God’s Final Rejection of Saul
In this chapter, Saul illustrates the sin of willful rebellion and God’s reaction to this sin. Saul’s rebellion leads to God’s rejection of him as king of Israel.
Partial Victory Over the Philistines
In this lesson, we learn from Jonathan’s faith in God and his bravery in battle. We also learn from Saul’s fearfulness and his foolishness in making an unreasonable oath.
God’s First Rejection of Saul
Both the sin of Saul in sacrificing and the absence of smiths (blacksmiths) in Israel point to the danger of fighting God’s battles according to the ways of man and the world
Samuel’s Word to Israel
The Israelites were determined to have a king like all the nations and God had granted their request.
Samuel as Judge of Israel
Samuel’s rule as judge was not without its problems. His sons fell short of Samuel’s example and the people demanded a king.
Christ - A King
There is no higher name or title to set forth dignity amongst men, than kings or mighty potentates.
The Return of the Ark
In these two chapters, God’s holiness is vindicated.
The Capture of the Ark
God has started speaking again and He has placed His hand on the youth Samuel.
The Birth of Samuel
God brings a man into the world who will begin to bring Israel back to God. That man is Samuel.
The First Book of Samuel - Introduction
An overview of 1 Samuel including statistics of the book and background material.