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Thoughts and Meditations
Personal comments made by David F. Reagan unless otherwise stated
AUGUST, 2004
August 31, 2004
The Pilgrim Went Home - On this day in the year 1688, John Bunyan, well known author of "The Pilgrim's Progress", went home to be with the Lord. John Bunyan was imprisoned for preaching the word of God, and in the eleventh year of his imprisonment he accepted a pastorate of a Baptist Church. The guard was so fond of Bunyan that he would allow Bunyan to go visit his church and preach. However, as he was on a journey in the year 1688, for the sake of the ministry, he contracted a fatal illness and departed this world to enter into that city of which God is the builder and maker. Would to God that someone would love Him enough to serve as did Bunyan. God give us some men!!
Pope Dethroned - While reading the book, God's Secretaries -The Making of the King James Bible, I came across a most interesting quote. With the publishing of the King James Bible it was said that "The Reformers dethroned the Pope and enthroned the Bible." If you study the events around the year 1611 you will find that to be true. What a great work God has done through the King James Bible. Just a thought to leave you with....is it possible that with the new versions we have dethroned the Bible and enthroned the Scholar? Time and time again when someone corrects the King James Bible they tell me how many languages they know. What do you say as individuals we keep the Bible on the throne.
August 30, 2004
Sunday School Origins - (From This Day in Baptist History, Volume One by David L. Cummins and E. Wayne Thompson). A meeting was held on August 30, 1785, to organize a "Sunday School Society." The idea was headed up by William Fox, who was a "godly member of the Baptist Church in Prescott Street, Goodman Fields." It was established for the purpose of a Bible-centered education for children and adults. It has been reported that after visiting America, Alexis de Tocqueville said, "I sought in vain for the secret of America's greatness until I went into her Sunday schools and churches. Then I understood why France is a slave and America is free." J. Edgar Hoover, former Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, once said "Crime among youth would become practically negligible if the young people of America attended Sunday school regularly during their formative years."
August 29, 2004
Barren River Association - A most interesting statement is found in the "Articles of Faith of the Barren River Association". The articles were adopted in 1830. Article number 1 states "We believe that the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, as translated by the authority of King James, to be the words of God, and is the only true rule of faith and practice." Apparently the King James only crowd has been around longer than the critics want to admit.
August 26, 2004
Ignorance is Universal - (From The Attributes of God, Volume Two by A. W. Tozer). Samuel Johnson was known as the most learned man in England in the 18th century. "When he was compiling the first English dictionary, he defined a hock (the middle joint on a horse's rear leg) as a horse's knee (the middle joint on a horse's front leg). Some time afterward, at a party somewhere, a society lady turned to the great doctor and thought she would get a rise out of him.
She said, 'Dr. Johnson, why did you define a hock as a horse's knee?'
He said, 'Ignorance Madam, sheer ignorance.'
Note: Tozer may have misidentified the word Johnson wrongly defined. See the definition for pastern on this page. How did he do it? Ignorance...sheer ignorance. It happens to us all. Only God knows everything.
August 25, 2004
Ridiculous KJV Bible "Corrections" - List of articles dealing with criticisms of King James Bible readings. Very interesting collection of articles.
Bible Verses Not Allowed - California officials removed Bible verses and slogans from cubical of California Department of Social Services employee. Enoch Lawrence is fighting back--with a law suit to protect his freedom of speech. Included among the items was a bumper sticker: "Marriage: One Man and One Woman." Other employees are allowed to have items up.
Christian Counselors Not Allowed to Share Christ - The Summer Olympics in Greece has allowed Christian workers as long as they do not proselytize. They are not even allowed to hand out a Bible unless the athletes specifically ask for one
School Principal Under Fire - Florida High School principal has mentioned God at least three times in staff meetings in a year. Art teacher states, "There should be freedom from religion in the workplace." Criticized for trying to organize class on Introduction to the Bible (which is legal in Florida). One parent asked why public High school students would need to learn the Bible. "He said it was the greatest book ever written and, to me, that shows some prejudice."
August 24, 2004
Gospel According to Disney - New explores the "spiritual" world of Disney. None of the Disney cruise ships has a chapel. None of the Disney theme parks has a church. But they have a Magic World. And Disney has a gospel it preaches. You need to know what that gospel is.
