Bibliology - The Identity of God's Word
College Notes of David Reagan as taught in Scripture Baptist College. These notes cover the doctrine of the Bible.
The War of the Seeds
There is a war that has been raging for thousands of years. You will not read about it in your local newspaper: CNN, ABC, and NBC will not be bringing the updates to your living room. The world tries to ignore it, but truly you are on one side or the other.
Bible History - Tabernacle, Priesthood and Offerings
College Notes of David Reagan as taught in Scripture Baptist College
Bible History - History of the Patriarchs
College Notes of David Reagan as taught in Scripture Baptist College
Bible History Overview
College Notes of David Reagan as taught in Scripture Baptist College
Break Up Your Fallow Ground
The land has been left unworked. God is calling us to break it up.
Enlargement From Another Place
The Bible refers to the enlarging of something 26 times. To enlarge simply means to make larger. Yet, as with so many Bible words, it has many blessings in the use God makes of the word.
God's Dealings With Man Through the Ages
Picture in your mind as you look from left to right a shadow, an image and a sun. This may not mean much to you but in this very picture is the scope of God's dealings with man through the ages.
David's Mighty Men
In 1Chronicles 11:15-19 there is recorded an interesting story about David and Three of his men. The story is simple to understand but I was wanting to know if you think the story serves as a type of anything? If you have any thoughts on this passage I would like to read them.
Bible Dictionary Entry. Although the name Abdon is only used eight times in the Bible, it is used as the name of four men and one city.