Prepared for Spiritual Warfare
One of the greatest defenses against any enemy is knowing where he is likely to attack and what strategy he is like to take. God gives us this knowledge through His word. Are you prepared?
Promotion Day
Looking for a promotion? You may be looking in the wrong direction.
The Path of the Hypocrite
We can know much about the characteristics of hypocrites by looking into the life of Abiathar. Are you playing the part of a hypocrite?
Our Spiritual Warfare
We are in a war. All of you may not be hearing the gunfire and seeing the smoke rise as the enemy attacks but that does not mean that the war has ceased. There are other people and other times perhaps even now where the sky is filled with smoke and gunshots are going off left and right. What should we do in such times? What should we be looking for? Why is the enemy attacking so strong? Who will help us?
Our Purpose on Earth
Why are we here? What am I supposed to do? Who am I? Why didn't God just take me on to Heaven after He saved me? These questions and many others can be answered by looking into the word of God.
Our Liberty in Christ
True liberty is that of the heart? What liberties do we have in Christ?
The Opening of the Ear
We look on service today as something beneath our dignity. However, Jesus said, “And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant”. And here, in this passage, a temporary servant becomes a lifetime servant of his own free will. What is the Lord trying to teach us?
The Right of Inheritance
In this chapter, one generation has passed away and a younger generation is taking their places. Who will take over when the old saints die and go to be with the Lord?
Doctrine of God 0004 - Lesson 7
The doctrine of God is the key to understanding all other Bible truth. The knowledge of God is the key to salvation, to sanctification, and to service. Without God, there is nothing else. Without the truth of God, there is no other truth. Without knowing God, we have no real knowledge of anything else. We must give ourselves to a greater understanding of this great doctrine.
Doctrine of God 0004 - Lesson 6
The doctrine of God is the key to understanding all other Bible truth. The knowledge of God is the key to salvation, to sanctification, and to service. Without God, there is nothing else. Without the truth of God, there is no other truth. Without knowing God, we have no real knowledge of anything else. We must give ourselves to a greater understanding of this great doctrine.