Anti-Semitism Returns to Europe - The land of the Holocaust is returning to its hatred of God's chosen people--the Jews.
Too Many Boys Make Too Many Men - China is now trying to compensate for one of the results of its low birth policy--too many boys. The Chinese are having 117 boys to every 100 girls. This will tend to create unrest and instability when these boys are men.
Faith in Progress - In Amusing Ourselves to Death (p.158), Neil Postman speaks of the ideology of television and the amusement culture it creates. "All that is required to make it stick is a population that devoutly believes in the inevitability of progress. And in this sense, all Americans are Marxists, for we believe nothing if not that history is moving us toward some preordained paradise and that technology is the force behind that movement."
August 22, 2004
Three Biblical Principles of Godly Dress:
Jesus No Longer the Only Begotten Son of God - This is the false teaching of Kenneth Copeland. But is this not the same attack that is made on the person of Christ in the new Bible versions? Interesting.
August 21, 2004
English Translation of the Quran - Translation of the Quran connected to a site promoting Islam. Makes some interesting claims. No, I am not promoting Islam. I believe it is a false religion. However, Baptists have suffered and died for centuries in order to give others the right to be wrong. I believe the Quran identifies the true heart of Islam and the Bible reveals the heart of true Christianity. I do not fear the comparison.
Latest on the Search for Noah's Ark - Another expedition has been planned but foiled by Turkey refusing to give permission. The Bible is enough proof for me. Don't put your hope in discoveries. But it would be interesting.
Where There's a Will, There's Sin - John Owen in The Nature and Power of Indwelling Sin (Works, Vol.6, p.251), Deals with those times when someone has decided to commit a sin but are physically hindered from doing so. "Ofttimes, when a cloud is full of rain and ready to fall, a wind comes and drives it away; and when the will is ready to bring forth its sin, God diverts it by one wind or other: but yet the cloud was as full of rain as if it had fallen, and the soul is as full of sin as if it had been committed." Perhaps this is the distinction between the thought and the intent in Hebrews 4:12. God's word can discern when the thought becomes an intent. When that line is crossed, sin has been committed.
August 20, 2004
Electing a New Pope - Pope John Paul II is very frail. How does the Catholic Church go about electing a new pope?
Cyber-flirting and Cyber-affairs - This is a rampant sin of this generation. "In about 30 percent of cyber-affairs...the relationship escalates from e-mail to telephone calls to personal contact." Please safeguard yourself from this temptation.
If and When, the Devil's Conjunctions - J. O. Fraser served as an early 20th century missionary to Southwest China. He was in training there and wrote the following words when he was only 22 years old.
"It has come home to me very forcibly of late that it matters little what the work is in which we are engaged; so long as God has put it into our hands, the faithful doing of it is of no greater importance in one case than in another...The temptation I have often had to contend with is persistent under many forms: 'If only I were in such and such a position,' for example, 'shouldn't I be able to do a great work!'
"...It is all IF and WHEN. I believe the devil is fond of those conjunctions...The plain truth is that the Scriptures never teach us to wait for opportunities of service, but to serve in just the things that lie next to our hands...The Lord bids us work, watch and pray; but Satan suggests, wait until a good opportunity for working, watching and praying presents itself--and needless to say, this opportunity is always in the future...Since the things that lie in our immediate path have been ordered of God, who shall say that one kind of work is more important and sacred than another?
"I believe that it is not more necessary to be faithful (one says it reverently) in preaching the Gospel than in washing up dishes in the scullery. I am no more doing the Lord's work in giving the Word of Life to the Chinese than you are, for example, in wrapping up a parcel to send to the tailor. It is not for us, in any case, to choose our work. And if God has chosen it for us, hadn't we better go straight ahead and do it, with waiting for anything greater, better or 'nobler'?"
From Behind the Ranges: Fraser of Lisuland by Mrs. Howard Taylor (p.32-33)
August 19, 2004
But For the Grace of God - Oswald Chambers in The Place of Love (p.192-193) speaks of dealing with men. "The emphasis put on the nobility of man is largely a matter of fiction. Men and women are men and women, and it is absurd to pretend they are either better or worse than they are. Most of us begin by demanding perfect justice and nobility and generosity from other people, then we see their defects and become bitter and cynical. Jesus Christ never trusted human nature, yet He was never cynical, never in despair about any man, because He trusted absolutely in what the grace of God could do in human nature."
