Prayer for the Day Ahead
We do not know what a day may bring forth (Proverbs 27:1). Few of us think in the morning about what tidings we may hear or what events may befall us before night...
Tricked by the Inhabitants of Gibeon
Those who desire to serve the Lord often fail by presuming upon Him. We get a plan and expect God to back us up. But should we not get the plan from God in the first place?
Why Elijah's Prayer Was Answered
Elijah received mighty answers to his bold prayers. The text before us provides insight into why these audacious prayers were answered by God. We would do well to learn from Elijah’s example.
To Walk As He Walked
Jesus Christ is our living example for the godly life. We are to walk like Him. But we are also to allow Him to live in us and through us.
That Other Gospel
The Apostle Paul was shocked. He marveled that the Galatians had so quickly left the pure teachings of Christ and His gospel in order to follow another gospel. But this other gospel is still with us today. It always starts with the gospel of Christ. Then, it simply adds something, anything, to that gospel. Be sure that you have the pure gospel as your foundation for eternal life.
The Sufferings of Christ
This is a sermon preached by Pastor Reagan dealing with the purchase of Christ's suffering, the perfecting of His suffering, and the purifying of His suffering.
Called the Sons of God
Upon receipt of Jesus Christ as your Saviour, you become a son of God. What does that mean to us?
Christ - Our Life
This world is filled with death. According to the Bible in Adam we all die. Where can we find hope? Is there a source of life? The answer is found in Jesus Christ. Do you know Him?
Break Up Your Fallow Ground
The land has been left unworked. God is calling us to break it up.