Bible History
Old Testament Prophets
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A. Jonah
1. 4
chapters, 48 verses
2. Jonah
means “dove
3. During
the reign of Jeroboam II (II Kgs.14:25); book written around 770BC
4. From
Gath-hepher, about 3 miles northeast of Nazareth
5. Ministry
to Israel; book deals with special ministry to Ninevah
6. Outline
a. In
a Boat for Tarshish (ch.1)
b. In
the Belly of the Whale (ch.2)
c. In
the Battle for the Lord (ch.3)
d. Under
the Booth in a Mood (ch.4)
B. Amos
1. 9
chapters, 146 verses
2. Amos
means “burden-bearer”
3. Written
around 760BC toward the end of the reign of Jeroboam II
4. From
Tekoa, a village 6 miles south of Bethlehem overlooking the Dead Sea
5. Call
while tending his flock (7:14-15)
6. Ministered
to Israel (1:1)
7. Outline
a. Judgments
Against the Nations (ch.1-2)
b. Judgments
Against Israel (ch.3-6)
c. Five
Visions of Judgment (ch.7-8)
d. The
Promised Messiah (ch.9)
C. Hosea
1. 14
chapters, 197 verses
2. Hosea
means “salvation”
3. Written
around 725BC shortly before the Assyrian Captivity
4. Ministry
spans 7 kings of Israel and 4 kings of Judah
5. Mostly
ministered to Israel (4:1,15; 5:1; 7:1; 9:1-3; 10:1; 11:1-5)
6. Outline
a. The
Unfaithful Wife (ch.1-3)
b. The
Unfaithful Nation (ch.4-14)
A. Obadiah
1. 1
chapter, 21 verses
2. Obadiah
means “servant of the Lord”
3. Time
of writing unsure; one guess is between 840 and 825BC
4. Lived
in Judah; prophesied against Edom
B. Joel
1. 3
chapters, 73 verses
2. Joel
means “Jehovah is God”
3. Probably
written around 820BC
4. Ministered
to Judah
5. Deals
much with “the day of the LORD” (1:15; 2:1,11,31; 3:14)
C. Isaiah
1. 66
2. Isaiah
means “Jehovah saves”
3. Ministered
during the reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah (1:1)
4. Contemporary
with the prophets Hosea and Micah
5. Family
a. Father – Amoz
b. Wife – a
prophetess (8:3)
c. His
(1) Maher-shalal-hash-baz
(8:3) –means “speedy is the prey”
(2) Shear-jashub
(7:3) –means “a remnant shall return:”
6. Songs
in Isaiah
a. Song
of the Vineyard (ch.5)
b. Song
of the Redeemed (ch.12)
c. Song
of the Blossoming Desert (ch.35)
d. Song
of the Restored Wife (ch.54)
7. Outline
a. Judgment
of God (ch.1-39)
b. Comfort
of God (ch.40-66)
8. Gospel
According to Isaiah
a. Birth
(7:14; 9:6)
b. Family
c. Anointing
d. Character
e. Simplicity
of Life (7:15)
f. Gentleness
g. Death
h. Resurrection
i. Glorious
reign (11:3-16; 32)
9. Four
messages to Judah (repeated throughout the book)
a. Rebellion
b. Retribution
c. Repentance
d. Restoration
10. Key
phrase – “Holy One of Israel” (25 times)
D. Micah
1. 7
chapters, 105 verses
2. Micah
means “Who is like unto Jehovah?”
3. Probably
written between 734 and 722BC
4. From
Moresheth-gath (1:1,14) about 20 miles southwest of Jerusalem
5. Ministered
mainly to Judah
6. Six
prophecies already fulfilled
a. Fall
of Samaria (1:6-7; 722BC)
b. Invasion
of Judah by Sennacherib (1:9-16; 702BC)
c. Fall
of Jerusalem (3:12; 7:13; 586BC)
d. Exile
in Babylon (4:10; 586BC)
e. Return
From Captivity (4:1-8,13; 7:11,14-17; 520BC)
f. Birth
of Jesus in Bethlehem (5:2)
7. Quoted
three times in the Bible
a. Micah
3:12 in Jeremiah 29:18
b. Micah
5:2 in Matthew 2:5-6
c. Micah
7:6 in Matthew 10:35-36
E. Nahum
1. 3
chapters, 47 verses
2. Nahum
means “consolation” or “comforter”
3. Written
between 663 and 612BC
4. From
Elkosh (1:1) –location uncertain
5. Book
is a message of judgment to Ninevah; can be considered a sequel to
the book of Jonah
F. Zephaniah
1. 3
chapters, 53 verses
2. Zephaniah
means “hidden, or protected, by Jehovah”
3. Written
about 627BC during the reign of Josiah
G. Habakkuk
1. 3
chapters, 56 verses
2. Habakkuk
means “embracer” (as in encourager)
3. Probably
written between 612 and 605BC
4. Two-thirds
of book written as a conversation between Habakkuk and God
A. Jeremiah
1. 52
chapters plus the 5 chapters of Lamentations