Round About the Throne - In Revelation 5:8-9, after the Lamb (Jesus Christ) has taken the book that could not be opened by any other, the four beasts and twenty-four elders fall down before Him and sing a new song. The four beasts in Revelation match the four living creatures of Ezekiel One and the four cherubim of Ezekiel Ten. These four are at the four corners of the throne of God (Ezekiel 10:9). Though I cannot specifically identify the 24 elders of Revelation, they are also found "round about the throne" (Revelation 4:4). If they also stood at the four corners of the throne, there would be six of them at each corner. Six elders and one beast at each corner would make seven heavenly beings at each corner of the throne of God in heaven singing praise unto Him. Seven is God's perfect number of completion. What a wonderful picture!
August 18, 2004
Monk Fined Over Food Fight - He punched a man twice for serving himself food. It was a breach of etiquette at South Melbourne's Hare Krishna temple.
New King James Version Examined - More information on the New King James Version.
Lessons From Creation - Quote from The Existence and Attributes of God by Stephen Charnock (Vol.1; p.525): "Those things that we tread under our feet, if used by us according to the full design of their creation, would afford rich matter, not only for our heads, but our hearts."
August 17, 2004
Church Elder Sentenced to Prison for Attempted Exorcism - Man lay on the chest of an 8-year-old autistic boy for an hour. Medical examiner said boy suffocated.
Return of Paganism - Nations are encouraging the restoration of pagan religions while diminishing the influence of Christianity.
Go to Israel, See Sites, Learn, Minister, Earn College Credit - Read about unusual program with people I know and love. Next trip is from September 28th through October 9th. There are still spots available. Write soon if you are interested.
The KJV Store - Promises to beat ANY price on ANY KJV Bible. They come recommended. You ought to at least look them over. And, no, I'm not getting anything out of this.
August 16, 2004
The Plan Behind Islamic Jihad - Description of the overall strategy of Islamic Jihad. It follows the life and experience of Mohammed and follows specific steps of action.
Traditional Baptismal Pool Found - A cave leading to a pool of water is thought to have been used by John the Baptist. No proof has been discovered. Another link.
Description of a Nigerian Tribal Religion - Claims to follow the order of Melchizedek. Unusual mixture of gods and beliefs.
Separation of Church and State - Excellent and thoughtful article on this subject. If you are an American who is trying to live for God, you need to know about this battle. Do not remain ignorant. This article is a great place to start.
August 15, 2004
Down With Storefront Churches - Town of Clover, South Carolina is trying to pass an ordinance to keep out storefront churches.
August 14, 2004
Catching Up With the Times - The chronology of the ancient civilizations and especially of Egypt, as given in the current history books, goes strongly against the teaching of the Bible. According to their dates, Noah's flood would have occurred in the middle of the Old Kingdom of Egypt. The books also proclaim how accurate Egyptian dating is. Don't believe it. A book written by English academics called Centuries of Darkness by Peter James has put cracks in this foundation. It takes more than 200 years off the chronology of Egypt. It also reveals the weaknesses of much of the ancient chronology. See Timeline of Ancient Egypt from a biblical perspective.
Don't Stop, Sir, Don't Stop - Missionary C. T. Studd went with some others to an African village where hundreds of villages had come to hear them. One of the missionaries had spoken so long that he apologized. The voice of an old man spoke out from the midst of the throng, "Don't stop, Sir, don't stop! Some of us are very old and we have never heard these words before, and have but little time to hear in the future." [From C. T. Studd: Cricketer and Pioneer by Norman Grubb (p. 178)]
Hollywood Substitutes for Holy Ghost - The Gospel According to Spider Man tells of the move churches are making to teach and preach from popular movies. "Publicists hired by studios feed sermon ideas based on new movies to ministers."
August 13, 2004
Tabernacle, Tent, and Covering - Exodus 35:11, in reference to the tabernacle, mentions the "tabernacle, his tent, and his covering." Though the terms are used in various ways, they have distinctive meanings in reference to the the structure of the tabernacle. The word tabernacle refers to the structure itself and has special reference to the wooden framework (Exodus 36:20ff). The word tent speaks of the curtains of goat hair that covered the tabernacle (Exodus 36:14). The coverings included, "a covering for the tent of rams' skins dyed red, and a covering of badgers' skins above that" (Exodus 36:19).
