The Glory of Jerusalem (Daily Portion 10413)
This chapter describes the glory that will one day come to God’s chosen city of Jerusalem. In much of the chapter, God is speaking directly to the city. Notice also how the earthly city is a picture and type of the heavenly Jerusalem that comes down in the book of Revelation (chapters 21 & 22).
The Sin and Death of Amnon
This chapter is a living illustration of James 1:14-15. Amnon is tempted with his own lust. He falls into sin and it leads to his death. This lesson is a warning to us all.
The Blessing of Moses (Daily Portion 10410)
This chapter contains the blessing of Moses on the tribes of Israel before his death. As Jacob did before he died, so Moses gave a poetic and often prophetic blessing on each of the tribes. The present passage gives an introduction to the blessing and the specific pronouncements upon Reuben, Judah, and Levi.
David’s Sin With Bathsheba
In this chapter, one of the great men of God in the Bible falls deeply into sin. How could David do such a thing?
David Battles with Ammon and Syria
There are several practical lessons here including doing good to those who have done good to you, avoiding shaming people publicly, and fighting the battle of this life with courage and complete trust in the work that the Lord will do for us.
David at the Height of his Reign
David is at the height of his reign with multiple victories on the field, and a great spiritual victory when he lifts the grandson of his enemy to a place of blessing and prominence.
Solomon Begins the Temple (Daily Portion 10404)
Solomon began to build the temple for which he is famous. Here we learn of the general dimensions, the coverings, the cherubim, and the pillars. Most people tend to see portions of scripture like this as difficult and boring. However, many hidden treasures are reserved to those who take the time to look for them.
The Law is Not a Vain Thing (Daily Portion 10403)
In this last section of the song of Moses, Moses contrasted the Rock of Israel with the rock of the other nations. God also promised to revenge His people. Moses closed the song with a plea to observe God’s commandments. The law is not a vain thing. It is your life by which you prolong your days in the land. The same day, the Lord told Moses to ascend Mount Nebo where he would see the Promised Land before he died.
God Renewed His Promise of Land to Abram (Daily Portion 10402)
Abram came up out of Egypt and returned to Bethel. He came to the place where he had previously built an altar and there he called on the name of the Lord. Strife between his herdsmen and the herdsmen of Lot brought a division between the two men. Lot chose the well-watered plains of Sodom. After Lot departed, God renewed His promise of land to Abram and told him to walk up and down in it.
Justification by Faith (Daily Portion 10401)
This passage carefully argues for justification by faith. In justification, our sins are imputed to Christ to be paid for on the cross while the righteousness of Christ is imputed to us. This passage argues against justification by works, for justification by faith, and for justification by faith for both Jews and Gentiles. In the last argument, Abraham is used to prove that justification by faith applies to the Gentiles as well as to the Jews.