A Home in Heaven -
1Thessalonians 4:13-18: We who are saved by
the blood know we are on our way to heaven, but we have
questions about what heaven will be like. We wonder
about our loved ones who have gone to heaven before us.
Though we see as but through a glass darkly, God’s word
reveals to us several things about the land of heaven.
Inheritance of the Saints - Ephesians 1:15-19: Paul prayed for the Ephesians that the eyes of their understanding might
be enlightened so that they might see, among other things, the riches of
the glory of his inheritance in the saints. One of the greatest
blessings for which God’s people need to be thankful is their
inheritance in Christ.
Looking for a City - Isaiah 62:1-12:
As this earth fades more and more from the desires of our heart, we
begin to look forward and upward for a city to come. Are you going
to that city? Are you prepared to go if the Lord was to call?