SwordSearcher 4.5 Introduced - Press release announcing updated version of the Bible study software SwordSearcher.
Returning to Neglected Hymns - California resident sponsored hymn-along so Christians tired of contemporary music could hear and sing the old hymns.
People Disappointments are the Worst - The famous English missionary C. T. Studd saw quickly growing frail while he ministered in the heart of Africa. This former champion cricket player gave his fortune to the Lord and now he was giving his health. But that was not what mattered most. According to a biography of him by Norman Grubb (p. 172), he wrote the following words to his mother in 1920:
"I have been having an awful time, with terrible irritation of the arms and legs, and many bad ulcers on the feet and ankles; the irritation is sometimes maddening; but really we ought to have something, considering how little we have suffered.
"I think disappointments are the greatest sufferings. As Paul said, 'We live is ye [our converts] stand fast in the Lord.' (1Thessalonians 3:8) and the disappointment of a backsliding Christian seem to rob one of all vitality."
August 12, 2004
Received Text Versus Westcott-Hort Text - How many differences are there between the Greek text used for the King James Bible (Received Text) and the one that introduced the changes found in most new translations (Westcott-Hort)?
Death of Boy Scouts in Canada - With its inclusive policy, Boy Scouts of Canada is quickly dying. No, it is already dead.
Freedom to Gamble Brings Gambling Addiction - States that have given their residents the right to gamble are leaving the addicts to fend for themselves.
Scientists to Begin Cloning - British scientists given the go-ahead to begin cloning human embryos. This is the start of something big. Not good--just big.
August 11, 2004
Hollow Words and Trite Phrases - George Orwell predicted it in his novel 1984. Empty words would destroy all meaning. Among other political phrases, this article explains how our IRS payments in the US are a matter of voluntary compliance. "According to the IRS publication Why Do I Have to Pay Taxes?: 'Voluntary compliance means that each of us is responsible for filing a tax return when required and for determining and paying the correct amount of tax.'"
Presbyterians (USA) Boycott Israel - The Presbyterians refuse to allow investment funds to go to Israel. This is their response to Israel's policies toward Palestinians. See commentary claiming Presbyterians have lost their way.
The Exception Becomes the Trend - Mel Gibson got by with introducing an R-rated movie as Christian fare. Now, Bishop T. D. Jakes will attempt the same with "Woman, Thou Art Loosed." What's next? X-rated "Christian" films?
Down With Morality - New booklet exposes purposes of sex education in school. One of the major goals is to destroy the morality of our biblical heritage.
Trinity Broadcasting Network co-founder Jan Crouch - She hears voices. She levitates in mid-air. She teaches others to visualize Jesus.
Don't Witness to Us - Buddhists in Sri Lanka are pushing for anti-conversion laws. They fear the growing Christian population in the country.
Protestants Becoming a Minority in the US - Though I do not consider Baptist to be Protestant, I understand that the word does not understand the distinction. As such, Protestants in the US dropped from 64.7 percent in 1972 to 55.7 percent in 2002. Only 24.5 percent of the immigrants into America are Protestant.
Is There a Doctor in the House? - This article is not pleasant to read, but it is something we need to face. In the great push to be able to put Dr. in front of our names, many are using bogus or honorary degrees. This amounts to false claim of unearned credentials. Unfortunately, this bug has effected people I agree with in their teaching. Why do we think it so important to have a Dr. title? Why have we let the world set our standards of excellence for Bible teaching and preaching?
August 10, 2004
The Bane of Blains - Blains are mentioned in the King James Bible only two times; both times in the passage describing the sixth plague against Egypt—the plague of boils (Exodus 9:9, 10). Both verses refer to “a boil breaking forth with blains.” The word blain comes from an old form of the word blister. It is an inflammatory swelling or sore on the surface of the body. An interesting use of the word is found in the Wycliffe Bible of 1382 in Job 2:7 – “He smot Job with the werste stinkende bleyne.”
Pope Has Blessed the Athens Olympics - Pope John Paul II has invoked the "maternal protection" of the Virgin Mary on the games.
