Looking for a City
As this earth fades more and more from the desires of our heart, we begin to look forward and upward for a city to come. Are you going to that city? Are you prepared to go if the Lord was to call?
Earnestly Contending
Is Jesus Christ and His blood precious enough for you to Earnestly Contend for the faith? How are doing? Are you just going through the motions or have you given yourself in life and even in death to fighting the good fight of faith?
Exalting Not Ourselves
The haughty will be humbled by God. The humble will be honoured by God. As Christians, we are to humble ourselves before the Lord so that He may exalt us in His timing.
The Field of Inheritance
As believers, we have an amazing inheritance. In this story the Lord commands Jeremiah to buy a field from his uncle in his hometown of Anathoth. Jeremiah is unlikely to get any benefit from the field, but he is to buy it anyway. God uses this event to promise future restoration of Israel. Fields will again be bought and sold in the land. This is a message of hope and promise in a time of destruction.
Following Jesus
We sing songs about following Jesus. We read Bible verses about following Jesus. But what does it mean to follow Jesus in our daily lives?
The Full Gospel
Many today are stopping short on the gospel. The Catholics and many others have a crucified "Jesus" (another Jesus) laying around. The problem is that even some Independent Baptists are heading the same direction. What does the Bible say about the Gospel?
The Gospel of Jesus Christ
The gospel of Jesus Christ is His death, burial and resurrection according to the scriptures. This is often viewed as just the starting point for the Christian life. In truth, it is central to our life in Christ after salvation as well.
The Gospel According to Isaiah
Isaiah spoke about the gospel long before the birth of Jesus Christ.
God's Plan to Heal the Snake Bitten Israelites
God's people had sinned and He sent fiery serpents among them which bit them. However, God also gave a way of escape to those who would look and live.
So Many Denominations
What is the difference in denominations and how do you know who is right? Why do we add our own opinions of what we get from scriptures and make it a denomination totally separate from another group who claims to be following Christ also?