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Amos 0002 - Lesson 2

Attached Audio: 

Chapter 5 (Continued)

God’s Wrath upon Israel (Continued)

  1. JUDGMENT UPON ISRAEL (Amos 5:4-17) (Continued)
    1. A Call to Seek the Lord (Amos 5:4-9) (Continued)
      1. Seek Him rather than unrighteous living (Amos 5:7-9). (Continued)
        1. The power of God (Amos 5:8-9)
          1. He made the seven stars and Orion (Amos 5:8).
            1. This is possibly a reference to seven planets of which the people of this time would have known, for Uranus was not discovered until 1781.
            2. Orion is mentioned three times in the Bible (Job 9:9; Job 38:31-32; Amos 5:8).
            3. Orion is one of the largest constellations often referred to as The Hunter .
            4. The idea is that they should seek the One who set this universe in motion (Amos 9:6).
          2. He turns the shadow of death into the morning (Amos 5:8).
            1. The phrase “shadow of death” occurs 20 times in scripture and is almost always connected to darkness (Job 3:5; Job 10:21; Job 10:22; Job 12:22; Job 16:16; Job 24:17;Job 28:3; Job 34:22; Job 38:17; Psalms 23:4; Psalms 44:19; Psalms 107:10; Psalms 107:14; Isaiah 9:2; Jeremiah 2:6; Jeremiah 13:16; Amos 5:8; Matthew 4:16; Luke 1:79).
            2. This demonstrates that God has the power to turn the darkness of death into the brightness and peace of the morning.
          3. He makes the day dark with night (Amos 5:8).
            1. Daytime is a time of light.
            2. God is warning His people that He has the power to turn their light into darkness.
          4. He calls for the waters of the sea and pours them upon the face of the earth (Amos 5:8).
            1. Several different views are held as to the meaning of this phrase.
            2. Certainly this could be connected to flooding brought on by the Lord.
            3. It could also be a reference to the pattern of water that was created by the Lord (Ecclesiastes 1:7).
              1. Water comes into the rivers.
              2. Rivers flow into the seas.
              3. Water returns to the rivers.
              4. This happens when the water evaporates and then the rain comes down to fill the rivers.
          5. He has a powerful name – “The LORD” (Amos 5:8).
            1. Translated from the Hebrew Jehovah
            2. In the Old Testament, Jehovah is generally translated as LORD with all capital letters. In some compound titles (as Lord GOD), it is translated as GOD (to avoid a title such as Lord LORD).
            3. Jehovah is the unique name of God. Other names, like God and Lord, may be used at times of other beings (1 Corinthians 8:5); but Jehovah is the name that refers only to the God of the Bible (Psalm 83:18).
            4. Jehovah is primarily the self-sufficient God. He is the source of His own existence. He is independent of all other existence and would be Himself even if nothing else existed.
          6. He strengthens the weak to prevail over the strong (Amos 5:9).
    2. The Transgression of Israel (Amos 5:10-13)
      1. Their hatred of truth (Amos 5:10)
        1. They hate him that rebuketh in the gate.
        2. They abhor him that speaketh uprightly.
      2. Their mistreatment of the poor (Amos 5:11)
        1. They took burdens of wheat from the poor, more than likely to pay for taxes.
        2. They built houses of hewn stone, but will not dwell in them.
        3. They planted vineyards, but would not drink wine from them.
        4. Apparently the rich people were getting richer off of the poor people, while the poor were becoming poorer.
      3. Their unrighteous judgment (Amos 5:12)
        1. The Lord speaks of their sins.
          1. They were guilty of manifold transgressions.
          2. They committed mighty sins.
        2. The Lord speaks of the injustice.
          1. They took bribes.
          2. They turned aside the poor from their rights.
      4. Their coming judgment (Amos 5:13)
    3. A Call to Repentance (Amos 5:14-15)
      1. A call to seek good (Amos 5:14)
      2. A call to seek God’s presence (Amos 5:14)
      3. A call to establish judgment in the gate (Amos 5:15)
    4. A Pronouncement of Judgment (Amos 5:16-17)
      1. Judgment in the streets (Amos 5:16)
        1. Wailing shall be in the streets.
        2. In the highways they shall say, “Alas! Alas!”
      2. Judgment in the vineyards (Amos 5:16-17)
        1. They will call the husbandman to mourning.
        2. In all the vineyards there shall be wailing.
  2. THE FIERCE ANGER OF THE LORD (Amos 5:18-27)
    1. The Coming Day of the Lord (Amos 5:18-20)
      1. The time frame of the day of the Lord
        1. After the rapture (1 Thessalonians 5:1-5)
        2. Preceded by
          1. Wonders in the heavens and earth (Joel 2:31; Revelation 6:12)
            1. The sun shall be turned into darkness.
            2. The moon shall be turned into blood.
          2. Elijah the prophet must come (Malachi 4:5; Revelation 11:1-12).
        3. Associated with His coming (Zechariah 14:1-5)
      2. The recipients of the day of the Lord
        1. The proud and lofty (Isaiah 2:12)
        2. The wicked (Isaiah 13:11)
      3. The characteristics of the day of the Lord
        1. A time of humiliation (Isaiah 2:12-17)
        2. A time of destruction (Isaiah 13:6-9)
        3. A time of darkness (Amos 5:18)
          1. Isaiah 13:10
            1. The stars of heaven and the constellations shall not give their light.
            2. The sun shall be darkened.
            3. The moon shall not cause her light to shine.
          2. Joel 2:1-2
            1. A day of darkness and gloominess
            2. A day of clouds and of thick darkness
          3. Joel 2:10
            1. The sun and moon shall be dark.
            2. The stars shall withdraw their shining.
        4. A time of war (Joel 2:1-11)
          1. The gathering of a great army (Joel 2:2)
          2. A fire devoureth before them and a flame burneth behind them (Joel 2:3).
          3. The appearance of them is as the appearance of horses and horsemen (Joel 2:4).
          4. Like the noise of chariots and of a flame of fire will they come (Joel 2:5).
          5. Before their face the people shall be much pained (Joel 2:6).
          6. The faces of the people before them shall gather blackness (Joel 2:6).
          7. The army
            1. They shall run like mighty men (Joel 2:7).
            2. They shall climb the wall like men of war (Joel 2:7).
            3. They shall march every one on his ways (Joel 2:7).
            4. They shall not break their ranks (Joel 2:7).
            5. They will not thrust another (Joel 2:8).
            6. They shall walk every one in his path (Joel 2:8).
            7. When they fall upon the sword they shall not be wounded (Joel 2:8).
            8. The earth shall quake before them (Joel 2:10).
        5. A time of judgment (Joel 3:12-14)
        6. A time of inescapable troubles (Amos 5:18-20)
        7. A time of sacrifice (Zephaniah 1:7-18)
          1. The Lord prepares a sacrifice.
          2. The Lord bids guests.
          3. The Lord’s sacrifice includes punishment.
        8. A time of destruction of heaven and earth (2 Peter 3:10-13)
Andrew Ray

Daily Proverb

Proverbs 11:16

A gracious woman retaineth honour: and strong men retain riches.