Tabernacle Baptist Church of Lubbock, Texas - Church pastored by E. L. Bynum has loads of good material and archived issues of the Plains Baptist Challenger. Worth a visit.
Holistic Health Care - Should Christians go to holistic medical practitioners?
No Freedom of Speech in Sweden - Swedish pastor jailed for blasting homosexuality. This is the first trial test of the national law against incitement.
August 9, 2004
Descendants of Masters and Slaves Meet for Dedication - Turkey Creek Baptist Church was founded in South Carolina in 1785. In 1867, freed slaves from that church started Dunn Creek Baptist Church. The churches came together to dedicate a section of slave graves found at the back of Turkey Creek Church.
The Old Rugged Cross - Church building in Michigan where The Old Rugged Cross was first sung in entirety is crumbling. A group is trying to restore the building to its 1913 condition--the year the song was written by George Bennard. See the story of the hymn.
Keeping Our Spiritual Balance - If grass were blue, how would we know up from down? The answer: equilibrium. Our equilibrium helps us keep balance, know up from down, and have a feel for our location or position. Without it, we could not even walk. This is much like our spiritual ability to tell right from wrong, have a feel for where we are with God, and keep our balance in this life. It is extremely important to our Christian walk.
Sometimes, equilibrium is effected when a person has inner ear trouble.
So, too, we may lose our spiritual balance when we have trouble with our
inner ear. Isaiah 30:21 states, "And thine ears
shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it,
when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left."
Perhaps you can think of some other applications of this comparison. I
wonder what other problems cause someone to lose their balance? Europe Predicted to Become Muslim - Population demographics predict that Europe will have an Islamic majority by the end of the 21st century. The Netherlands are predicted to be the first Western European nation to become Muslim - by the year 2020.
Archaeology and the Bible - Interesting source for archaeological material that does not deny scripture. Too much on the site for me to give a blanket endorsement. But it has some very good material from what I saw.
August 8, 2004
Contemporary English Version Youth Bible - New bible uses sleazy language and tries to make God "pally" in order to reach the youth.
Purpose of Church Discipline - C. H. Mackintosh, in his Notes on the Pentateuch written in the 1800's, discusses church discipline in his commentary on Numbers 5:3 - "that they defile not their camps, in the midst whereof I dwell." Some oppose church discipline since a perfect church in this world is impossible anyway. He replies (p.458), "It is not the presence of judged evil that defiles, but the allowance and sanction of evil." That is, a church is not defiled by having sinners in the church; it is defiled by allowing sin to remain among the congregation without responding to it.
Notes on the Pentateuch - I have
for years enjoyed reading in the Notes on the Pentateuch by C. H.
Mackintosh. He mines a spiritual depth from the Mosaic law that thrills my
soul and instructs my spirit. I know everyone would not feel the same as I
do. However, I just found this great statement -- D. L. Moody said that if
all the books in the entire world were to be burnt, he would be satisfied
to have just one copy of the Bible and a set of C. H. Mackintosh's notes
on the Pentateuch. No, I am not selling these. You have to find your own. August 7, 2004
Verses in King James Bible Defended - This site takes many of the places where the King James Bible is attacked and gives a defense of the King James readings. Very interesting. Too much material for me to read critically, but I really liked what I saw.
New Persecutions in China - Religious persecution is on the increase in China. One 34-year-old woman was beaten to death after being arrested for distributing Bibles. Pray for believers around the world.
Seven Wonders Museum and Bookstore - Bookstore and Museum at Mount St. Helens show how aftermath of the volcano adds support to creationism. Shelves are stocked with 170 books on creationism.
Rewriting the Bible was Never So Hip - The Word on the Street author Rob Lacey laughs at the thought that Christians might need to study Leviticus: "Well, if you need more Leviticus in your spiritual life, then you need help." Here is his rendition of Genesis 1:1-2 - "First off, nothing ... but God. No light, no time, no substance, no matter. Second off, God says the word, and WHAP! Stuff everywhere! The cosmos in chaos: no shape, no form, no function -- just darkness ... total. And floating above it all, God's Holy Spirit, ready for action."
