Nabal the Fool
The name Nabal means fool (see 1 Samuel 25:25). In scripture, a fool is much more than a degrading name you throw at someone you dislike.
Jonathan’s Covenant with David
Christians ought to be the best friends someone can have. This lesson shows the value of true friendship.
Saul Turns Against David
David has already been anointed to be the next king, but the road to the throne will be a slow and painful one. However, God’s will prevails and David will be king in the end.
Work - Blessing or Curse
The work place has changed beyond all recognition since the Bible was written, so the question is, “Is it still relevant today for the modern worker?” I believe the answer is clearly yes, and God willing as we look at the scriptures you will see why.
Samuel’s Word to Israel
The Israelites were determined to have a king like all the nations and God had granted their request.
Samuel as Judge of Israel
Samuel’s rule as judge was not without its problems. His sons fell short of Samuel’s example and the people demanded a king.
Christ - A King
There is no higher name or title to set forth dignity amongst men, than kings or mighty potentates.
Christ - A Fountain
Among the many things Christ is compared to in the holy scripture, to set forth his transcendent excellency, beauty, usefulness, and perfections, this of a Fountain is none of the least, it being a most profitable metaphor.
Church History - Introduction
College Notes of David Reagan as taught in Scripture Baptist College