Bible Dictionary Entry. His name means servant of God and is mentioned only once in Scripture.
Bible Dictionary Entry. Abdi means my servant. It is the name of three different men in the Bible.
Bible Dictionary Entry. The name of two men in the Bible, both of whom are only mentioned one time. The name means the servant and implies the servant of God.
The Judgment of Eli's House
God is a just God who will and does judge sin. Eli is a perfect example that God will judge just as He has said He will.
Door Keeper in the House of the Lord
Many today love to have the preeminence (3 John 1:9) like Diotrephes of old. Man desires a position. God takes a servant and gives him a job to do.
Bible Dictionary Entry. Ab is the Jewish name for the fifth month in the religious calendar and the eleventh month of the civil calendar.
Bible Dictionary Entry. Aaronites are the descendants of Aaron and therefore priests.
The Path of the Hypocrite
We can know much about the characteristics of hypocrites by looking into the life of Abiathar. Are you playing the part of a hypocrite?
Doctrine of God 0002 - Lesson 4
The doctrine of God is the key to understanding all other Bible truth. The knowledge of God is the key to salvation, to sanctification, and to service. Without God, there is nothing else. Without the truth of God, there is no other truth. Without knowing God, we have no real knowledge of anything else. We must give ourselves to a greater understanding of this great doctrine.
Doctrine of God 0002 - Lesson 3
The doctrine of God is the key to understanding all other Bible truth. The knowledge of God is the key to salvation, to sanctification, and to service. Without God, there is nothing else. Without the truth of God, there is no other truth. Without knowing God, we have no real knowledge of anything else. We must give ourselves to a greater understanding of this great doctrine.