An Evil Spirit From the Lord
What does it mean when the Bible says that an evil spirit was sent by God to torment Saul (reference 1 Samuel 16:14-15)?
Contemporary Worship
The members of our church are in a dispute regarding songs being sung during the church service - older people like hymns while younger/middle aged people like choruses with drums, guitars, etc. Some of us traditional people wonder if we aren't letting the "world" dictate the style of worship we have. Does the Bible deal with this subject?
Noah Found Grace (Daily Portion 10212)
Man, because of his evil imaginations and wicked actions, corrupted the earth and filled it with violence. God determined to destroy all life from the face of the earth by a flood. But Noah found grace in the sight of the Lord and God gave him plans for the building of a life-saving ark.
God is the Judge (Daily Portion 10208)
This psalm assures the saints that, though the wicked exalt themselves against them, the Lord will be the final judge of all men. He will promote and He will cast down. We must look to Him and not to man.
Musicians in the Temple (Daily Portion 10131)
David takes the sons of three of his musicians and establishes twenty-four orders of musicians for the service of the temple. They will match the twenty-four courses of priests who do the service of the temple.
Orders of the Priesthood (Daily Portion 10124)
David organized the priests into twenty-four orders or courses so that they could take turns doing the office of the priest. He also divided the Levites who were not of the priestly line of Aaron into orders.