The Love of Christ
For God so loved the world..."The Love of God is greater far than tongue or pen can ever tell; It goes beyond the highest star, and reaches to the lowest hell".
Lovest Thou Me?
We know that Christ loved and continues to love us. But do we know how important it is that we love Him? The Bible states in no uncertain terms that if God is our Father, then we will love Christ (John 8:42).
The Lord Our Rereward
What is a rereward? How is it a blessing that God is our rereward?
Lessons from the Encampment
Here is a group of people who have escaped the wrath of God by putting their faith in the shed blood of a Passover lamb. They are in the midst of a strange place traveling to a land that flows with milk and honey. We find that God is giving instructions for how the Israelites are to camp. Now we will find a few principles that will help us as we travel through our own wilderness. Have you been making light of the details of your life? Have you been disobedient to God in those areas? Have you considered what your disobedience in those areas is doing to those around you?
The Law of the Peace Offering
The Peace Offering in the Old Testament points to Jesus Christ in several ways. It through Christ and Christ alone that we may have peace.
Vivió en la Senda Peligrosa
Vivió en la senda peligrosa David Charles Spurgeon La Senda Peligros hasta que...
The Work of Christ to Save Our Souls
What did the Lord do for our souls when He died for our sins? Probably much more then you are aware of.
The Wonder of it All
Many believers today seem to lose the wonder of what God has done for them. Paul never lost that wonder. You hear this wonder in his testimony of 1 Timothy 1:12-17. You see it in this passage as well. It begins, “What shall we say to these things?”
Without the Camp
The lepers were told to go without the camp. At one time it was a place of uncleanness, yet we are called to go outside the camp.
Who are the Reprobates
We have heard much of my life of the danger of sinning away our day of grace. This idea is that the Holy Spirit will only work in our hearts for so long, but at some time will cease and we are at that time, even if still alive, condemned to hell. Is it a Bible teaching? Is it possible that there are people among us who could never get saved?