The Offering for the Tabernacle
This lesson teaches us about the willingness of God’s people to give to Him when they are in a right relationship with Him. The church at Antioch was a giving church (Acts 11:27-30). The church at Philippi was a giving church (Philippians 4:14-19). We need to be a giving people.
Numbered List
Be Fruitful and Multiply - The Missing Ministry in Today's Churches
Pastor Reagan teaches the doctrinal and practical importance of churches bringing forth other churches. This is followed by a response to a pastor seeking practical advice on how to get started.
Overcoming Defeat With Victory
Sometimes, we find ourselves scattered and astonished. Refuse to trust in the help of man but look only to the God of heaven and earth. He is the only one who will surely give victory.
God is Merciful to His People (Daily Portion 10322)
Though God delivered the Israelites from bondage in Egypt and brought them to the Promised Land, they continued to rebel against Him. In anger, He forsook the tabernacle of Shiloh and delivered his strength into captivity (referring to the taking of the ark by the Philistines). But God still came back and defeated their enemies. He chose David of the tribe of Judah to lead the people of Israel. God is merciful to His people.
Ask God for the Right Thing (Daily Portion 10321)
Solomon began his reign well. He went to Gibeon to the site of the tabernacle of Moses and made a thousand sacrifices. That night, the Lord gave Solomon the chance to wish for anything he desired. As you will read, Solomon made the right choice. Would you?
David Finishes Well (Daily Portion 10314)
David ended his life well. He set up Solomon to follow him on the throne of Israel. He made provision for the building of the temple. He saw the people submit to Solomon as their next king. This passage reminds us that it is how a person finishes and not how he starts that really counts.
I have recently been told that Halloween is the Devil's holiday, but before I had always heard that it was a religious holiday. Could you please clarify which is accurate?
Who are the Kenites?
The Kenites had a very special place in Israel's history. They traveled with the children of Israel in the desert and therefore identified with them. Through Moses, you might say they are the first cousins of Israel, and enjoyed many of their blessings.
The Sealing of a Covenant
How was a covenant sealed in the Old Testament? Between two different tribes or God and Abraham? Covenants can be made between two different men or entities (as nations) or between God and man.