The Blessing of Moses Continued (Daily Portion 10417)
This is a short passage but its statements can challenge the Bible student. Moses continues to bless the tribes of Israel before his death. In these verses, he blesses five of the tribes; six, if we count Joseph as the two tribes of Manasseh and Ephraim. Do not expect to understand all the statements of this passage the first time you study it. This is a passage to come back to as you grow in understanding.
The Blessing of Moses (Daily Portion 10410)
This chapter contains the blessing of Moses on the tribes of Israel before his death. As Jacob did before he died, so Moses gave a poetic and often prophetic blessing on each of the tribes. The present passage gives an introduction to the blessing and the specific pronouncements upon Reuben, Judah, and Levi.
David Battles with Ammon and Syria
There are several practical lessons here including doing good to those who have done good to you, avoiding shaming people publicly, and fighting the battle of this life with courage and complete trust in the work that the Lord will do for us.
God Makes a Covenant with David
As David contemplates the dwelling place of the ark of God, he determines to build a house for the Lord. God, however, puts a halt to David’s plans.
Solomon Begins the Temple (Daily Portion 10404)
Solomon began to build the temple for which he is famous. Here we learn of the general dimensions, the coverings, the cherubim, and the pillars. Most people tend to see portions of scripture like this as difficult and boring. However, many hidden treasures are reserved to those who take the time to look for them.
David Rules All Israel
David is established as ruler over all of Israel.
David Made King Over Judah
God begins to fulfill His prophecy concerning David. But even now, David’s right to the entire kingdom is contested.
David as a Fugitive
David continues to be protected by the Lord. In some cases (as in the sparing of Saul), he acts in a most honorable way.
David Anointed to be King
What a difference we see between Saul and David. One impressed men by his exterior appearance; the other impressed God by the condition of his heart.
Samuel as Judge of Israel
Samuel’s rule as judge was not without its problems. His sons fell short of Samuel’s example and the people demanded a king.