God as the Rock (Daily Portion 10327)
This chapter records the song of Moses that God gave to him as a teaching tool for the children of Israel. Do not look for stanzas of the hymn, for it has none. Instead, this song is built around the theme of God as the Rock who is superior to all other rocks.
The Abrahamic Covenant (Daily Portion 10326)
The theme of the Bible takes a major turn in this chapter. God begins to deal with one man (Abraham) and his descendants (Israel). God gives Abram what is called the Abrahamic Covenant where He promises to bless Abraham and to make of him a great nation. In the remainder of the chapter, we see the early struggles of Abram as God works in his life.
Jesus and Wine
Did Jesus drink alcoholic wine? It is assumed by a great many that He did. Let’s examine this for a moment.
David Respects the Lord’s Anointed
This lesson greatly illustrates a choice made by each person. Will they live their life by conviction or by convenience?
David Kills the Giant
What giant’s do you face in your life? By studying David’s victory over Goliath, you can learn how to face your giants.
Work - Blessing or Curse
The work place has changed beyond all recognition since the Bible was written, so the question is, “Is it still relevant today for the modern worker?” I believe the answer is clearly yes, and God willing as we look at the scriptures you will see why.
God’s First Rejection of Saul
Both the sin of Saul in sacrificing and the absence of smiths (blacksmiths) in Israel point to the danger of fighting God’s battles according to the ways of man and the world
Christ - A Fountain
Among the many things Christ is compared to in the holy scripture, to set forth his transcendent excellency, beauty, usefulness, and perfections, this of a Fountain is none of the least, it being a most profitable metaphor.
The Birth of Samuel
God brings a man into the world who will begin to bring Israel back to God. That man is Samuel.
Bibliology - The Inspiration of God's Word
College Notes of David Reagan as taught in Scripture Baptist College. These notes cover the doctrine of the Bible.