Vacuum Between the Ears - Robert Robinson (1735-1790) is probably best known as the composer of Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing. However, in the late 1700's, he was pastor of the Baptist church in the college town of Cambridge in England. He often had college students from Cambridge visit him, but more often than not, then came to heckle or to disturb the services. According to a biography of Robinson by Graham Hughes called With Freedom Fired (p.22), one evening in January 1773, Robinson preached a message entitled A Becoming Behaviour in Religious Assemblies. "At one point Robinson put the question which he said was sometimes debated in academic circles: 'Is there a vacuum in nature?' Looking the culprits straight in the eye he paused, then answered affirmatively: 'It is in the brain of him who behaves ill at divine worship.'"
August 6, 2004
Carry Over From the Tabernacle to the Temple - The tabernacle pictured the earthly ministry of Christ, while the temple pictures His heavenly glory. The tabernacle was a moveable tent; the temple a permanent building. The only wood used in the building of the tabernacle was shittim wood (probably the same as what is now called acacia wood). This is a common tree of the desert and pictures the humanity of Christ. The Ark of the Covenant, which is made of shittim wood (Exodus 25:10), is the only piece of furniture that was taken from the tabernacle and put into the temple. "This fact signifies that the One who walked on earth is the very same Man who is not in the glory." [from The Temple and Its Teaching by Arthur E. Smith (p.42)].
New Translation of the Qur'an - Explains the problems of translation and the history of the translation of the Qur'an, or Koran. Introduces a new translation of the text.
Falwell Fights For Right to Make Political Endorsements - The government has decreed that no church or pulpit speaker can publicly recommend any political candidate. To do so is to risk loss of their tax exempt status. Jerry Falwell is bringing a lawsuit to fight this ruling. He brings up the fact that many liberal churches endorse candidates and are not challenged.
August 5, 2004
Independent Fundamental Baptist Courtship - A moderated meeting place for those who believe in courtship. I'm not sure what to think.
Home Schooling Continues to Increase - More than 1 million children in the USA being taught by their parents.
Indecent Clothing on Christians - Charisma Magazine points out the growing problem of immodesty among those who claim to be believers.
No Bombs, But Fear to Deal With - Evangelical churches in Iraq have not been bombed, but they have been effected by the bombings. Please pray for the believers. There are also indications that moderate Muslims are questioning their faith. Pray for them as well.
August 4, 2004
Never Free From Trials - The evangelist George Whitefield had just survived a dangerous nine and a half week long voyage across the Atlantic from America in which he and all on board came close to losing their lives. In his journal entry for Tuesday, November 14, 1738, he stated, "Whilst I continue on this side Eternity, I never expect to be free from trials, only to change them. For it is necessary to heal the pride of my heart, that such should come."
Christians today are looking for the absence of trials. The saints of old understood that the Christian life took them from one trial to another for the cause of Christ. "Confirming the souls of the disciples, and exhorting them to continue in the faith, and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God" (Acts 14:22)
Small Acts of Discipline - In George
Whitefield's journal entry of November 14, 1738, he wrote of the hardships
he endured during an ocean voyage from America to England. "These things,
though little in themselves, are great in their consequences; and,
whosoever despiseth small acts of bodily discipline, it is to be feared,
will insensibly lose his spiritual life by little and little."
2Corinthians 4:17 states, "For our light affliction, which is but for a
moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory." Ames Hymn Collection - 529 traditional Hymns with words and music. Has a feature where you can play a MIDI file randomly.
King James Bible Dictionary - Online Dictionary of words in the King James Bible.
Hunters and Fishermen - Hunters and fishers are treated differently in the Bible. The first hunter in scripture is Nimrod, the "mighty hunter before the LORD' (Genesis 10:9). He is definitely a type of the antichrist. The next hunter is Esau, "a cunning hunter, man of the field" (Genesis 25:27). Esau is the man who "found not place of repentance" (Hebrews 12:17).
Fishers, on the other hand, have good press in the Bible. Many of the disciples of Christ, including the inner circle of Peter, James, and John, were fishermen by trade. Jesus told them, "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men" (Matthew 4:19). What is the difference? Well, for one thing, the hunter kills the deer, but the fisherman catches the fish. Certainly, the fish is still headed for death and dinner, but the picture is different. Perhaps you can think of other contrasts between hunters and fishermen. I think it would be a profitable study.
