Continued from Part 1
Rome is located in the
country of Italy on the continent of Europe. The date of the founding of
the city of Rome is unknown. In the ancient world and in the Christian
world, Rome’s greatest influence was in the areas of form and organization.
This influence was already increasing eight centuries before the time of
Christ. Rome gained control of the Italian peninsula about 275 BC By 133
BC, Rome governed a world empire stretching from Syria to Spain. At the
time of Christ, Rome was the largest city in the world (population: 1.2
million) and was capital of the Roman Empire. It eventually became the
center of the Roman Catholic Church and since 1871 has been the capital of
the country of Italy.
Biblical Mention
The city of Rome is
mentioned by name none times in the Bible. Of these nine references,
special attention needs to be given to the one in II Timothy 1:17. The
Apostle Paul wrote II Timothy while in a Roman prison, and in this epistle
he praises a man named Onesiphorus because he refreshed Paul and, “was not
ashamed of my chain: But, when he was in Rome, he sought me out very
diligently, and found me” (II Tim. 1:16-17). Rome was therefore known as a
place which persecuted Christians. When Constantine declared Christianity
to be the state religion, this persecution did not cease. Those who stood
for their beliefs still suffered at the hands of the developing
Attention also needs to be
given to an indirect reference to the city of Rome in the prophetic book of
Revelation. The seventeenth chapter of Revelation speaks of the mother of
harlots who will be drunk with the blood of the saints. She is clearly the
one world religion which will deceive multitudes during the great
tribulation. The woman is said to be, “that great city, which reigneth over
the kings of the earth” (Rev. 17:18). The identification of the city is
made in verse nine which states, “The seven heads are seven mountains, on
which the woman sitteth." Over and over again, ancient historians identify
Rome as the city of seven hills or seven mountains. Therefore, Rome will be
the center of the future one world religion.
Doctrinal Development
The doctrinal development
of Rome can most easily be understood by the study of three men. Although
these three men were not born in Rome, they greatly influenced the city by
advancing the position of Roman supremacy, by translating the Roman Catholic
bible, and by establishing the Roman method of Bible interpretation.
The first man, Cyprian
(195-258 AD), did much to develop the doctrine of Roman supremacy. During
the first centuries after Christ, the churches of several large cities were
elevated to high positions of respect and authority. Rome was only one of
these important cities. However, Cyprian taught the doctrine of the primacy
of the Roman church over the other churches. He further claimed that anyone
outside the Catholic Church was lost and therefore made way for the Roman
Catholic monopoly of salvation. The teachings of Cyprian were later
used by Roman Catholicism to establish its tremendous political strength
over the majority of Christians during the Middle Ages.
The second man, Jerome
(340-420 AD), is important because of his influence on the Bible. He lived
as a hermit for several years. Later (with the help of several lady
benefactors) he started a monastery in Bethlehem. He strongly promoted
self-denial, the celibacy of the clergy, and the worship of Mary. Around
382 AD Pope Damasus commissioned him to retranslate the New Testament into
Latin. He used the work of Origen to help in his translation which was
later accepted as the official Roman Catholic bible. Copies of the already
existing Old Latin Vulgate, which agreed more closely with the true text,
were discarded and often destroyed. Jerome’s Latin Vulgate triumphed at the
expense of pure copies of the Word.
The third man, Augustine
(354-430 AD), was bishop of Hippo, North Africa, for many years. Although
there is not space to discuss his doctrine, his method of interpretation
needs to be considered. He established what came to be known as the western
type of interpretation which teaches that the scripture must conform to the
interpretation of the church. Thus he led the way for the Roman Catholic
requirement that bible interpretation must adapt itself to the tradition of
the church.
In some ways the Romans
could be compared to the Pharisees of whom Christ said, “Thus have ye made
the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition” (Matt. 15:9). And
again, “But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the
commandments of men” (Matt. 15:9). Some of the unscriptural ideas of the
Roman Catholic Church (such as monasticism and infant baptism) may have
developed in Alexandria, but they were established as lasting traditions by
Biblical Corruption
Although Alexandrian
scholarship subtracted from the Word, Roman tradition added to the Word.
However opposite these approaches may seem, the two movements joined in the
development of the Roman Catholic bibles. Rome took Alexandria’s diluted
bible and added to it according to its traditions. This resulted in the
corrupted bibles which we still have with us today.
The unchanging practice of
Roman Catholicism has been to place tradition above the Word. However, this
practice was made a dogma at the Council o Trent in 1546. This council
declared that the apocryphal books together with unwritten tradition are to
be received and venerated as the Word of God. In elevating tradition, God’s
Word has been lowered. In truth, this makes the Word of God of none effect.
The tendency to add to the
Word of God can be seen in the two most influential manuscripts of the last
century, the Vaticanus and the Sinaiticus. The Vatican manuscript was
discovered in the Vatican library in 1481. It was discounted by early
Greek scholars but was elevated by Westcott and Hort in the translation of
the Revised Version in 1881, four hundred years after its discovery. This
manuscript adds the Epistle of Barnabas as well as the apocryphal
books to the text of its New Testament. The Sinaitic manuscript was found
in St. Catherine’s Monastery at the base of Mt. Sinai in 1844. It contains
the Shepherd of Hermas and the Epistle of Barnabas in its New
Testament text. This tendency to add to the Word of God can also be found
in the New American Standard Version of the English bible. Located at the
end of Mark in large capital letters is the word ADDITION after which
follows a short paragraph. A marginal note explains that a few later
manuscripts and versions contain this paragraph. Absolutely no indication
is given as to whether this is the Word of God or not.
Men who claimed to be
correcting the New Testament were corrupting it even before all of the New
Testament books were written (II Cor. 2:17). There have always been and
will always be those who handle, “the word of God deceitfully” (II Cor.
