The Cure for Emptiness
Wherever you are, now is the time to repent and come back to the Lord. Break up that fallow ground and sow in righteousness as you seek the Lord.
Establishing the City of Jerusalem
The work of rebuilding the wall is not fully completed until the city is inhabited with a sufficient population and the wall is dedicated to the Lord. If you have done a work for the Lord, make sure that you finish the work by making sure that it set on a firm foundation and by dedicating it to the Lord and to His service.
The Decree Against the Jews
The first two chapters of Esther gave the background of the story of Esther. Chapter three reveals the true conflict of this Bible story. Haman is established as the chief of the princes of the Persian Empire. Then Haman, in his hatred of Mordecai, lashes out at the entire Jewish race within the realm of the great Persian Empire. They are to be completely destroyed.
The King Rejects His Queen
The entire book of Esther is about God’s providential care of His people.
The Sin of Achan
The victory at Jericho was sweet, but the tears of joy soon turned to tears of regret. Trials and temptations most often come on the heels of victory. The victory at Jericho will now be overshadowed by the loss against a much weaker foe in the people at Ai.
The Call of Samuel
After the record of the miraculous birth of Samuel in chapter one and the praiseful prayer of Hannah in chapter two (1 Samuel 2:1-10), we are introduced to the spiritual famine of this time – which is still the time of the judges.
Christ a Garment for Sanctification
Garments are for the covering of the body. They hide nakedness and deformity. The Lord Jesus Christ is a cover for the soul, every man’s nakedness and deformity appears that hath not on this spiritual Garment.
God Compared to a Potter
God sent Jeremiah down to the potter's house to show him some things. It should not surprise us that God is like the potter in many ways. This article shows the similarities and distinctions between the two.
The Jewish Laodicean Age
When God’s people get away from the Lord, they begin to give Him the leftovers. Their service to God becomes a weariness to them.
The Victory of the Jews
Haman has been destroyed and the Jews have been delivered. That which was the cause for great sorrow has become an occasion of great gladness. This working of God in things that are thought of as chance must be celebrated. We must remember what kind of a God we have.