What is the tithe and how should we give it? Also should it be given from the gross or net?
"Pastor" Scriptural in the New Testament?
Why is it that Timothy and Titus are called pastoral epistles seeing that the only church authority and responsibility that Paul discusses are the eldership positions of the Bishop and Deacon?
The Money in the Church
Who should have the control of money that is given to the Church?
Is Christianity a Crime?
An article in the Daily Mail (England) on Thursday September 7th 2006 highlights the story of an evangelical Christian being arrested and charged recently after handing out leafletsat a gay rally in Cardiff, Wales.The leaflets contained the words of the 1611 King James Bible. The conclusion of the matteris that the Bible itself is hate speech and must be banned.
To and Fro
How fast is to and fro? Is it instantaneous or is it hours long when the devil went to and fro upon the earth in Job chapter one? Was it in seconds or did it take all day?
Husband of One Wife
We have been going over the qualifications of a bishop and I was wondering if a divorced man can Pastor or not?
The Victorious God (Daily Portion 10215)
This psalm proclaims a victorious God. He will defeat His enemies and cause His judgment to be heard. But He will save all the meek of the earth. Surely, this is a God to be feared.
The Coming Branch (Daily Portion 10210)
Zechariah speaks of the cleansing and service of Joshua, the high priest at the time of the return from Babylonian captivity. He also points to the coming of the BRANCH and the redemption of the land of Israel.
Offering the Firstfruits and Giving the Tithe (Daily Portion 10123)
The Israelites are instructed to offer the firstfruits of the land of Israel to the Lord and to give the tithe of the third year for the needy. This chapter closes by affirming the special relationship Israel has with God as His peculiar and holy people.