2. Jeremiah
means “Jehovah exalts, or establishes”
3. Written
before and after the time of the Babylonian conquest of Judah (586BC)
4. Known
as the “weeping prophet” (15:10; 10:14-18)
5. From
Anathoth just a few miles north of Jerusalem
6. His
father, Hilkiah, was a priest. Jeremiah was called from the priesthood
to be a prophet (1:1-10)
7. Suffered
much (16:1-4; 26:7-16; 38:1-13)
8. Object
lessons in Jeremiah
a. The
almond rod (ch.1)
b. The
boiling caldron (ch.1)
c. The
marred girdle (ch.13)
d. The
full bottle (ch.13)
e. The
drought (ch.14)
f. The
potter’s vessel (ch.18)
g. The
broken bottle (ch.19)
h. Two
baskets of figs (ch.24)
i. Bonds
and bars (ch.27)
j. Buying
a field (ch.32)
k. The
hidden stones (ch.43)
l. Book
sunk in the Euphrates (ch.51)
9. Christ
Pictured in Jeremiah
a. The
Fountain of Living Waters (2:130
b. The
Great Physician (8:22)
c. The
Good Shepherd (31:10; 23:4)
d. The
Righteous Branch (23:5)
e. The
Redeemer (50:34)
f. The
LORD our Righteousness (23:6)
10. Key
word – return (47 times)
B. Ezekiel
1. 48
2. Ezekiel
means “God strengthens”
3. Written
after 592BC; Ezekiel was in exile in Babylon
4. Born
of a priestly heritage (1:3)
5. God
revealed to Ezekiel on the same day the beginning of the siege of Jerusalem
(24:2) and the death of his wife (24:15-18)
6. Lived
at Tel-abib (3:15) a city for exiles near Babylon near the river Chebar(1:1),
the Grand Canal, which flowed from the Euphrates above Babylon and
back into the Euphrates near Erech
7. Met
at his house with the elders of Judah (8:1; 14:1; 20:1)
8. Visions
of Ezekiel
a. Vision
of the Cherubim (ch.1)
b. Vision
of the Roll (ch.2-3)
c. Vision
of the Plain (ch3)
d. Visions
of Jerusalem (ch.8-11)
e. Vision
of the Dry Bones (ch.37)
f. Visions
of the New Temple (ch.40-48)
9. Symbolic
Actions of Ezekiel
a. Sign
of the brick (4:1-3)
b. Sign
of the prophet’s posture (4:4-8)
c. Sign
of famine (4:9-17)
d. Sign
of the knife and razor (5:1-17)
e. Sign
of the house moving (12:1-7,17-20)
f. Sign
of the sharpened sword (21:1-17)
g. Sign
of Nebuchadnezzar’s sword (21:18-23)
h. Sign
of the smelting furnace (22:17-31)
i. Sign
of Ezekiel’s wife’s death (24:15-27)
j. Sign
of the two sticks (37:15-17)
10. Allegories
in Ezekiel
a. The
Vine (15:1-8)
b. The
Faithless Wife (16:1-63)
c. The
Two Eagles (17:1-21)
d. The
Cedar (17:22-24)
e. The
Two Women (23:1-49)
f. The
Boiling Caldron (24:1-14)
11. Key
a. Son
of man – over 90 times
b. The
word of the LORD came unto me – 49 times
12. Outline
a. Judgment
b. Restoration
C. Daniel
1. 12
chapters, 357 verses
2. Daniel
means “God is Judge”
3. Written
between 605 and 536BC, the time of Daniel’s ministry
4. Greatest
prophecies in the Bible on the times of the Gentiles
A. Haggai
1. 2
chapters, 38 verses
2. Haggai
means “festive, or celebration”
3. Written
in 520BC
4. Worked
with Zechariah (Ezra 5:1; 6:14)
5. Preached
the importance of completing the temple (1:1-4)
B. Zechariah
1. 14
chapters, 211 verses
2. Zechariah
means “The Lord remembers”
3. Written
between 520-516BC
4. Born
into a priestly line (1:1)
5. Preached
the importance of completing the temple (4:6-10)
6. Prophecies
of Christ in Zechariah
a. Servant
b. Branch
(3:8; 6:12)
c. King0Priest
d. Lowly
King (9:9-10)
e. Betrayed
f. Hands
Pierced (12:10)
g. Cleansing
Fountain (13:1)
h. Humanity
and Deity (13:7; 6:12)
i. Smitten
Shepherd (13:7-9)
j. Second
Coming (14:5,9)
7. Visions
in Zechariah
a. The
Horseman (1:7-17)
b. The
Horns and the Carpenters (1:18-21)
c. The
Measuring Line (2)
d. Joshua,
the high Priest (3)
e. The
Golden Candlesticks (4)
f. The
Flying Roll (5:1-4)
g. The
Ephah (5:5-11)
h. The
Four Chariots (6:1-8)
C. Malachi
1. 4
chapters, 55 verses
2. Malachi
means “messenger of Jehovah”
3. Probably
written around 433BC
4. Prophet
to the Jews in the land after the return from captivity
5. Ends
the Old Testament with the word “curse”