4:2). The two major motives for changing the word of God are Scholarship
and tradition. Scholarship, as found in Alexandria, usually subtracts from
the Word while tradition, as found in Rome, usually adds to the Word. These
two influences explain the corrupted bibles of today. Bible study,
therefore, becomes a process of multiple choice. If you like it, leave it
in. If you do not like it, take it out. If you want it, but it’s not
there, put it in. Why allow the Bible to change us when we can so easily
change the Bible?
But what of God’s pure
Word? Is there not a preserved Bible in existence? The answer is yes! God
has not left Himself without an absolute witness of truth. He has preserved
His Word! In the next chapter we will consider the power of preservation
and God’s use of Antioch of Syria as well as the surrounding areas of Syria
and Asia Minor to keep His Word pure from the corrupting influence of man.
Historical Importance
was located in Syria on the Asian continent. The native inhabitants of
Antioch descended from Shem, one of the sons of Noah, through Aram (Gen.
10:22). Please notice that God did not use the Japhethites of Europe or the
Hamites of Africa to preserve His Word. He used the Shemites of Asia of
whom Noah prophesied, “Blessed be the LORD God of Shem” (Gen. 9:26). This
scripture shows that God is going to use the Shemites throughout history in
a special way. He established His chosen nation, the nation of Israel,
through Abraham who was a descendent of Shem. He offered salvation to
mankind through the Jews, for Christ declared, “salvation is of the Jews”
(John 4:22). He also revealed Himself to mankind in the Bible which was
written by Jews and given to Jews (Rom. 3:1-2). If God’s chosen people, His
offer of salvation, and His written Word all came through the children of
Shem in accordance with the prophecy of Noah, why then would God not use the
children of Shem to preserve His book? The Syrians of Antioch were the
Shemites which God used to preserve His New Testament during the first
centuries after it was written.
Antioch has a great
influence in the area of Asia Minor as well as in Syria. These areas were
the early locations of the greatest revivals and most extensive evangelism.
Most of the New Testament books were either written or received in this part
of the world. By His wonderful providence, God had placed Antioch in a
special place of importance. Antioch became the early center for
Bible-believing Christians and Bible
Much is revealed about a
Bible teacher or Christian group by examining their approach in interpreting
scripture. The same is true in the study of Rome, Alexandria, and Antioch.
Rome took the approach of ecclesiastical interpretation. In other words,
the past traditions of the church and church theologians determine the
meaning of the passage. The approach of Alexandria was that of allegorical
interpretation. Scripture was to be spiritualized by scholars in order to
conform it to their philosophical beliefs. Only Antioch took the literal
approach to Biblical interpretation. According to this approach, the Bible
means what it says and says what it means. There is no need to change or
manipulate scripture because the Word of God is already perfect. Now who do
you want to copy your next Bible manuscript: the traditionalists from Rome,
the scholars from Alexandria, or the literalists from Antioch?
Biblical Mention
No matter how much we know
about a place historically, the bottom line is still, “What saith the
Scripture?" The city of Rome is mentioned nine times in the New Testament
and is characterized as a place of persecution (II Tim. 1:15-17). Although
only mentioned three times by name, Alexandria is clearly a place of false
doctrine according to scripture (Acts 6:9; 18:24-26). But our greatest
amount of Biblical information is reserved for the city of Antioch. It is
mentioned by name nineteen times and has great importance for us today. In
fact, the church at Antioch is the greatest example of Biblical Christianity
in the entire New Testament.
The founding and early
ministry of the church at Antioch are described in Acts 11:19-30. Acts
13:1-4 narrates the calling and sending of the first missionaries out of
Antioch: Barnabas and Paul. From these two passages we learn seven basic
characteristics of the church at Antioch. First, the church at Antioch was
a preaching church (Acts 11:20,23). Second, it was a witnessing church
(Acts 11:21,24). Third, it was a teaching church (Acts 11:26; 13:1).
Fourth, the church at Antioch was a serving church: “The disciples were
called Christians first at Antioch” (Acts 11:26). Fifth, it was a giving
church (Acts 11:29-10). Sixth, it was a praying church (Acts 13:2-3). And
seventh, the church at Antioch was a missionary church (Acts 13:3-4). Being
founded on these principles, the church at Antioch continued in its Biblical
ministry for several centuries. Why then should any one think it strange
that God would use the influence of Antioch in the preservation of
scripture? That is exactly what He did.
New Testament
There are about 4,000 or
5,000 existing manuscripts of the New Testament. They have been classified
according to their characteristic readings by various scholars and divided
into families. Although all divisions of manuscripts are manmade and
therefore subject to dispute, one of the most accepted divisions separates
the manuscripts into three families. These families are called the Western,
the Alexandrian and the Syrian. The Western Text is related to Rome, the
Alexandrian Text is related to Alexandria and the Syrian Text is related to
Antioch. The Western and Alexandrian Texts are represented by a minority of
manuscripts and corrupt the pure Word of God. The Syrian Text represents
the great majority of manuscripts and, as a whole, preserves the pure Word
of God. This pure text is still preserved for us today in the English of
the King James Version of 1611.
Book after book has been
written in the last hundred years on both sides of the issue of textual
differences. But the real question is whether God preserved His Word or
not. If He did, He could have used anyone in any way, although history
definitely points to Antioch. If He did not, then our Bible is corrupted
beyond repair, and we are left without any final authority for truth. We
are left blind in a world blackened by sin and rebellion toward God. But we
do have the pure and preserved words of God. Open up your King James
Version of 1611 and read, study, teach, and preach it. Its words are
without error and without mistake. Therefore, we can proclaim its message
without apology.
Part 2 of 2.
to go back to Part 1