph) and
(c) Identified
by scholars with capital letters from English, Latin and Greek and,
having run out of letters, by boldfaced numbers
(2) Cursive
(a) Written
in lower case Greek letters
(b) Sometimes
called minuscules
(c) Identified
by scholars by numbers in ordinary type
B. Originals
or Autographs
1. The
manuscripts on which the books of the Bible were originally written
2. Never
all together in one Bible
3. None
are presently available
C. Original
1. Hebrew
in the Old Testament (Aramaic in small portions of Ezra and Daniel)
2. Greek
in the New Testament
D. Periods
of Greek
1. Classical
a. The
language of Plato and Aristotle
b. The
language of literature and education until the fall of the Roman Empire
2. Koine
a. The
language of the common people (koine means common)
b. The
language of the New Testament
(1) Slightly
different from regular Koine
(2) Sometimes
called Biblical Koine
3. Modern
E. Versions
1. Translations
from the Greek New Testament into other languages
2. Early
translations were made into:
a. Syriac
b. Latin
c. Gothic
d. Coptic
F. Texts
(different meanings make this word confusing)
1. The
words of a book or manuscript
2. A
putting together (reconstruction) of a complete Greek New Testament
from several different sources. For example, Eramus’ Greek Text;
Westcott and Hort’s Text; Nestle’s Greek Text
3. A
general term used for a certain grouping or stream of manuscripts.
For example, Received Text (Textus Receptus); Majority Text; Alexandrian
Text. The identity of these texts is often a matter of disagreement.
G. Families
of Manuscripts
1. Definition – a
man-made grouping of manuscripts according to their readings
2. Generally
divided into four families (although other groupings are also used)
a. Syrian
Family - called Received or Byzantine Text
b. Egyptian
or Alexandrian Family
c. Western
d. Caesarian
H. Textual
Criticism – the method of comparing manuscripts in order to find the
text of the originals. Most textual criticism of the last 150
years has been destructive being built on Bible-denying principles
taken from German philosophers.
I. “In
the Originals” – an obscure phrase often used in a deceptive manner
since no one alive has ever seen the originals. Although we have
existing manuscripts in the original languages, there are no known
surviving original autographs.
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