The Wealth and Fame of Solomon
Solomon received great wealth, not by war, but by his wise and understanding heart given to him by God. This wisdom led queen of Sheba (located in Saudi Arabia) and others to give Solomon much riches.
Wisdom From King Lemuel’s Mother
Whereas most of Proverbs deals with a father speaking to his son, this chapter contains a mother’s wisdom that she gives to her son.
With Thee
Three things are here said to be with God, which phrase, with God, he again and again chooseth to express the grounds of his hope in God by...
Better Than Sacrifices
According to John Bunyan in The Acceptable Sacrifice: The Excellency of a Broken Heart (p.2-3), there “are four things that are very acceptable to God...
The Prayer of Solomon (Daily Portion 10502)
This chapter records the prayer of King Solomon at the dedication of the newly built Temple in Jerusalem. This portion deals with his approach unto God and the beginning of his prayer. Solomon first blessed the congregation and then blessed the name of the Lord. Then, He reminded the Lord of promises yet to be kept. We can learn much from the prayer of Solomon.
Waiting on the Promise (Daily Portion 10423)
In this chapter, both Sarai (Sarah) and Abram (Abraham) are impatient and cannot wait for the Lord to fulfill His promise of a son. Sarah offers her handmaid Hagar to Abraham as a means to a son and Abraham quickly accepts the offer. Their refusal to wait on the Lord results in additional trials and sorrows. It has always been and will ever be so.
Warnings Against Rejecting Wisdom
Answer a fool according to his folly, and answer not a fool according to his folly. Is this a contradiction in the Bible?
Solomon Established as King
David’s final charge to Solomon consists of faithfulness to the commandments, judgments, and testimonies of the Lord
David’s Sin in Numbering the People
Who led David to number the people? One place you read that it was God and yet in another place it was Satan. Is this a contradiction in the word of God?
The Blessing of Moses Continued (Daily Portion 10417)
This is a short passage but its statements can challenge the Bible student. Moses continues to bless the tribes of Israel before his death. In these verses, he blesses five of the tribes; six, if we count Joseph as the two tribes of Manasseh and Ephraim. Do not expect to understand all the statements of this passage the first time you study it. This is a passage to come back to as you grow in understanding.