August 3, 2004
As The Passion Decays - Three American adults in ten saw Mel Gibson's Passion at the theater, but the real effects of the film are turning out to be negligible. Study concludes that people who spend 40 hours a week watching some form of media are unlikely to be changed by one movie.
Autopsy TV - Noah's son, Ham, brought a curse on his son, Canaan, when he looked on his father's nakedness. Now some of the popular TV shows are showing actual autopsies with all the gore and degradation. Can judgment be far behind?
Muslims Would Not Bomb Christian Churches - This article from Al-Jazeerah explains how no Muslims would ever attack the Christian churches in Iraq. It is obviously the work of the American CIA or the Israeli Mossad.
Darwin or Creation? A non-creationist states, "There is no plausible scientific theory of the origin of species!" Tells of the cover-up of the facts by evolutionists.
New Age Mother Confused - Cannot decide on how to raise her children.
Assisted Suicide in Oregon Decreases Care for Terminal Patients - Now that Oregon has made assisted suicide legal, studies show that twice as many patients experience pain before death. Why lessen the pain? They can always kill themselves.
August 2, 2002
Ten Converts in Twenty-seven Years - On September 4, 1807, Robert Morrison arrived in Canton as the first Chinese missionary of modern times. He quickly applied himself to learning Mandarin Chinese, hiring Chinese instructors who risked their own lives in teaching him (it being illegal to teach a foreigner to read or write Chinese). He completed his Chinese translation of the New Testament in 1813; the Old Testament in 1819. In September, 1814, seven years after he arrived, he secretly baptized his first convert. When he died in 1834 after 27 years in China, he had only baptized ten Chinese believers. Yet, his work became the foundation for much of what is happening in China today.
Christians have 2,000 Year Presence in Iraq - Although the present forms of Christianity are of every variety, the Christians of Iraq trace their beginnings back to the first century A.D. After all, Peter wrote his first epistle from Babylon in present day Iraq (1Peter 5:13).
Kept by Another - In The Spiritual Life by Andrew Murray (p.232-233), we read these comments on 2Timothy 1:12: "We do not understand how literally and how absolutely God wants to have us for Himself. Just as I cannot fill a vessel unless the vessel is absolutely empty and at my disposal, so God cannot fill us with Himself and the divine life unless we make ourselves utterly empty of everything, and unless we come and give ourselves entirely and unreservedly into His hands. Are you willing? Remember, it will not work if you keep anything back.
"Perhaps you have heard the story of a rich English lady who had a splendid box of jewelry--diamonds and rings and pearls. She was planning to travel on the European continent, so she went to a friend, saying, 'This is a very valuable box of jewelry, and I am afraid of leaving it in the house when I am away, in case it might be stolen. Will you keep it for me while I am gone?' Her friend agreed to take charge of the jewels. Then, still in the presence of her friend, the rich woman took out five of the thirty or forty articles in the box, to be used when traveling. The box was locked and handed to the friend, and the lady went away.
"After a couple of months, the woman came to her friend and asked for her box of jewelry. And the friend said, 'Here it is, but where are the things you took with you?'
"The rich lady replied, 'I am sorry to say that they got stolen; I have lost them.' All she trusted to the friend was safe, and all that she took charge of herself was lost. It is the same way with us. All that we try to keep in our own hands and manage ourselves gets lost. Try to take charge of your tongue; you will fail, and you will sin. Try to control your temper by your own strength; you will fail, and you will sin. Everything you try to keep charge of yourself you will lose, but come and bring everything into the keeping of Jesus, and you can be assured that He will never fail you."
August 1, 2004
The Tree of Life - The tree of life is mentioned exactly ten times in the Bible. The first three times are in Genesis when access to the tree was lost by the fall of man. The last three times are in Revelation where access to the tree is regained. The middle four times are in the book of Proverbs where the tree is a type of the fruits of righteousness. Consider this outline comparing the first three and the last three mentions.
Old Bible and Parchment Display - Dead Sea Scroll fragments. A Gutenberg Bible. A first-edition King James Version. A medieval Torah. On display Aug. 25-Sept. 19 in Flint, Michigan.
Seventh Day Baptists have Conference - Baptists that Worship on Saturday have a long history. I have seen one or two of them here in Tennessee. They are having an annual conference in West Virginia.
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