Go For The Gold
Paul used sporting events to describe the spiritual life. He especially used the foot race. Believers are compared to runners in a race. Are you ready to run so that you may obtain the prize?
David's Mighty Men
In 1Chronicles 11:15-19 there is recorded an interesting story about David and Three of his men. The story is simple to understand but I was wanting to know if you think the story serves as a type of anything? If you have any thoughts on this passage I would like to read them.
Never Alone - Just When You Thought You Were On Your Own
Not a message about one person like Gideon, but about a condition of this life. It is called despair meaning all hope is gone. The Lord has left us on our own. Throughout scripture, God gives us examples of those who seemed to be left by the Lord and thought they had been deserted by Him but later found that He hadn't left them at all.
He Maketh No Mistake
One of the greatest blessings of the Christian life is the providential care of the Lord. No matter what you are going through the Lord is working it out to your good.
A Home in Heaven
We who are saved by the blood know we are on our way to heaven, but we have questions about what heaven will be like. We wonder about our loved ones who have gone to heaven before us. Though we see as but through a glass darkly, God’s word reveals to us several things about the land of heaven.
Ichabod Baptist Church
The history of Israel during this time is comparative to the situation of many of our churches today. What are you doing to make sure this isn't the case in your church?
Wayward Civilization
We are not commanded to totally remove ourselves from society, however, we are warned against loving the world or conforming ourselves to it.
Bible Dictionary entry. The word, abase, came from Latin though the French to the English. To abase literally means to bring to the base (the base being the lowest part of a column); to bring down low.
If a Man Be Poor
God, in His instructions to Israel, takes special care for the poor. In this message, we will look at the poor man and learn from his traits.
Filling of the Spirit
There is another Bible doctrine that some call Spirit baptism. But it is not Spirit baptism. The scriptures never call it a baptism at all. That is the filling of the Spirit.